Taurus Compatibility: Find Your Best Match


The Taureans of the zodiac are ruled by the planet Venus, named for the Goddess of Love. But what is the earthy, romantic Taurus like in a loving relationship? And what are Taurus' most compatible signs for this kind of partnership?

If you're wondering what character traits make for Taurus' best match, we can indulge your curiosity: This article gives an honest take on Taurus' compatibility with each of the other star signs by doing the following:

  • Describing the core traits of the Taurus star sign
  • Explaining the traits that make for a good and bad match for Taurus
  • Ranking Taurus' compatible signs from least to most compatible
  • Offering three key takeaways for Taureans in relationships

Let's take a look!


body-taurus-taurean-symbolIn order to understand the best and worst Taurus compatible signs, you should know a little more about Taureans first!


Taurus Compatibility: Taurus Core Traits

Before we talk about which signs are compatible with Taurus, we should probably brush up on the core traits of Taureans.

People who are Taureans are born between April 20 to May 20. This sign is ruled by Venus, making Taureans arguably the earthiest folks in the zodiac. In general, Taurus is known for their practicality, loyalty, authenticity, and family values.

When Taureans are at their best, they're able to curate spaces and experiences that make others feel at home, comfortable, and pampered. This gift isn't reserved for guests, though: Taureans delight in building a sacred space within their home for those they care about. In fact, Taureans are incredibly dedicated to taking care of their loved ones!

Taureans work hard and show resolve in the face of any task, too. This star sign is known for bearing the emotional burdens of their loved ones on their strong shoulders, and a Taurus is typically willing to help anyone that's struggling.

If Taurus isn't having a great day, they have a tendency to chide those invited into their space, nitpicking about bad manners or disheveled appearances. While a Taurus normally thrives in harmonious surroundings, they can sometimes let their opinion-sharing morph into self-righteousness or stubbornness. (Did we mention that this sign is symbolized by the bull?) Because Taurus is often busy carrying the weight of their loved ones' problems, they can sometimes need extended periods of rest that can veer off into laziness.

Overall, Taureans make dependable, hardworking partners who know how to infuse even the most mundane aspects of life with a little bit of sparkle and a lot of care. Their charm and authenticity in love make a safe space for any friend or romantic partner they choose to invite in.

Of course, there's lots more to know about Taureans! Make sure you read through our complete guide to the Taurus zodiac sign for more info.




What Makes a Good Match for Taurus?

Now that you know what Taurus' core traits are, you might be asking yourself, "What is Taurus compatible with in regard to character traits in a significant other?"

Below, we'll explain the how and why of Taurus' compatibility with five character traits that these bullheaded lovers often look for in a mate.


Trait 1: Dedicated to Family

Taurus is a classic example of a star sign that delights in seeing their own core traits mirrored back to them in their friends and significant others. Foremost among the traits that Taurus hopes to share with their love is dedication to family.

Taureans look for a partner who will help them create a solid home base and family. A Taurus never tires of spending time with, caring for, and talking about family and friends. A partner who is willing to invest in both activities is likely to win Taurus's heart.


Trait 2: Unwavering Morals

Taureans are very black and white when it comes to morals. These deeply rooted, earthy individuals have a core set of values that aren't likely to change over time. When they see someone who's just as anchored, a Taurus will definitely take note.

Taureans look for friends and partners who have unwavering morals. They want people they can count on, and they definitely want a partner that's committed to the life and home they've built. Of course, it's best if a Taurus's romantic interest holds the same unwavering morals as they do, since their bull-headedness means they don't like to concede to another point of view.


Trait 3: Attentive Listening

Taureans are verbal processors, and they enjoy talking about the beautiful things in life—art, literature, politics, family, and more. This means that Taurus' best match must be a good listener. Someone who has the patience and attention span for sprawling conversations will make Taurus feel seen and loved.

Just as a Taurus desires a partner who will listen well, they're also looking for someone who engages them in conversation. Like most things in life, a Taurus views conversation as an art. A partner who can initiate stimulating conversations and respond thoughtfully to Taurus's many ideas with genuine interest and curiosity will find a relationship with Taurus to be an endless wellspring of entertainment, learning, and growth.



A Taurus can be old fashioned, so don't be surprised if they're more traditional. You probably won't see a Taurus sporting a wild hairdo or edgy fashion trends!


Trait 4: Traditionalism

Taureans tend to be a bit old-fashioned, and they prefer to live their lives according to a more traditional style. They tend to gravitate toward people who are also traditionalists.

Eccentricity and oddities may intrigue Taurus for a moment, but this star sign truly craves the familiarity of traditional values, style, decor, etiquette...and the list goes on. Taureans actually like a partner who is predictable. For a Taurus, being a traditionalist is a crucial part of that.


Trait 5: Financial Security/Stability

To build a home that's posh enough to satisfy a Taurus's tastes and accommodate their many friends and family members, this star sign needs a steady flow of...well, cash. This means that Taurus appreciates—and may even need—a partner who is financially stable.

Financial stability can manifest in different ways, but in general, a Taurus will take holding a steady job and investing oneself in a career path as a good sign. A Taurus loves a fellow hard worker, and a Taurus wants to know they can count on you through thick and thin.




What Makes a Bad Match for Taurus?

Unfortunately, not all signs are totally compatible with the dedicated, home-loving Taurus. We sum up five of these traits that make a poor match for Taurus below.


Trait 1: Inflexibility

Just because Taurus values dependability, stability, and unchanging morals doesn't mean they want a partner who can't be flexible. More than anything, inflexibility in a Taurus's romantic partner is a recipe for heartache for both parties, since Taurus's bullheaded ways will almost always plunge them into conflict when their partner is unwilling to budge.

It's safe to say that, because Taurus can be inflexible themselves, they need a partner who can be flexible, or else this couple will never get along. A flexible partner for Taurus is likely to know when to yield during a disagreement, and may they even be patient enough to come back around later and help Taurus see a different perspective.


Trait 2: Rule Breaking

As staunch traditionalists, Taureans aren't typically attracted to a rebel without a cause...or with a cause! A Taurus just doesn't like rule-breaking, no matter the circumstances. People who disregard the rules will keep a Taurus in a constant state of anxiety and frustration.

It's difficult for Taurus to feel safe and secure around a rule-breaker, which can lead a Taurus to attempt to bring a rule-breaking person back into order. These pairings will likely end with the two parties parting ways in search of more stability (Taurus) and/or more freedom (the rule-breaker).


Trait 3: Secretiveness

Taurus is known for their blunt, sometimes hurtful communication style. This star sign cares for others but also speaks their mind, which can lead more sensitive people to become secretive about what they're thinking or feeling. After all, no one likes to be judged!

The big problem is that if a Taurus suspects secretiveness, they'll immediately jump to the conclusion that a friend or partner is hiding something. When a Taurus senses that all cards aren't on the table in a romantic relationship, they can even become invasive and domineering in an effort to connect with their partner. What Taurus ultimately wants is for their partner to be open and honest; hiding thoughts and feelings will just cause conflict.



Even though Taureans are associated with the bull...sometimes they can behave more like a sloth!


Trait 4: Laziness

Taureans have a low tolerance for laziness in a relationship. A friend or partner who gives less than 100% will confuse and frustrate hardworking, straightforward Taurus, which may cause conflict in the relationship.

While Taurus is known for working very hard, when Taurus hits a low, they're known to descend into periods of inactivity. A Taurus sometimes requires a rest and respite from the many tasks that normally fill their days. That's another reason why a lazy partner isn't a good fit for a Taurus: sometimes, their partner may need to temporarily shoulder the burdens in the relationship.


Trait 5: Combativeness

It's no secret by now that a Taurus has a penchant for traditional values and strong morals. A trait that Taurus does not have a fondness for? The tendency to play devil's advocate.

A Taurus doesn't want to play games when it comes to their values, beliefs, and key decisions. This star sign prefers relationships with those who don't find amusement in challenging Taurus's thoroughly considered values and beliefs. Taureans really dislike people who argue just for argument's sake! Instead, a Taurus meshes well with those who share their love for tradition, not with people who are going to challenge tradition at every turn.




Who Are Taurus Compatible With? Each Star Sign Ranked from Least to Most Compatible

According to astrology, Taureans have varying levels of compatibility with each of the other signs of the zodiac, depending on the extent to which those signs are known to possess some of the character traits we just talked about.

Below, we'll break down Taurus' compatibility with each of the other star signs in terms of overall compatibility, compatibility for a passionate romantic relationship, friendship compatibility, and compatibility for healthy communication.

Sign Pairing Overall Compatibility Passion Friendship Communication
Taurus High High High High
Gemini Medium Medium Low Medium
Cancer High High Medium High
Leo Medium Medium Medium Low
Virgo High High High High
Libra Medium Medium High Medium
Scorpio High High High Medium
Sagittarius Low Medium Low Low
Capricorn High Medium High High
Aquarius Low Medium Low Low
Pisces High High High Medium
Aries Low Low Low Low


We'll explain how and why Taurus have low, mid, and high overall compatibility with each sign next.



When a Taurus partners with another Taurus or a Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, or Capricorn, it can seem like they've found their missing piece.


High Taurus Compatibility: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn

The list of Taurus' compatible signs is long, despite this star sign's bullheaded nature. These high Taurus-compatible signs include Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn.


Taurus and Taurus

Let's start with a Taurus-Taurus match. Taurus is a zodiac sign that thrives in a relationship with their mirror image, and a couple of earth-anchored Taureans are content to spend their time enjoying delicious cuisine in their expertly decorated, laughter-filled home.

Taureans respect the strong moral character and traditional values they find in each other, and they are content to spend their lives nurturing a family and building a legacy together. And since Taureans aren't likely to change, their relationships with each other are built to last!


Taurus and Cancer

Next, Taurus compatibility and Cancer have potential for a solid relationship as well. These star signs share a love for beautiful things, harmonious surroundings, and beautiful experiences. Add their mutual affinity for traditional values and nostalgic reminiscences, and a Taurus and a Cancer have a solid foundation.

While sensitive Cancer's will need to learn how not to take Taurus's bluntness personally, Cancer's sensitive nature combined with Taurus's occasional tough love makes these star signs an excellent duo as well. Where a Cancer will avoid conflict due to hurt feelings, a Taurus will be able to stand up for their partner in a way that makes both feel loved and needed.


Taurus and Virgo

Taurus and Virgo have many qualities to admire in each other. These two zodiac signs come together to form a rather highbrow relationship, with Virgo bringing intellectual vigor, and Taurus bringing an artistic, showy flair.

These signs can also balance each other, too. A Virgo's sensibility can help a Taurus keep their indulgent tendencies in check, but in private, these two are naturally sensual. When Virgo can resist their judgmental urges and Taurus can stay open minded, this pairing can be one that's never boring.


Taurus and Scorpio

As fixed signs, both Taurus and Scorpio are accustomed to holding their ground, which can lead to some feisty standoffs. Nevertheless, a Scorpio-Taurus pairing is a classic case of opposites attract, and most of the time, the differences between these two can help bring balance to the relationship.

For instance, an emotional Scorpio can find an anchor in an earthy, practical Taurus. On the other hand, a Scorpio can help a forthright Taurus better understand hidden emotions and unspoken intentions. These bold personalities are also made to experience passionate physical intimacy. When Taurus and Scorpio respect each other's differences, this is a pairing built on loyalty and shared interests.


Taurus and Capricorn

Last is Capricorn, who provides Taurus with a dependable, hardworking partner. However, Capricorn and Taurus view their own industriousness differently, with Taurus existing in a constant state of self-congratulation for all that they've built, and Capricorn hand-wringing over small mistakes, past failures, and the potential for future fiascos.

A Taurus may become annoyed by a Capricorn's insistence on preparing for hypothetical disasters, but an open minded Taurus can also benefit from Capricorn's careful planning and mind for minutiae. On the flip side, when Capricorn can calm down, Taurus teaches them to stop and smell the roses. And, considering how hard this pair works to acquire nice things, the roses in this relationship usually smell pretty sweet.



While Taureans can get along with Geminis, these two signs need to make sure they're communicating on the same wavelength.


Medium Taurus Compatibility: Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Pisces

When it comes to the middle ground of Taurus compatible signs, Gemini, Leo, and Libra are the ones on the list. These three zodiac signs tend to make a good match for Taureans in important ways, but they also clash in other areas.


Taurus and Gemini

Gemini is known for sparking Taurus's fancy where physical intimacy is concerned, but that spark can get snuffed out when a Taurus and a Gemini need to communicate about their emotions and values.

A Taurus won't be amused by a Gemini's tendency to play devil's advocate, and a Gemini is easily offended when a Taurus smugly says, "I told you so." The fights between these two can be explosive, but if they keep the arguing to a minimum, Taurus and Gemini can share a relationship built on similar gifts for creativity and enjoyment.


Taurus and Leo

Next are the lion-hearted Leos, whose flashy ways attract Taurus's attention initially. Unfortunately, Leos' high-intensity emotions and frenetic energy can disrupt Taurean's inner harmony. A main draw for these big personalities is the intense and passionate physical attraction, but that may be the only thing holding Taurus and Leo together.

At its worst, a Leo-Taurus pairing can devolve into dramatic showdowns, with both bossy personalities refusing to give ground when arguments arise. If a Leo and a Taurus can't figure out how to have healthy arguments and see each other's positions, the relationship will start to implode.


Taurus and Pisces

Last is Pisces, whose emotional depth can help Taurus open up and explore their own hidden emotions. These two are well-suited for physical intimacy and happiness at home, sharing sensuality, creativity, and an enthusiasm for intellectual discussions.

But a Pisces' struggles to put words to their sometimes overwhelming feelings can sometimes make Taureans suspicious that their friends and partners are hiding something from them. Though Pisces' intentions may be pure, a Taurus tends to take offense at passive aggressiveness and may respond to a Pisces' hidden sensitivities by being domineering.

For this pairing to work out, Pisces will have to be more assertive, and Taurus will have to keep their forcefulness in check.




Low Taurus Compatibility: Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Aries

There are three star signs who just aren't well-suited for a match with Taurus in most cases. These low Taurus compatible signs are Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Aries.


Taurus and Sagittarius

Let's talk about Sagittarius first. A Taurus and a Sag typically make for an all-or-nothing, love-you-or-hate-you match. When Taureans' stalwart earthiness and Sagittarius' wild-fire spirit collide, it's easy for Taureans to become incredibly frustrated. Living with a Sagittarius can be a bit messy: their front door seems to be a revolving one, with friends and acquaintances from all walks of life welcomed in for social gatherings that don't suit Taurus's traditional side and tendency toward jealousy. A Sag may tend to scoff at a Taurus's pearl-clutching, which can easily lead to a clash of tempers, too.

In other words, for a match between Taurus and Sag to work out, these starkly different star signs have to work to set aside core aspects of their temperaments and tastes, which neither sign may necessarily see as being worth the trouble.


Taurus and Aquarius

Next is Aquarius, a rebel-without-a-cause type who will naturally struggle to fit Taurus's structured mold. Taurus and Aquarius don't share much common ground, with adventurous Aquarius literally galloping off into the sunset while perplexed Taurus sits happily glued to the front porch swing.

When Aquarius returns from adventuring, it's often with a line of new friends in tow...and a traditionalist Taurus will struggle to embrace Aquarius's eccentric pals. In general, the natural strengths and desires of these two star signs lead them in opposite directions, making a strong, healthy relationship difficult to achieve.


Taurus and Aries

Last is the fiery Aries, whose aggressive determination comes to blows with Taurus's bullheadedness. Though Taurus's bull and Aries' ram naturally tend to lock horns, they do share a mutual admiration for the other's show of strength and perseverance.

How these star signs channel their strength is the problem: free-spirited Aries is constantly seeking work, competition, and thrills away from home, and Taurus places focus on hard work on the home front. A Taurus can become jealous of an Aries' adventuring nature, and an Aries can feel trapped by a Taurus' possessiveness.

A relationship between Aries and Taurus can be one where sparks fly...but for the wrong reasons.


What This Means for a Taurus

Now that we've explained Taurus compatibility with each of the other star signs, it's important to recap and consider what all of this means for the Taureans out there.

When thinking about how to approach Taurus' compatible signs in the real world, we think it's a good idea to keep the following three principles in mind.


#1: Don't Get Too Caught up in the Details

The traits associated with your star sign don't define your personality! These traits are just ones that are commonly exhibited by Taureans—you might exhibit some of them sometimes, and some of them...not so much!


#2: Listen to Your Heart

Getting to know someone you're interested in matters much more than what their horoscope says. Don't let compatibility predictions keep you from pursuing a relationship that feels right to you. Just because two star signs don't work on paper doesn't mean they can't live and work together in real life! Our experiences shape who we are, so be sure to look beyond a person's zodiac sign, too.


#3: Get to Know Yourself Better

Compatibility projections based on your star sign aren't law, but they can help you engage in a little self-analysis that will help you put your finger on what you want in a relationship, and help you identify some areas of improvement for yourself as a romantic partner as well.




Now What?

Curious about compatibility information for other signs? We've written up similar analyses for Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and many more!

Are you looking for more in-depth information about zodiac signs like Taurus? We have lots of guides on our blog for you to check out! Why not start with Capricorn, Cancer, and Virgo?

Maybe you're new to the whole zodiac astrology thing. That's okay: we've got you covered, too. Here's our quick introduction to the zodiac and all 12 signs.

The zodiac signs are aligned with Roman gods, but did you know that the Roman and Greek gods are closely related? You can learn more about that here.


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Ashley Robinson

Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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