Socialism vs communism: you probably see these terms pop up in many places, from your social media timeline to the evening news. Many times, people use them interchangeably to talk about politics and economics. But these terms actually mean different things! They may seem similar, but there are actually some key differences between socialism and communism (and other similar forms of government!).
So what do these terms really mean? What are the factual differences between socialism vs communism vs Marxism? How do they compare to other political systems, like fascism and capitalism?
We know: these are tough questions! We’ve done the research to bring you credible answers to these complex questions about socialism vs communism and other political systems. In this article, we’ll give you a detailed guide to socialism vs communism, as well as the following:
- A deep dive into socialism, and a deep dive into communism
- A socialism vs communism chart with side-by-side comparisons
- A brief comparison of fascism vs communism vs socialism vs Marxism vs capitalism
When you’re done reading this article, you’ll understand the differences between socialism and communism, how each system works, and how they compare to other government and political systems.