SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

NYU TOEFL Requirement: The Score You Need

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Posted by Hannah Muniz


What's a good TOEFL score for NYU? Is there a TOEFL NYU minimum you must meet in order to qualify for admission as an undergraduate or graduate student? Who has to take the TOEFL?

In this guide, we go over the NYU TOEFL requirement for each major department and look at how this minimum score varies depending on the program you're applying to. We then give you expert tips on what to do if you're struggling to meet the NYU TOEFL score threshold.

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MIT TOEFL Requirement: The Score You Need

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Posted by Hannah Muniz


What's a good TOEFL score for MIT? Is there a TOEFL MIT minimum you must meet in order to qualify for admission as an undergraduate or graduate student? Who has to take the TOEFL?

In this guide, we go over the MIT TOEFL requirement for each major department and look at how this minimum score varies depending on the program you're applying to. We then give you expert tips on what to do if you're struggling to meet the MIT TOEFL score threshold.

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TOEFL Requirements for Colleges: What Score Do You Need?

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Posted by Hannah Muniz


Many colleges and universities in the US have stopped requiring SAT and ACT scores. But what about the TOEFL? Are there still TOEFL requirements for universities? The answer is yes—many US schools require international applicants to submit TOEFL scores. But the exact TOEFL score you'll need for admission ultimately depends on where you're applying.

In this article, we explain what good TOEFL scores for colleges are and give you a list of 64 popular US schools and their minimum TOEFL score requirements. We also teach you how to find minimum TOEFL scores for US universities and how to set a TOEFL goal score.

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How to Multiply Fractions With Whole Numbers

Need to learn how to multiply fractions with whole numbers? Or how to divide fractions by whole numbers? The process is probably easier than you think! We break down the 4 simple steps to follow for multiplying fractions by whole numbers, as well as the one extra step to divide fractions and whole numbers. Learn this important math skill, then test your knowledge by taking our quiz at the end of this guide.

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What Is a BS Degree? Is It Right for You?

What is a BS degree? You've probably heard of this degree, especially if you're researching colleges and the majors they offer. However, what does "BS" stand for, and how does a BS degree differ from other types of college degrees you can get? In this guide, we explain the BS degree meaning, subjects and skills BS students learn in college, popular BS degrees to get, how this degree type differs from other degrees like BA and BFA, and how you can decide if a BS degree is the best option for you.

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Does Northeastern Require SAT Subject Tests?

If you're applying to Northeastern University, you'll need to know their testing requirements. Does Northeastern require SAT Subject Tests or not? What about the regular SAT or ACT? We answer these questions here and go over all of Northeastern's major testing requirements.

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Socialism vs Communism: A Comprehensive Guide

Socialism vs communism: you probably see these terms pop up in many places, from your social media timeline to the evening news. Many times, people use them interchangeably to talk about politics and economics. But these terms actually mean different things! They may seem similar, but there are actually some key differences between socialism and communism (and other similar forms of government!).

So what do these terms really mean? What are the factual differences between socialism vs communism vs Marxism? How do they compare to other political systems, like fascism and capitalism?

We know: these are tough questions! We’ve done the research to bring you credible answers to these complex questions about socialism vs communism and other political systems. In this article, we’ll give you a detailed guide to socialism vs communism, as well as the following:

  • A deep dive into socialism, and a deep dive into communism
  • A socialism vs communism chart with side-by-side comparisons
  • A brief comparison of fascism vs communism vs socialism vs Marxism vs capitalism 

When you’re done reading this article, you’ll understand the differences between socialism and communism, how each system works, and how they compare to other government and political systems. 


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What Colors Make Pink? How to Make Pink Easily

Let’s say you’re working on a painting and need to mix the perfect shade of pink. Where would you even begin? What colors make pink?

In order to understand how to make pink, we need to understand a whole lot about both physics and culture. This article will teach you everything you need to know about what colors make pink...and we’ll teach you a little about color theory, too! Here’s what you’ll find below:

  • A quick guide to how to make pink
  • A scientific answer to the question, “What is pink?”
  • An in-depth explanation of how to make more complex shades of pink
  • Examples of different shades of pink and what color families they belong to

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started! Let’s start with the very basics.


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What Colors Make Red? Understanding Color

You probably learned in school that red is a primary color, meaning that it can be combined with other primary colors to make new colors like orange and purple. (If you’re new to primary colors, this Sesame Street song explains it well...and it’s catchy!) 

But if red is a primary color...what colors make red? Is it even possible to make red from other colors? 

In order to understand how to make red colour, we need to understand a whole lot about both physics and culture. This article will teach you everything you need to know about what colors make red, like: 

  • A quick primer on what two colors make red
  • A scientific answer to the question, “What is red?” 
  • A walkthrough of how to make red through mixing
  • Examples of different shades of red you can make
  • Three tips for making the perfect shade of red

 There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started! 

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BA vs BS Degree: Which Is Better for You?

You'll have lots of decisions to make when you begin college, and one of them is the degree you want to earn when you graduate. BA and BS degrees are the two most popular degrees for undergrad students to get. But what is the difference between BA and BS degrees? How will they affect which classes you need to take? And is one more degree impressive than the other? Read this guide for answers to all your BA vs BS degree questions.

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The 9 Key Capitalism vs Socialism Differences, Explained

Capitalism vs socialism is often framed as the major political face-off of our time. People often think of capitalism vs socialism as two totally opposite political ideologies. But are they really completely different systems? And should we compare capitalism and socialism at all? 

Here’s the facts: it does make sense to compare capitalism and socialism because they’re the main economic systems used in developed countries today. But to truly understand the differences between capitalism and socialism, we have to look to unbiased sources. These terms refer to complex philosophies that can’t be summed up by a meme, stereotype, or hot take! 

Capitalism vs socialism can be a complex topic, which is why we’re here to help you gain an objective understanding of capitalism vs socialism. In this article, we’ll provide a full guide to capitalism vs socialism that includes the following: 

  • A deep dive into socialism, and a deep dive into capitalism
  • A guide to the differences between democratic socialism vs capitalism
  • A socialism vs capitalism chart with side-by-side comparisons
  • A brief comparison of these concepts and other political theories, particularly capitalism vs socialism vs communism

Let’s get started!

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What Is a DO vs. MD? Which Is Better?

It’s pretty common knowledge that becoming a medical doctor is hard work. It takes years of school and training before they are approved to practice medicine. 

If you’re planning on going to medical school, you’re probably thinking about getting your Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. However, there’s another medical degree that many medical schools offer: the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree. 

Both the DO and the MD qualify someone to be a physician, and both are valid pathways to becoming a medical doctor. But what is a DO vs. MD? And between the DO vs. MD, which is better? 

Our article will answer those questions for you by: 

  • Explaining what is a DO vs MD
  • Giving you an overview of the comparison between an MD vs DO
  • Providing in-depth information about both the MD and DO degrees, including salaries and potential career fields
  • Including a quiz that will help you choose between the DO vs MD degree
  • Summarizing the things you need to remember about the differences between a DO and MD degree

There's a lot to cover, so let's dive in! 


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What Colors Make Purple? How to Make Different Purples

Let’s say you want to learn how to make purple food coloring or how to make purple paint. You’ll need to understand how to mix colors! But where do you begin? What two colors make purple? 

To learn how to make purple, you need to have an understanding of the science behind color mixing. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about how to use colors to make purple. We’ll cover the following: 

  • A quick guide to how to make purple
  • A scientific explanation for the question, “What is purple?”
  • A thorough explanation of how to make more complex shades of purple
  • Examples of different shades of purple and what colors you combine to create them

Now, let’s talk about how to make purple! 

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How to Make Orange in 2 Easy Steps

Let’s say you’re working on a painting, and you need to mix the perfect shade of orange. You may find yourself wondering, “How do I make orange? And how do I get the color exactly right?” 

Learning to make orange colour is fairly simple, but to understand how to make specific shades, you’ll need to know more about both physics and color theory. But don’t worry: we’re here to help! This article will teach you everything you need to know about what colors make orange, including: 

  • A quick primer on how to make orange and what two colors make orange
  • A scientific explainer that teaches you different ways of how to make orange
  • A list of orange colour examples, so you can make your perfect shade 
  • Three tips for getting the perfect shade of orange

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started. 


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College Application Deadlines: Your Complete Application Timeline

For many students and their parents, the college application process is a source of tremendous anxiety. Fear not. If you familiarize yourself with this process and devote enough time to it, I’m confident that you’ll be able to make it through unscathed and end up at a quality college.

In this article, we'll go over the college application deadlines you need to know. More importantly, we'll give you a complete college application timeline, detailing what you should be doing at each point in your high school career to ensure that you can submit exceptional college applications.

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