Often mistaken for a fire sign because of their fierce independence, Scorpios are actually a deeply emotional and sensitive water sign. While they can be intimidating, Scorpios are also the most loyal friends and partners you could ever ask for, and as one of the most ambitious signs, they're amazing at creating connections and being their authentic selves.
What Is a Scorpio?
Scorpios are born between October 23rd and November 21st. The Scorpio personality is often misunderstood due to their intensity and their tendency to be harsh.
However, Scorpios are extremely emotional, and crave intimacy. They have a powerful presence and demanding personalities, and their penchant for mystery is what makes them one of the most interesting signs.
Scorpio Personality Traits
Scorpios are extremely deep and emotional people, and are intense in all things they do. They're natural leaders and can be very serious; Scorpios are one of the most interesting signs because of their intensity, and there are some key Scorpio characteristics to be aware of that make them stand apart.
Positive Scorpio Traits
Scorpios are known for being tough-minded and biting, but they also have lots of positive qualities that make them great friends and successful people overall.
Determination is one of the most well-known Scorpio characteristics. When a Scorpio wants something, they go for it and they don't hold back. There's not much that can stop a Scorpio once they have their mind set on something, and they have unmatched focus when they pursue a goal.
There's no one better to have at your side during a time of trouble than a Scorpio. They will run into danger without a second thought, and are always the first to volunteer themselves for difficult tasks. Especially when it comes to helping family and friends, the Scorpio personality means that they are the first to jump into the fray.
If a Scorpio is committed to someone or something, they stick with it. Their trust is hard to earn, but once they do trust someone, they dedicate their whole self to that person, and apply their classic determination to stand by friends, family, and partners.
Scorpios are honest to a fault. They always tell the truth, no matter what, and hate dishonesty in others. They can't stand people who steal and cheat, either, since they're just as honest with themselves as they are with others.
Scorpios are known to be fierce. They are single-minded in achieving their goals, and they set those goals high. Scorpios don't see or set limits in their lives, and they don't let anyone tell them that something they want isn't possible.

Negative Scorpio Traits
Like their symbol the scorpion, Scorpios have a tendency to lay in wait, collecting information and trust until their time to strike. Scorpios need to be aware of some of their harsher qualities, and so do those who have Scorpios in their lives.
Scorpios feel everything intensely, including jealousy. They are quick to be jealous since they think their determination and intelligence entitle them to get what they want. They have a hard time not comparing other people's achievements with their own, and think everything is a competition.
Scorpios never show their cards. They are incredibly honest, but they don't like to display any vulnerability, especially with people they're unsure about. They tend to keep their feelings to themselves, as well as plans and ideas, so when it's time to win the chess match of life, Scorpios have a leg up. However, this also makes them difficult to deal with as people.
When someone else gets something the Scorpio desires, we know they can be jealous. But on top of that, no one holds a grudge like a Scorpio does. They take betrayals personally and setbacks seriously, and may often find themselves resenting others for perceived slights.
Scorpios like to be in control. Their fierceness and intensity means that they think they know what's best, and the people in their lives will often find themselves under the Scorpio's thumb. Scorpios also hate being controlled by others, and need control over all situations.
Stubbornness can be a helpful trait, since it means Scorpios stand their ground, and stick to their principles. However, they're also slow to change their ways and ideas, and don't like compromise. They are set in what they think and like, and are not easily convinced to try new things.

Scorpio Traits in Relationships
We know that Scorpios can be hard to handle, and that they can be secretive. Knowing more about how Scorpios feel about relationships can help you connect to Scorpios, or learn how to be a better friend, partner, or employee if you are a Scorpio yourself.
Romantic Relationships
Scorpios are traditional when it comes to relationships, and prefer serious commitments. They give their love and loyalty in their relationships, but are very all-or-nothing when it comes to romance. They want to know where they stand, and have little to no tolerance for games and manipulation.
Platonic Relationships
Scorpios are notoriously control freaks, so in a platonic relationship don't be surprised if they naturally try to take the reins. They are loyal and connect with people on a deep emotional and intellectual level. Honesty is key with Scorpios in all types of relationships, and you can be sure that a Scorpio will show up when you need them.
Professional Relationships
At work, the Scorpio personality don't let anything get in its way. A Scorpio thrives on competition at work, and will go above and beyond based on their own principles and because they want to succeed. However, Scorpios are cunning and will not hold back if something or someone gets in the way of their master plan.

Advice for a Scorpio
#1: Nobody likes to be controlled all the time. Learn to take control in areas where you can, like at work, but focus on loosening the reins in your relationships. Open yourself up to learn from others, instead of sticking to your own ways just for the sake of it.
#2: Don't be afraid of your own emotions. Expressing emotional vulnerability can be scary, but you're an emotionally intense person and communicating your feelings clearly with the people in your life will help you connect with them.
#3: Surround yourself with easy going people who have a good sense of humor. We know your own sense of humor can be a little dark, though very witty, so balance out your sharp tongue with people who are relaxed, but who still totally get you.
#4: Work on forgiveness. You really connect with others, and we know it hurts when someone causes you harm or distress. Learn to let go of small infractions. This will help you maintain relationships, and also teach you not to be so hard on yourself.
#5: Celebrate your successes, but don't brag. Depend on a few key people in your life to share your successes, and hold them close. They should be people with whom you have practice not feeling competitive or resentful toward.
Tips for Relating to a Scorpio
#1: To get along with a Scorpio personality, it's important to show that you are capable of standing your ground. Scorpios respect people who stand up for themselves, and who can tell it like it is without holding anything back.
#2: It's also important to be honest with a Scorpio. Honesty is not only one of their key Scorpio characteristics, but it's also one of their most important values. Scorpios will not respond well or connect with someone in whom they sense dishonesty.
#3: The Scorpio in your life may come across as harsh or critical, and this is an inevitable part of the Scorpio personality. Learn to understand where this behavior comes from; it's very likely that it stems from their own insecurities about themselves or about your relationship.
#4: Support the Scorpio traits of ambition and determination. They will respect you if you support them, while also pursuing your own goals and ambitions. Scorpios can be naturally domineering, so showing that you're an equal to them will help you gain their respect.
#5: Help keep the Scorpio's ego in check. When let run wild, the Scorpio ego can be their biggest downfall. Be honest and upfront with them, and remind them that they're just like the rest of us- but gently, they're very sensitive people.
Summary: Scorpio Traits
Rest assured that if you're a Scorpio, ambitious people who have come before you have already proven how driven and dynamic Scorpios are. Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, and Kris Jenner are all hard-working Scorpios that have made their mark on the world. So, be your Scorpio selves or embrace the Scorpio in your life, and remember that they're going places.
What's Next?
Want to find out more about what signs Scorpios get along with? Discover more about which signs are most compatible with Scorpio here.
While there's not a precise equivalence, Scorpios often have similar methods of experiencing and interacting with the world as do people who fit into the Enneagram Type 8 categorization. Find out more about the Enneagram and whether or not Enneagram Type 8 fits you here.
Interested in reading up on other signs? Then you'll want to take a spin through our articles on Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra.
For more fun topics about the skies above, check out How to Identify the 10 Different Types of Clouds and The Rainbow Color Order. You can also learn more about astronomy and other science-related careers with our guide to 100+ Exciting STEM Careers and Getting a STEM Degree.
Love astrology? Next up, alchemy! Read The 22 Key Alchemy Symbols and Their Meaning.