SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Common App Instructions: How to Add Colleges and More

Over one million high school students use the Common App each year to apply to colleges. The Common Application website can seem confusing at first, but we're here to simplify things. Looking for Common App instructions? Want to learn how to add colleges to Common App profiles? Just want to know what the Common App looks like before you dive in? We answer all those questions and walk you through each section of the Common App so you can create the strongest college application possible.

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How to Craft a Stellar Brag Sheet

Asking someone to write you a letter of recommendation for your college applications can be nerve-wracking. However, having a "brag sheet" to hand your recommender can make them more likely to accept. It may also encourage them to write about awards and personal strengths you want colleges to know about. 

Brag sheets are a great tool that not enough high school students make use of. But we're here to help! This guide includes everything you need to know about brag sheets, including what you need them for, what they should include, and an example of a great brag sheet.

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What Is a Parent Brag Sheet? Tips and Examples

Have you been asked to provide a "parent brag sheet" for your child's guidance counselor? Have you heard of other parents completing them and are wondering if they're required for college applications? Parent brag sheets are becoming more popular, but many parents don't get much guidance on how to complete them. We created this guide to explain what a parent brag sheet is and what they're used for. We also go over common parent brag sheet example questions and explain how to answer them. 

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What Exactly Is a Target School? How to Find Yours

If you have researched the college application process, you may have heard about the concept of a "target school." What is a target school or college? Simply put, it's a college that you are likely—but not guaranteed—to be admitted to based on your qualifications.

In this article, I'll define and explain the concept of a target school. Furthermore, I'll discuss how to identify your target colleges and determine how many of these schools you should apply to.

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What Is a Safety School? How Should You Choose Yours?

For those of you who have started researching college admissions, you may have heard of the concept of a "safety school." What is a safety school? Simply, a safety school is one in which your odds of getting in are extremely high. Everyone who applies to college should apply to safety schools. Why? You don't want to risk getting rejected from all the schools you apply to.

In this article, I'll define and explain the concept of a safety school. Furthermore, I'll discuss how to identify your safety schools and determine the number of safety schools you should apply to.

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4 Ways COVID-19 Is Affecting Fall 2021 College Applications

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, some colleges and universities have changed the application process for the upcoming Fall 2021 application cycle. These changes are meant to help applicants and may include application deadlines, required application materials, and financial aid applications and awards.

If you're planning to apply to college this fall, it's important you know about these changes and how they might affect you. In this article, we'll help you navigate changes to the college application process due to the COVID-19 epidemic by describing four ways that these changes may affect college applicants. We'll also provide four tips for how to proceed if your college application is affected by COVID-19.

Take a deep breath: we're here to help you navigate the changes to the admissions process. Now, let's take a look at the Fall 2021 admissions process.

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How to Get Into College as an Athlete

Are you hoping to be a college athlete, either as a recruit, walk on, or just as someone who is particularly talented at a sport and thinks that'll be what makes you stand out to colleges? If athletics has dominated your high school years, you may be wondering how you can translate that skill and dedication towards a strong college application. That's where we come in! In this in-depth guide on how to get into college as an athlete, we'll explain how you can create a strong athletic "spike" that'll showcase your athletic abilities, impress college admissions teams, and show that you're a top-notch applicant who they want at their school.

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Is It Bad to Apply to College as an Undeclared Major?

One of the biggest—and most difficult—decisions college applicants must make is what they want to major in. As a result, many students struggle to pick a major when they’re filling out their college applications. That’s why many schools give you the option to select “undecided” or “undeclared” on your app. 

But will being undecided affect your ability to get into your dream school? If you’re wondering, “Is it bad to put undecided on a college application,” then this article is for you. We’ll explain the following:

  • What an undeclared major is
  • What putting “undeclared” on a college application means
  • The implications of applying undeclared at different schools
  • How selecting “undeclared” can affect your college application
  • Whether you should put undeclared on your application

So let’s get started!


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How to Get Into College as an Engineer: 5 Key Factors

Hoping to major in engineering? Before you can do that, you need to get accepted into an engineering program. Many of the best programs are highly competitive, and it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. In this guide though, we break down what every part of your college application must include for you to become a standout engineering applicant. Follow these tips, and you'll give yourself the best shot at getting into the engineering program of your dreams.

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How to Get Into College as an Artist: What You Need to Know

Hoping to get into a college art program? Many of the best art programs are highly competitive, and, even if your portfolio is strong, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. In this guide, we break down what every part of your college application must include for you to become a standout art applicant. This article applies to all types of arts programs, including drawing, painting, photography, and fashion. Follow these tips to produce an exceptional application for art programs.

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Can Colleges Revoke Your Admission Because of Social Media Posts?

Recently, several colleges have made headlines because they’ve revoked incoming students’ admission due to their racist social media posts. That’s left lots of high school students wondering about how their Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter posts will affect their college admissions chances. 

In this article, we’ll help you understand how social media can impact your admissions c chances. We’ll explain: 

  • Why some students have had their admission revoked recently 
  • What universities have said about their decisions 
  • What you can do to make sure your social media helps, rather than hurts, your admissions chances

Let’s take a look. 

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Has Coronavirus Made It Easier to Get Into College?

With so many aspects of the college application and admissions process being postponed, reformatted, or cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many students who plan to apply to college in Fall 2021 are wondering if getting into college will be easier or more difficult during the next year. 

To help you understand the possible advantages of the 2021/2022 college admissions situation, we’ll cover the following in this article:

  • Explaining the most important changes to college admissions 
  • Analyzing the aspects of the 2021/2022 college admissions process that may make it easier to get into college 
  • Five tips for applying to college during the 2021/2022 admissions cycle

Let’s jump in! 


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The Complete Guide to the Coalition Application

The Coalition Application can make applying to colleges much fast and easier, but only if you know how to use it. In this in-depth guide to the Coalition Application, we explain every part of the website you should know, what the best strategies are for using it, and how to decide if you should make use of the Coalition Application during your college application process.

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Get Into Engineering Schools Like MIT, Caltech, CMU, or RPI With the SAT

Engineering schools don't look for the same things on a college application that the average school does. I would know -- because I have an engineering background and spent substantial time studying the process of getting into Caltech and MIT, and then I did it. Here, I reveal how they're different.

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How Can a College Counselor Help You?

Sifting through glossy college brochures and trying to choose the right schools to apply to can feel overwhelming. Then, once you decide where to apply, you have to navigate each school’s application, wondering if you’re filling questions in properly and what your chances of being accepted are. The good news is, you don’t need to struggle alone! A college counselor can help answer many of your college-related questions, and they’ll use their expertise to advise you on the best college decisions for you.

Want to learn more about college counselors? In this guide, we’ve answered all your college admissions counselor questions, including every question they can help you answer, who should meet with a college counselor, and what you need to do before you meet with one.

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