SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

5 Reasons the New SAT Changes Aren't Revolutionary

Today the makers of the SAT test announced some changes coming up in the next few years to focus better on academic skills. The changes were supposed to come in 2015 originally, but due to some bugs, they were delayed until at least 2016.  Even today, a precise launch date isn't set yet.

The purported changes include reducing emphasis on vocabulary, making the essay optional, changing from a 2400 scale to 1600, and eliminating the guessing penalty, and more.  What does this mean for you?

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What Athletes Need to Know About SAT Prep

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Posted by Dr. Fred Zhang


Are you an athlete in high school?  Then you know that you face challenges above and beyond everyone else: you need to attend practice and go to games; your schedule is already filled to the brink; and you still have to look out for athletic recruiters and scholarships!

Here are some big SAT prep tips for athletes—some that apply to everyone but especially to athletes, and others that are athlete exclusive.

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How to Early Prepare for the SAT

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Posted by Dr. Fred Zhang


One of the most common times to take the SAT is during junior year of high school (11th grade).  Is it too early to get started on the SAT preparation if you start before junior year — say freshman year or even middle school?  What can you do to help with the SAT during the early years?

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The Relation between SAT Scores and Academic Achievement

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Posted by Dr. Fred Zhang


You're a top student in your class—does that mean you can skip SAT prep because your GPA will carry you?  Or you're just average in the class, does that mean you can't do well on the SAT?

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Preparing for the SAT: How Many Hours is Enough?

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Posted by Dr. Fred Zhang


Students online considering preparing for the SAT generally all have one big question: how many hours should I study for the SAT?  When does prepping for the SAT become a waste of time?  

The short answer is that every hour helps, and unless you've already studied for 100 hours or more, it's not a waste of time yet.  Why do you think that is?

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