SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

The Expert's Guide to the AP Calculus BC Exam

Taking the AP Calc BC exam can feel like a lot of pressure: you want to earn college credit for your AP class, but the test is pretty tough! 

But there are a few things you can do to make the AP Calculus BC exam a little easier, like understanding the exam's format, the topics it covers, and how it's scored. Knowing what to expect before you take the AP Calc BC exam can help you earn a higher score!

To give you all the inside information you need about the AP Calculus BC Exam, we’ll explain the following in this article:

  • What the AP Calculus BC Exam is, including who should take it
  • The AP Calculus BC Exam format and topics
  • How the exam is scored
  • 5 tips for scoring well on the exam

The regularly scheduled date for the AP Calc BC exam is May 5th at 8:00 a.m., so you'll want to start preparing as early as possible. (Good thing this article has you covered, huh?) 

So let’s get started!


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3 Key Tips to Ace the AP Calculus BC Free Response

The AP Calculus BC Free Response section can be intimidating if you aren't prepared. You'll need to answer six multi-part questions to show your skills in numerous calculus topics. However, when you know what to expect from this section, you'll save yourself a lot of anxiety and can create a study plan to help you get a top AP score. In this guide, we explain everything you need to know about the AP Calc BC free response section, including what the format is, when you can and can't use a calculator, what sample questions look like and how to get a top score on them, and what study tips you need to keep in mind.

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What Is AP Environmental Science? Expert Guide

Are you thinking about taking AP Environmental Science but want more information on the course before you decide to enroll? Well, you've come to the right place! AP Environmental Science (also called AP Enviro or APES) is one of the most popular AP classes—but sometimes students don't know much about it before they enroll, which can make the class difficult and not very enjoyable.

So what is AP Environmental Science? In this guide, I'll explain what topics the course covers, show you some sample test problems, and discuss who should take the class (it might not be who you're expecting). After, I'll end with some tips for success should you decide to take AP Enviro. Let's get started!

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What's the AP Physics 2 Equation Sheet? A Complete Breakdown

Since the AP Physics 2 exam is notoriously difficult, it should be comforting to know that your exam booklet will include a reference sheet that lists many of the conversion factors, formulas, and equations you’ll need to use during the exam. There’s a lot of information on the three page equations sheet provided on the AP Physics C exams, though, so it’s important to be familiar with the info included on the sheet and how to use it to your advantage during the AP test. 

That’s why we’ve developed the PrepScholar AP Physics 2 equation sheet. Our sheet contains all the formulas and information you’ll see on the official College Board Physics 2 equation sheet, plus explanations of the equations so you’ll know when to use them. This sheet is designed to be a study tool for you as you prepare for your AP Physics C exam.

In this article, we’ll help you gain a full understanding of what the AP Physics 2 equation sheet is, what formulas it includes, and how to use them on the AP exam. We’ll also give you 3 practical tips for using the AP Physics 2 formula sheet as a study guide, and a list of tips for using the equations sheet effectively on exam day.

Let’s dive in!

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6 Expert Tips to Ace the AP Calculus AB Free Response

Many students opt to take a math AP exam, and Calculus AB is a popular choice since it's slightly easier than Calculus BC. But to get a high score on it, you'll need to do very well on the free-response section, which requires you to write out your answers to multi-step problems.

In this complete guide, we go over the AP Calculus AB Free Response section structure, provide examples to show you how it's graded and what a correct answer looks like, and give you some tips for acing this tricky section of the exam.

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The Expert's Guide to the AP Calculus AB Exam

Are you taking the AP Calculus AB exam this spring and want to be well prepared on test day? The AP Calculus AB exam in 2025 will be held on Monday, May 12, at 8 am.

Before you sit down to take the exam, though, it's critical that you know how the Calculus AB test is formatted, what topics it covers, and how you'll be scored on it. This guide will go over all of that information while also showing you official sample problems and giving you tips on the best way to prepare for AP Calculus AB.

The AP Calculus AB exam can sometimes seem overwhelming, but we're here to break it down into clear and manageable information for you. You can also check out the College Board's new AP Classroom tool for AP Calculus AB, which has additional resources and information. Let's get started!

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Should You Take Online AP Courses? 12 Pros and Cons


There are a variety of reasons why you might want to take online AP courses. Maybe your school doesn't offer all the courses you want to take. Maybe you're homeschooled. Or maybe you want to do a little extra academic work to show colleges what you're passionate about.

But there's a lot to consider before you take the plunge and possibly drop a few hundred dollars on a class. I'll take you through the basic information about online AP courses, some pros and cons, who should consider them, and how to choose classes if you do decide to take an AP course online. Finally, I'll offer some brief blurbs on some of the most popular courses out there.

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Are Universities Changing How They Evaluate 2020 AP Scores?

The coronavirus global pandemic has forced the College Board to make lots of changes to their usual AP testing protocol and format for the 2020 exam cycle. Colleges and universities have taken notice of the changed conditions for AP testing this year, and many students are wondering how their chances of earning college credit through AP scores will be affected by these changes.

In the article, we’ll provide a full overview of the current info surrounding how universities are handling AP scores during the COVID-19 pandemic. We give you a full run-down on why schools are reconsidering whether this year’s AP exams will count for full college course credit. We’ll also give you three tips for staying up-to-date on changes to schools’ AP score policies as you navigate these changes over the next few months. 

Let’s get started!

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BREAKING: 2020 AP Exam Changes for COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The COVID-19 coronavirus is causing massive changes to the 2019/2020 school year, and one of those changes is how AP exams will be taken this spring. The College Board has made recent updates to the 2020 AP exams, and you can find everything you need to know about them in this guide. We cover if/how the AP exams will be taken, if colleges will still accept these scores, and how you can prepare for the exams with digital resources.

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AP Chem Formula Sheet: What's on It and How to Use It

Students in AP Chemistry need to memorize a lot of information, but we have some good news! During the AP exam, you'll have access to a formula sheet that includes a periodic table as well as useful equations. However, you'll need to have a good sense of what's on the AP Chem formula sheet and how to use it in order to make the most of it during the test.

In this guide, we explain everything you need to know about the AP Chemistry reference table. We go over what the formula sheet looks like, what it includes, what important information it doesn't contain but that you should know, and how you can get the most out of it.

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Every AP Calculus BC Practice Exam: Free and Official

Are you preparing for the AP Calculus BC exam? One of the best ways to study for the exam and figure out how well you're doing is to take practice tests. Practice tests allow you to see what kind of questions you'll be asked on the exam, and they can help you figure out which subjects or types of questions you struggle with and need to review more. Finding practice tests can be time-consuming, and, unfortunately, not all practice tests are created equally.

Luckily, we're here to help. In this guide, we provide links to all the AP Calculus BC practice exams available, point out which ones are the highest quality, and explain how you should be using them.

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The 60 Most Important AP Gov Vocab Terms, Defined

One of the most challenging aspects of the AP U.S. Government and Politics exam is the wide array of vocabulary terms that you need to understand in order to do well on the exam. Many of these terms and concepts dig deep into the U.S. Constitution, laws and policy, and the history of U.S. politics...and there are a lot of terms to know.

This guide will help you get acquainted with 60 important AP Gov vocab terms you need to know. by dividing the terms up into key content areas that are assessed on the exam and providing straightforward definitions for each term. In addition, we'll provide three crucial strategies for studying AP gov vocab terms in order to prepare effectively for the AP U.S. Gov exam.

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What Is AP Self-Study? Should You Do It?

Did you know that you don't have to take an AP course to take the associated exam? Some people think this means all they need is a prep book, the registration fee, a pencil, and a dream. But are they right?

In this article, we'll go over all the essentials of self-studying for AP exams: what it means, why people self-study, whether or not you should self-study, and five key tips for any self-studier.

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How to Register for AP Tests and Classes

Wondering how to register for AP classes and tests? Get a complete guide to AP registration here—even if you're homeschooled or your local school doesn't have the AP program.

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How Much Do AP Tests Cost?

Curious about how much it costs to take an AP Test? Learn here how much your AP exams are going to cost you in 2019-2020. We'll also cover how to get financial aid if you need it. So read on for maximum AP test cost saving!

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