SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

What Is SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing?

Makers of the new SAT have decided that the Reading and Writing sections go together like peanut butter and jelly. Instead of treating them separately, College Board now combines Reading and Writing together in the same section.

This guide will go over the Reading and Writing section of the SAT and how this new format affects your test prep. To begin, let’s define this new section on the SAT.

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How to Ace SAT Writing/ACT English for Math and Science People

Are you a math or science person who feels intimidated by SAT Writing or ACT English? Do you think that your natural abilities will prevent you from doing well on the Writing and English sections? This article should alleviate your concerns.

I'll let you know how you can excel on Writing or English even if you're more skilled in math and science. Furthermore, I'll provide you with important tips and strategies that will enable your success.

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Organization Questions on SAT Writing: Tips and Tricks

 The SAT Writing and Language section tests you on where to place sentences within a paragraph and where to place paragraphs within a passage. You may not know exactly how to approach these questions if you've never encountered these types of questions on other tests. Fortunately, organization questions aren't overly difficult if you know how to recognize and approach them.

In this article, I'll do the following:

  • Explain the different types of organization questions on SAT Writing
  • Provide a step-by-step approach to answering each type of organization questions
  • Offer tips to help you answer organization questions on the SAT.
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Add/Delete Questions on SAT Writing: 6 Steps to Answer

Add/Delete questions require you to determine whether a sentence should be added or deleted from a passage. There are multiple add/delete questions on SAT Writing, so figuring out how to tackle these questions is imperative to improving your Writing score.

In this post, I'll do the following:

  • Explain add/delete questions
  • Teach you the basic constructions of add/delete questions
  • Provide example questions
  • Give you strategies and a step-by-step approach for answering these questions
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Possessives and Apostrophes on SAT Writing: 4 Key Tips

Do you know how to determine if a noun should have an apostrophe? Do you know where to place apostrophes in possessive nouns? Do you know when to use there vs. they're? These are all topics that are tested on the SAT.

The SAT Writing section has questions about possessive nouns and pronouns. In this article, I'll provide you with all the rules and strategies to correctly answer these questions.

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The Best Way to Read the SAT Writing Passages

The format of the SAT Writing section is very unique, and you may not have taken a test with a similar format. To reach your target score, you're going to need a specific approach to tackle the passage-based questions.

In this article, I will explain the various approaches you can take when reading the SAT Writing passages, and I'll guide you on how to identify the strategy that will work best for you.

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How to Analyze Data Graphics on SAT Reading and Writing

On both the Reading and Writing sections of the SAT, there are questions that incorporate graphs, charts, and tables. On the Reading section, the Official SAT Study Guide refers to these questions as "interpreting data presented in informational graphics." On the Writing section, they're referred to as "drawing connections between words and data." Both question types contribute to your Command of Evidence subscore.

For the purposes of brevity and clarity, I'll call the Reading and Writing questions that use data and graphics quantitative questions. In this article, I'll explain the different types of quantitative questions on Reading and Writing. Furthermore, I'll give you example questions and strategies to help you correctly answer quantitative questions on the SAT.

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SAT Punctuation: Tips for Commas, Colons, and Dashes


The SAT Reading and Writing section will test you on your knowledge of punctuation. Understandably, many students are utterly confused by commas and semicolons and clueless when it comes to colons and dashes.

In this article, I'll eliminate your confusion and explain all of the punctuation rules you need to know to ace SAT Reading and Writing. Furthermore, I'll provide practice questions to test you on what you've learned.

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What Is SAT Writing and Language? 5 Tips to Excel

Stephen King once wrote, "To write is human, to edit is divine." Anyone who has written papers for school knows that first, second, and even third drafts can be full of errors. Through editing and revising, you can polish a piece of writing into its best form.

The Writing and Language section of the SAT asks you to be that "divine" editor. It asks you to improve paragraphs that contain both little picture mistakes and big picture weaknesses.

Writing and Language will be combined with your Reading score, but it’s a unique section that requires its own specific approach to prep. This guide is your first stop for preparing for the Writing and Language section of the SAT; read on to learn everything you need to know!

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Transition Questions on SAT Reading and Writing: Tips and Examples

In writing, transitions are important because they help establish logical connections between ideas. On the SAT Reading and Writing section, questions about transitions are an important component of the test. In this article, I explain the types of transition questions on the SAT and provide detailed advice on how to correctly answer these questions.

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The 9 SAT Grammar Rules You Must Know

The digital SAT's Reading and Writing section contains questions that test your knowledge of grammar and writing style. By learning the grammar rules that are tested on SAT Reading and Writing, you'll be preparing yourself to do exceptionally well on this section, and you'll be one step closer to achieving your target score.

In this article, I'll explain the most important SAT grammar rules and provide related examples from the official practice tests.

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The New SAT Writing: What's Changing?

March 5, 2016 shall be a monumental day in SAT history. The format of the SAT will officially change for the first time since 2005. Each section of the test, including SAT Writing, will undergo significant changes.

In this article, I'll explain the content and format changes to SAT Writing and provide guidance for how to prepare for the SAT Writing and Language section. If you follow the advice in this guide, you'll be prepared to get an amazing score on the SAT Writing in 016 and beyond.

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Full Analysis of SAT Grammar Rules: Which Are Most Important?

When you are planning your study approach for SAT Writing, it’s important to know where your time is best spent.

Which grammar rules are really the most important to learn? What can help you make the greatest improvement to your score?

Read on to find out exactly how much each grammar rule matters and how you can use this information on the test.

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SAT Writing Prep: The Best Methods and Strategies

I’ve spent the past decade teaching SAT prep classes and helping hundreds of students prepare for the SAT Writing section. After taking my class, many of my former students were able to improve their SAT Writing scores by more than 200 points. My experience has taught me that having a disciplined, focused approach to your SAT prep will allow you to maximize your score.

In this article, I have given you the best advice I have for preparing for SAT Writing. Using these methods will enable you to use your study time wisely and master the skills you need to be an SAT Writing superstar.

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The Top 9 SAT Writing Strategies You Must Use

Efficiency and organization are vitally important to successful SAT Writing preparation. If you don't have a good game plan for your preparation, you're likely to waste time on things that may not be helping you improve your SAT Writing score. Implementing specific, proven strategies during your SAT Writing prep will allow you to make the best use of your time and fully prepare yourself for the SAT Writing section.
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