2015 & 2016 Full Review of All SAT Test Dates


We go through exact SAT test dates for 2015 and 2016 for freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and tell you the advantage of each testing date.

I’ll break it down date-by-date and class-by-class so you can easily figure out the best time for you to take the test.


Fall 2015

October 3rd, 2015

Freshmen and Sophomores

It’s probably not worth it for you to take the test on this date, especially because the new SAT comes out in 2016, and taking this SAT is only going to provide partially relevant practice.



We recommend that you take the SAT for the first time your junior fall, and this is the ideal date to do it. This date is also the first one after the summer, so it’s a good time to take the test and see whether your summer studying has paid off. 



This is an ideal date for seniors as well, especially if you’re applying early decision to colleges. Also, you’ll find out your results on October 22nd, which gives you enough time to study for the test date in December if you’re still unsatisfied and are applying regular decision.


Question and Answer Service or Student Answer Service? QAS

If you don’t know what these are, they're services the College Board offers for you to review your scores on the SAT more thoroughly (read more about them here). Some test dates offer the QAS and some offer the SAS. The QAS is more in-depth, so I will list which service is offered for each date in case some of you want to pick a date that allows you to order the QAS.


November 7th, 2015

Freshmen and Sophomores

Don’t take the test on this date. You’ll be taking the new SAT in 2016, and the old SAT will only provide partially relevant practice.



This is one of your last chances to take the old SAT, so it’s a good date for you. You will still have the January test date to take the old SAT again if you don’t do well (you’re not going to have much time to react in between getting your scores back and the December test date).



On the whole, you shouldn’t bother with this test date. You won’t get your scores for November back in time to study much for the December test, so you should just wait and take that one. 

You might take the November SAT as a senior if you’re really intent on getting better scores on different sections for superscoring, and you’re going to take the December test regardless of your November scores (great!). You might also take it if you didn’t take the SAT in October and are applying Early Decision to colleges. November test scores are the latest scores that most schools accept from Early Decision applicants.


Question and Answer Service or Student Answer Service? SAS


December 5th, 2015

Freshmen and Sophomores

Again, you probably don’t want to take the test on this date because it’s still going to be the old SAT.



You might be better off waiting for the January test date so you’ll have more time to study in between taking the SAT for the first time in the fall and your next attempt. The January test date is still offering the old SAT.



This is a prime test date for seniors. It's probably your last chance to take the SAT and submit your scores to colleges. Many schools (including Stanford) don’t accept scores from test dates later than December.


Question and Answer Service or Student Answer Service? SAS



This is the perfect time to coerce your friends and family into bringing you lots of cookies because you're studying so hard.


Winter and Spring 2016

January 23rd, 2016

Freshmen and Sophomores

It’s still going to be the old SAT, so the advice for the dates before this stands. Your time will come, young ones.



This is your last chance to take the old SAT, so it’s a good date for you! It will also be after your holiday break, so you will have had a nice chunk of time to devote to studying.



This could be a fallback test date for seniors. Make sure the colleges you’re applying to accept scores from test dates this late before you decide to take the SAT. 


Question and Answer Service or Student Answer Service? QAS


March 5th, 2016

Look out world, the new SAT is HERE!


Freshmen and Sophomores

Finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived. You would be smart to take the test on this date to get familiar with the new format. After you take it, you’ll have the whole summer to review your scores and study in an informed way.



Don’t necessarily aim for this test date. You can take the new SAT in March if you want, but it might be better to hold off until later so you'll have more time to study and better study materials are available.



Not applicable! Woo!


Question and Answer Service or Student Answer Service? SAS


May 7th, 2016

Freshmen and Sophomores

Just like with the March date, it could be a good idea for you to take the new SAT here to get a feel for what it’s like.



Again, you should probably hold off. Since the new SAT is so, well, “new”, most test prep resources are not up to speed on what you need to know.


Question and Answer Service or Student Answer Service? QAS


June 4th, 2016

Freshmen and Sophomores

This could also be a good date for you to check out the new SAT. You should probably go for a date earlier in the spring though because you don’t want to be taking the SAT at the same time as finals for your regular classes.



You still might want to wait until the fall to take the new SAT. A lot of test prep materials for the new SAT will come out in the summer of 2016, so you'll have better resources to prepare if you wait it out. 


Question and Answer Service or Student Answer Service? SAS


Special Sneak Peek: October 2016

All Years

This will be a good test date for everyone! By this time, lots of great prep materials for the new SAT will have come out, and you will have had the whole summer to study them. Go forth and conquer this new frontier. Fulfill your maniTEST destiny.


Question and Answer Service or Student Answer Service? QAS


What's Next?

Find out which exact dates you want to choose with our Table of SAT Test Dates.

Know which SAT test date you're going to pick? Get your studying started with these plans for sophomores and juniors, seniors, and a complete plan for everyone.

You should also figure out your target SAT score and decide how long you'll need to study for the test. 

Check out our tips for getting high scores on every section of the SAT so you can make the most of your studying! 



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About the Author
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Samantha Lindsay

Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar.

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