AP Test Dates 2023: Complete Calendar


Looking for the 2023 AP exam dates? We have the complete 2023 AP test dates as well as advice for getting through the busy May exam season. Keep reading to stay on top of your 2022-2023 study schedule and to get tips for dealing with the stress of endless AP tests!


What Is the 2023 AP Schedule?

The 2023 AP Exams will be administered as a paper-and-pencil test from May 1–5 and May 8–12. The only exceptions to this rule are for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese tests, which are administered on computer.

If you're a student who's taking lots of AP classes and finds you have two tests scheduled at the same time on the same day, the College Board has a late-testing schedule that can accommodate the changes you need. You can learn more about the late-testing schedule here.

At this point, the College Board has not announced any changes to the 2023 AP Exam schedule due to COVID-19. However, you can always check our COVID-19 article for up-to-date information on any AP Exam changes.


AP Exams: Week 1

The first week of the 2023 AP Exams runs from Monday, May 1st to Friday, May 5th. Morning exams will be taken at 8:00 AM local time, afternoon exams will be taken at 12:00PM local time.


Week 1 AP Exam Schedule

Date 8:00 AM (Local Time) 12:00 PM (Local Time)
Monday, May 1 United States Government and Politics


Spanish Literature and Culture

Tuesday, May 2

Chinese Language and Culture

Environmental Science

Wednesday, May 3 English Literature and Composition

Comparative Government and Politics

Computer Science A

Thursday, May 4

Human Geography




Friday, May 5

European History

United States History

Art History



Art and Design: Friday, May 5th, 2023 is the last day for AP coordinators to submit digital AP 2-D Art and Design, 3-D Art and Design, and Drawing portfolios (by 8:00 PM ET) and to gather 2-D Art and Design and Drawing students for physical portfolio assembly. Teachers should forward completed digital Art and Design portfolios to coordinators before this date.


AP Exams: Week 2

The second week of the 2023 AP Exams runs from Monday, May 8th to Friday, May 12th. Morning exams will be taken at 8:00 AM local time, afternoon exams will be taken at 12:00 PM local time or 2:00 PM local time.

Date Morning (8:00 AM local time) Afternoon (12:00 PM local time) Afternoon (2:00 PM local time)
Monday, May 8

Calculus AB

Calculus BC

Computer Science Principles

Italian Language and Culture

Tuesday, May 9

English Language and Composition

Japanese Language and Culture

Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Wednesday, May 10 Spanish Language and Culture Biology  
Thursday, May 11

French Language and Culture

World History: Modern

Physics 1: Algebra-Based  
Friday, May 12

German Language and Culture

Music Theory


Physics 2: Algebra Based




How to Stay Focused During the AP Exam Period

It can be tough to manage your time in May and feel prepared for each AP test—whether you're taking two AP exams or five!

I'm actually pretty familiar with the AP time crunch. In my last three years of high school, I had multiple exams every May, and each year had a different but equally challenging schedule. Sophomore year I had three AP tests in one week. Junior year I took two tests in two days. Senior year was more of a marathon: I took four tests, stretching from the first day of testing to the last!



Whether your AP schedule feels like a sprint or a marathon, you can expect it to be challenging.


From experience, I know it can be challenging to keep your energy and motivation up during the exam period. So my main piece of advice is to memorize your AP exam schedule as early as possible so you can start preparing for May.

As an example, if you realize you're going to have three AP tests in three days, you should get all of your studying out of the way before AP exams start. This way you can focus on staying rested during the exam period and not stress yourself out with last-minute cramming.

On the other hand, if you have tests on the first Monday, the second Monday, and the last Friday of the exam period, you should plan to do some studying during May for your last two tests. That said, definitely prioritize the test you're taking soonest, and make sure you're prepared for it before May rolls around.

Consult the tables above and figure out what your AP exam schedule looks like for 2023. Next, follow our rules for staying focused and motivated during May.


#1: Don't Cram!

By May, you should have learned all major concepts and taken at least one practice exam for each AP test you're taking. Trying to pull off last-minute studying during the exam period, such as by rushing through a prep book or taking tons of practice exams, will just stress you out. You'll study more effectively if you give yourself plenty of time.

If you finish major studying before May, you can use any extra time to review tricky concepts and to ensure you're getting enough rest.


#2: Focus on Your Weak Points

If you have one exam that you know is going to be the hardest for you, prioritize any extra time you have in May toward that test.

For example, if you're taking both AP Calculus AB and AP US History—and you're pretty confident about Calculus—you can use any extra time in May to keep working on AP US History. Memorize dates, practice essay questions, or review your notes.

If you try to spend equal time on every upcoming exam in May, you risk spreading yourself too thin. Again, this is why it's so important to begin studying early so you have enough time to learn all the major concepts for your tests well before May!



#3: Timing Is Everything

When doing practice sections in April or May—either multiple choice or free response—be sure to time yourself strictly so you're prepared for actual AP test timing.

Earlier in the year, it's appropriate to take a few untimed multiple choice or free-response sections. But right before your AP tests, you need to make sure that you're prepared for what the actual exam timing will be like. Do this, and it'll make taking the AP tests much less stressful, since you'll be used to the time constraints!



#4: Don't Burn Yourself Out

If you have multiple exams in a week, or two days in a row (or two in a day!), limit heavy studying during that time and instead confirm that you're getting enough rest. Right before an AP test, getting enough sleep and eating a healthy, balanced breakfast or lunch will do far more to improve your score than will memorizing a few more facts or doing one more practice test.


#5: Be Self-Reflective

If you're the type to obsess over studying and get really anxious about tests, try to actively make time to do something fun or get some exercise in during the AP exam period. Whether that's doing yoga, going for a run, or reading your favorite book, taking time to relax is key, since anxiety can (and will!) negatively affect your performance on test day.

However, if you're having a tough time staying motivated late in the year and have been slacking on studying, definitely take the time you have left in May to do some practice sections or review key terms. Remember, finishing strong and doing well on your AP tests is important to getting the most out of your AP classes!


#6: Don't Forget Your Other Classes

Most teachers should be sympathetic about homework and assignments during the AP test period, but you still want to be sure that your schedule isn't crammed with cramming in case you have to deal with non-AP class assignments, too.

Your high school GPA is very important for college admissions, so don't let AP exams completely distract you from your other classes!


#7: Remember Your Goals

Whether you're hoping to ace AP Spanish so you won't have to take a language in college, or you're aiming for high scores across the board to make you competitive for top schools, don't lose track of your goals during May.

Even though it can be exhausting and stressful to have a handful of AP exams, make sure to keep your reasons for taking the tests in the back of your mind. This will give you the motivation you need to finish strong and pass your exams!




What About AP Test Dates for Future Years?

You might be wondering what the AP exam schedule is for 2024 and beyond. Unfortunately, we cannot predict the schedule exactly. This is because the AP Calendar tends to change a bit from year to year. Since there are always slight changes, we can't say for certain what the 2024 calendar will look like—even though the changes from year to year are often minor.

Here are the schedules from the last five years, with changes from the previous year highlighted in yellow:


2022 AP Testing Schedule

Week 1 (2022)

Date 8:00 AM (Local Time) 12:00 PM (Local Time)
Monday, May 2 Japanese Language and Culture
United States Government and Politics
Spanish Literature and Culture
Tuesday, May 3 Environmental Science Psychology
Wednesday, May 4 English Literature and Composition Comparative Government and Politics
Computer Science A
Thursday, May 5 Human Geography
Friday, May 6 European History
United States History
Art History


Week 2 (2022)

Date Morning (8:00 AM local time) Afternoon (12:00 PM local time) Afternoon (2:00 PM local time)
Monday, May 9 Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Computer Science Principles
Italian Language and Culture
Tuesday, May 10 English Language and Composition Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Wednesday, May 11 Chinese Language and Culture
Spanish Language and Culture
Thursday, May 12 French Language and Culture
World History
Physics 1: Algebra-Based  
Friday, May 13 German Language and Culture
Music Theory
Physics 2: Algebra Based



2021 AP Testing Schedule

Week 1 (2021)

Date 8:00 AM (Local Time) 12:00 PM (Local Time)
Monday, May 3 Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electromagnetism
Tuesday, May 4

Calculus AB

Calculus BC

German Language and Culture

Human Geography

Wednesday, May 5 English Literature and Composition

Japanese Language and Culture

Physics 1: Algebra-Based

Thursday, May 6 United States History

Art History

Computer Science A

Friday, May 7


Spanish Literature and Culture

European History

Physics 2: Algebra-Based


Week 2 (2021)

Date Morning (8:00 AM local time) Afternoon (12:00 PM local time)
Monday, May 10

French Language and Culture

World History: Modern

Tuesday, May 11


Spanish Language and Culture



Wednesday, May 12

English Language and Composition


Music Theory

Friday, May 14


Italian Language and Culture

Chinese Language and Culture

Environmental Science

Monday, May 17

Comparative Government and Politics

Computer Science Principles




2020 AP Testing Schedule

Week 1 (2020)

  Morning (8 AM) Afternoon (12 PM) Evening (2 PM)
Monday, May 11 Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism United States Government and Politics
Tuesday, May 12 Latin Calculus AB

Calculus BC
Human Geography
Wednesday, May 13 Physics 2: Algebra-Based English Literature and Composition European History
Thursday, May 14 Spanish Literature and Culture Chemistry Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Friday, May 15 Art History United States History Computer Science A


Week 2 (2020)

  Morning (8 AM) Afternoon (12 PM) Evening (2 PM)
Monday, May 18 Chinese Language and Culture Biology Environmental Science
Tuesday, May 19 Music Theory Psychology Japanese Language and Culture

Italian Language and Culture
Wednesday, May 20 German Language and Culture English Language and Composition Microeconomics
Thursday, May 21 French Language and Culture World History: Modern Macroeconomics
Friday, May 22 Comparative Government and Politics Statistics Spanish Language and Culture



2019 AP Testing Schedule

Week 1 (2019)

Morning (8 am) Afternoon (12 pm)
Monday (May 6)
United States Government and Politics Chinese Language and Culture
Environmental Science
Tuesday (May 7)
Seminar Japanese Language and Culture
Spanish Language and Culture Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Wednesday (May 8)
English Literature and Composition European History
French Language and Culture
Thursday (May 9)
Chemistry German Language and Culture
Spanish Literature and Culture Psychology
Friday (May 10)
United States History Computer Science Principles
Physics 2: Algebra-Based



Week 2 (2019)

Morning (8am) Afternoon (12pm) Afternoon (2pm)
Monday (May 13)
Biology Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Tuesday (May 14)
Calculus AB Art History
Calculus BC Human Geography
Wednesday (May 15)
English Language and Composition Italian Language and Culture
Thursday (May 16)
Comparative Government and Politics Statistics
World History
Friday (May 17)
Microeconomics Computer Science A
Music Theory Latin



2018 AP Testing Schedule

Week 1 (2018)

Morning (8 am) Afternoon (12 pm)
Monday (May 7)
Chemistry Psychology
Spanish Literature and Culture
Tuesday (May 8)
Seminar Art History
Spanish Language and Culture Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Wednesday (May 9)
English Literature and Composition Japanese Language and Culture
Physics 2: Algebra-Based
Thursday (May 10)
United States Government and Politics Chinese Language and Culture
Environmental Science
Friday (May 11)
German Language and Culture Computer Science Principles
United States History



Week 2 (2018)

Morning (8am) Afternoon (12pm) Afternoon (2pm)
Monday (May 14)
Biology Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Music Theory
Tuesday (May 15)
Calculus AB French Language and Culture
Calculus BC Computer Science A
Wednesday (May 16)
English Language and Composition Italian Language and Culture
Thursday (May 17)
Comparative Government and Politics Statistics
World History
Friday (May 18)
Human Geography Latin
Microeconomics European History


The AP testing schedule from 2022 to 2023 didn't change much, but past years have had a lot of difference from year to year. While there was understandably a lot of change in 2020 due to COVID, there was also quite a bit of change in AP test scheduling from 2018 to 2019—nearly half of all the AP exams moved around time- or day-wise (although most of the change happened to tests in the afternoon of week 1).

If you look back five or even 10 years, the dates change more, and the exams evolve as well. Some AP tests have been added over time (such as the new Physics exams), and some have been taken away, such as French Literature and Studio Art.

In short, you can expect the AP test schedule for the next year or two to look somewhat similar to the 2023 schedule—but you can't do any longer-term planning beyond that!




What's Next?

Learn more about AP tests—how long they are, how many you should take, and which ones are the easiest and hardest for students.

Also studying for the SAT or ACT? Develop a target SAT score based on your top schools (ACT version here).

Studying for the SAT? Check out our complete guide to the SAT. Taking the ACT instead? Then get a complete guide to the ACT.



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About the Author
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Halle Edwards

Halle Edwards graduated from Stanford University with honors. In high school, she earned 99th percentile ACT scores as well as 99th percentile scores on SAT subject tests. She also took nine AP classes, earning a perfect score of 5 on seven AP tests. As a graduate of a large public high school who tackled the college admission process largely on her own, she is passionate about helping high school students from different backgrounds get the knowledge they need to be successful in the college admissions process.

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