CEEB Code Lookup: Step-by-Step Guide

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What on earth is a CEEB code anyway? As you may know, it's really just an identification number, though there's a bit more to it than that. So the real question becomes: why do I care about CEEB codes? Well, CEEB codes are the identifiers that help get SAT (and other) data communicated to the correct high schools, colleges, test centers, etc. In fact, they're a crucial part of the SAT process.

Now, while CEEB codes are necessary to register for the SAT and to get your scores reported to the right schools and scholarship programs, most online forms have an automatic CEEB code lookup and fill-in feature that lets you skip that process yourself. There are still a few reasons you might need to look up your CEEB code, though. For instance, not all forms are online, and not all online forms have the auto-fill feature, so you may find yourself in need of that number as you communicate with the College Board or a college.



CEEB Code Lookup Process

No matter what CEEB code you need or why you need it, you'll want to start in the same place—the College Board website. While this official option is probably your best bet, bear in mind that there are other places to look up this data. A quick Google search should reveal a handful of schools and other higher education organizations providing their own tools for the process.

There are several types of locations, organizations, etc. that can be identified by CEEB codes. Let's take some time to walk through each of them.

body_magnifyingglass-4.jpgThe search will be elementary, my dear Watson.


High School Codes

CEEB codes for high schools are six digits long

From our home base, you're ready to dive in. If you're in the United States, leave the first field as is (if not, pick the appropriate country):



Next, choose your school's state:



Then, you'll need to actually type in the name of your school's city:



Finally, type your school's five-digit zip code (if you know it), and hit the submit button:



If you don't know the zip code, you can still hit submit. In fact, you can leave blank any field you don't know and still do a search:



You can now choose your school from the list of results. There's only one in this example, but if more than one school comes up, they'll be listed in alphabetical order.


body_school-4.jpgThey don't have to look so cheery about everything, am I right?



Test Center Codes

Test centers have CEEB codes that are five digits long.

The process for finding CEEB codes for test centers is very similar to finding them for schools, yet it branches off early. From home base, go ahead and click the "Find Test Centers" link: 



That should take you to a page that looks something like this:



Go ahead and do what it says: select the test date (if you know it). Then, keep on going: 



You'll note that the country and state (where applicable) are required this time around. At any rate, fill out what you can and hit the submit button:



You'll see a list of all the test centers in the given area that allow testing on the date you specified.


body_mortarboard.pngWhat better way to celebrate scholastic achievement than with a funny hat?



College and Scholarship Codes

These CEEB codes are four digits long.

This process is not as snazzy and up-to-date as the other categories'. Start at the College Board's home base.



Go ahead and choose the relevant option, either "SAT Code List: Domestic Edition" for anything within the United States, or "SAT Code List: International Edition" for anything outside the United States. Clicking on the appropriate link will take you to a large pdf with very small print. The relevant portion of the document starts on page 20 of the domestic booklet (page eight of the international booklet).

The good news is that the pdf should be searchable on your computer; so, if, for instance, finding the "College and Scholarship Progam Codes" portion of the book, looking up New Hampshire, and trying to find Dartmouth College is daunting, you can try pressing Ctrl+F and typing in the school's name. You can also zoom in.



College Major Codes

These CEEB codes are three digits long

This process is exactly the same as for Colleges and Scholarships (see above), only the relevant portion of the document starts on page 27 of the domestic booklet (page 15 of the international booklet).


body_passionbook-1.jpgWhat are you passionate enough about to major in? 


Country Codes

These CEEB codes are also three digits long.

Once again, the process is exactly the same as for Colleges and Scholarships (see above), only you must elect the international edition. The list starts on page three.



What If I Can't Find My CEEB Code?

Okay, that's all well and good, but what if you still can't find your CEEB code?

One option is to make a phone call to the school (if you're looking up a school), or to the organization that has requested the form you're filling out. Never be afraid to contact the entity for which you're completing a form.

Also, sometimes there may be a "Can't Find" option on the form which will enable you to enter the information manually. Also, note that 970000 is the CEEB code for homeschooling, 000003 is the code for an unlisted domestic school, and 000004 is the code for an unlisted international school.

If you really, truly can't find the code anywhere, put down all zeroes, i.e. 000000.


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Conclusion: Tips for CEEB Code Lookup

CEEB codes are funny little numbers. In this article, we've gone over what they are and when they're needed. Let's review some key points:

  • Most forms that require CEEB codes will auto-fill them for you.

  • If you're looking for a CEEB code, the best place to start is the College Board website.

  • 970000 is the CEEB code for homeschooling, 000003 is the code for an unlisted domestic school, and 000004 is the code for an unlisted international school.

  • If you can't find the code you need, look for a "Can't Find" option or enter all zeroes.

Now, go forth and CEEB!


What's Next?

Do a little poking around to see what else there is to know about CEEB codes, whether they're called CEEB codes or SAT codes.

Also, make sure you're thoroughly prepared to make the SAT count. Discover how to study for the test in the best way possible.

If you're gearing up to use CEEB codes to send your scores to a college, pause a moment to do some reading about what you should know first.



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About the Author
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Vero Lecocq

Vero is a firsthand expert at standardized testing and the college application process. Though neither parent had graduated high school, and test prep was out of the question, she scored in the 99th percentile on both the SAT and ACT, taking each test only once. She attended Dartmouth, graduating as salutatorian of 2013. She later worked as a professional tutor. She has a great passion for the arts, especially theater.

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