The 5 Best Business Majors to Launch Your Career


Some students know exactly what they want to major in long before applying to college. For the rest of us, choosing a college major is a big decision, and we have to consider future job prospects as well as the coursework you’ll encounter while at school. Business majors open the door to jobs that require a Bachelors’ degree, and they will allow you to secure a wide range of jobs in the corporate world.

The great thing about top business majors is that you get a well-rounded education, and get to learn about the cross-section of creativity and data, all while preparing for a rewarding career where you get to see the results of your hard work on a daily basis. The other awesome thing is that “business” is broad and there’s a lot of different industries, so by majoring in business you can give yourself the opportunity to work in a field you’re passionate about.


What Is the Best Business Major? How to Pick the Best Major for You

What are the best business majors? When majoring in business, most people assume that business is one all - degree. However, students who attend the business school of their university have the option to major in several different subjects that all fall under the business umbrella. So once you know you want to work in the business world, it's important to ask yourself how you envision your future in school and beyond so you can pick the best business major for you.


Career Vision

Before choosing among the types of business major, you first need to consider what it is you actually want to do in the business world. There are a lot of opportunities and career paths, and not knowing exactly what you want to do is totally okay. You have time to explore that in college and you may even figure it out after getting some career experience. But you should at least have some idea what you want your life to look like, then you can pick your major accordingly.


Career Growth

Since the state of the economy is ever-changing, you want to look carefully at your career of choice and its projected growth. Keep in mind that while the numbers may look good now, they can change and you want to make sure your major and future career are flexible enough to adapt to changes. A major (especially a business major) thankfully doesn’t lock you into one field or career or one job forever. Make sure to choose something that you know can be as versatile as our fast-growing world of business.



Of course, potential salary can play a huge part in what major we choose. Just as many careers promise higher earning potential than others, some business majors can lead to higher earning potential. Additionally, many business majors start out with salaries that are less than they’d like, but salaries increase significantly with experience, and they can increase even more with advanced degrees or professional certificates.



As a business major, you have to consider what type of business you want to work at. While there is a need for business majors all over the world, you have to consider whether you’re interested in working in a small town and helping the local economy grow, or at a major corporation, in which case you’ll have to go to a larger city. There’s plenty of opportunities out there, and it’s up to you to figure out where you see yourself.




The Best Business Majors

While there is some variation between universities, these popular majors are found in most business programs. This business majors list includes each of the business majors that have the potential to lead you down the right path to finding fulfillment in your life and career.


Business Administration

Business administration is one of the most popular majors for undergraduates. Students take courses in everything relating to running and managing a business, including business law, finance, accounting, marketing, project management, leadership, and more.

Business administration is great for those who want to be in management positions one day, as well as for people who want to be entrepreneurs, business analysts, and more. Furthering your education with an MBA (Masters in Business Administration) will qualify you for management jobs in companies all over the world.

Business administration is great for those who want to be in management positions one day, as well as for people who want to be entrepreneurs, business analysts, and more. Furthering your education with an MBA (Masters in Business Administration) will qualify you for management jobs in companies all over the world, and business administration is one of the best business majors to help you achieve your management goals.

Common jobs for business administration majors: Logistician, operations manager, business analyst, manager, business consultant, business executive, sales manager, financial analyst, human resources manager, business development analyst/manager. Accountant, financial manager, customer relations/community manager.

Job growth: 10% over 10 years (2016-2026)

Average starting salary: $48,000



Marketing is a major for those who want to pursue the task of getting attention for the business and ensuring that the business’s brand awareness matches the product or service offered. As a marketing major, you will learn about the fundamentals of business and advertising, as well as consumer behavior and how to analyze data.

Marketing is a data-heavy major, where you will learn how to interpret statistics and creatively find ways to use your knowledge to increase brand awareness/interaction, and ultimately, generate more money for the company.

Common jobs for marketing majors: Publicist, public relations, marketing manager, marketing analyst, product manager, brand manager, social media manager, advertising.

Job growth: 10% over 10 years (2016-2026) but the growth for marketing analysts is 23% in that same timeframe.

Average starting salary: $41,000





Talented financial analysts and financial managers are highly sought after at all kinds of companies. In short, your education as a finance major will focus around how to help a company make money. All businesses need to make money, and a finance major will learn about statistics, money management, budgeting, financial planning, and fundraising. You will also learn about managing investments and understanding economic principles in the marketplace.

Financial analysts and managers are an essential part of any business, and this major is heavy on math and interpreting data. If you know you like logic and math and are a creative problem solver with a critical eye, a finance major may be right for you. It's also one of the best business majors salary-wise, with the highest starting salary out of any of the types of business majors.

Common jobs for finance majors: Financial analyst, financial specialist, financial manager, budget analyst, budget manager, investor relations manager, financial planner, risk manager, actuary, accountant.

Job growth: 11% over 10 years (2016-2026)

Average starting salary: $56,000


International Business

International business majors are similar to business administration majors, except that their coursework also focuses on international business law and global economics. International business majors take a more analytical approach, as careers tend to focus on the logistics and operations of global businesses as opposed to day to day internal management.

Common jobs for international business majors: Operations manager, logistics manager, global marketing manager, development associate/manager, growth analyst.

Job growth: 8% over 10 years (2016-2026)

Average starting salary: $51,000



All businesses need accountants. Accounting majors focus on math, data, and the principles and ethics of accounting. Accounting majors will also learn to use formulas and software to do their jobs, and they need to be analytical and extremely detail-oriented. Accounting majors may also learn how to interpret their data and how to report on the results.

Common jobs for accounting majors: Accountant, CPA, tax examiner, credit analyst, tax preparer, payroll specialist, tax auditor, financial manager, financial analyst, financial examiner, budget manager, budget analyst.

Job growth: 10% over 10 years (2016-2026)

Average starting salary: $49,000


Summary: What Is the Best Business Major?

Our business majors list hopefully helped you review your options and choose among the best business majors for the one that's right for you. Top business majors have a wealth of opportunities and growth at their fingertips. Business is an exciting and growing field that can open up doors to all kinds of exciting places. As someone researching different types of business majors, you’ll be able to make the best of all these opportunities and secure a satisfying career. Many colleges and universities offer business programs, so the good news is that you’ll have lots of choices in your college search, too. Business is a world with wide open possibilities, and getting one of the best business majors gets you started on the right foot.


What's Next?

Are you trying to pick your college major? Read about the 5 key factors to choosing a major, and how to pick a major for your college applications. You can also read about the 14 easiest majors and 4 reasons to major in a foreign language.

If you're working on your college applications, check out this list of 5 tools to prepare for college interviews and how to build a versatile application.



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About the Author

Carrie holds a Bachelors in Writing, Literature, and Publishing from Emerson College, and is currently pursuing an MFA. She worked in book publishing for several years, and believes that books can open up new worlds. She loves reading, the outdoors, and learning about new things.

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