Are you studying for the ACT? One great way to add some extra prep to your day is with ACT Questions of the Day. They are a fast and easy way to get in some additional prep and figure out where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Read on to find out where you can get the best ACT Questions of the Day, and how to use them most effectively to maximize your ACT score.
You just got your PSAT score—what's next? You just got your score, but don't know what it exactly means or what you should do next. There are three strong implications of your PSAT score, and those students that understand them do a lot better in college admissions that those who don't. Read on to find out what those implications are.
Did you just get your PSAT score? (If not, check out the PSAT release schedule here). If so, you may be wondering how to interpret the score. The PSAT serves a number of purposes. It prepares you for the SAT test next year, which is one of the most important pieces in college admissions. It determines a number (but not all) of scholarships. And perhaps most importantly, it's the starting line when students with foresight begin planning for college.
I recently received a question from one of my students that I believe highlights a very common mistake: "I find that on some sections I finish early and close the section ahead of time—does this mean I'm doing well on those sections?" Here, I'll break down why this sometimes happens, and what it means for you.
The ACT doesn't penalize guessing, so you should never leave any answer blank even if you have to take a completely blind guess. Even with this information, students still make one huge mistake. Here we expose the biggest ACT guessing strategy mistake students make, and suggest a much better approach. We've seen students improve 1-2 points immediately after applying this 5-minute strategy.
One great way to insert some extra SAT prep into your daily routine is to do a free SAT Question of the Day. College Board and other websites offer a daily question online and on mobile devices to keep you practicing whenever and wherever you want.
In this article we’ll point you towards the best SAT Questions of the Day, both how to find them and how to use them effectively as you prep for the SAT.
We all want to max out brainpower on the day of the ACT. But what can help, besides studying? One factor worth considering is where you take the test. You want a place that allows you to focus completely on the test without other anxieties, concerns or discomfort.
And guess where a lot of test-day anxieties, concerns and discomfort can come from? That's right, they can be direct results of choosing a distracting or inconvenient testing center. In this article, we give you all the information you need to make the right decision about which of all ACT test centers to choose
Kaplan is a giant in SAT prep, but that doesn't mean its prep materials are good. In fact, they tend to be far from excellent. In this review, we'll examine Kaplan's SAT 2015 book for its strengths and weaknesses.
Erica Meltzer's books have come onto the scene in the past few years with great reviews. Her books are fantastic for the subjects they cover—Reading and Writing. She's published two books for the SAT—The Complete Guide to SAT Critical Reading, and The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar.
While these are high quality books, they're not perfect, for reasons we'll explain in this article. Keep reading to figure out whether these books are appropriate for you, and whether you should integrate these as part of your personal prep program.
The Official SAT Study Guide is the most important book to have in your prep program. Nearly every student who's serious about SAT prep has this in his or her library.
Even despite its obvious strengths, the book has its major drawbacks, and it will not be enough for most students. Read this detailed review to find out what the cons of this book are, and how you should integrate it as part of your prep.
You're probably curious about how you stack up against average ACT scores. But how many types of averages are there, and which averages are important for you? How about the national average ACT score? Or ACT score averages by gender and by ethnicity?
We'll discuss official results for all these questions and tell you which ACT average actually matters for your future.
Pennsylvania State University (also commonly know as Penn State) is one of the largest public universities in the country, with an annual enrollment of over 45,000. What SAT scores does it take to become one of these students?
Get an accurate, helpful look into your chances of getting into PSU here.
New York University is one of the largest private universities in the country, with over 5,000 freshmen enrolling each year. What SAT scores do you need to get into NYU?
Find your chances of getting into NYU here.
The dreaded date has come: SAT score release date. You've waited for this day. You log in, and the College Board gives you a stern warning: "not yet available." What does this mean?!
Unfortunately, your scores are delayed. Learn the most common reasons that your SAT scores might be delayed and how to fix this and speed up your score delivery.
The Xiggi Method was written by a popular member of the forum CollegeConfidential. After scoring well on the SAT, he wrote 10 pages of his top tips for SAT prep. The value in the Xiggi Method, however, is not just in reading the guide, but in understanding how to put it into action in your own study plan. As he notes himself, "there are no earth-shattering's mostly based on common sense." Therefore, to get the most out of the Xiggi Method, you need to understand critical ways that it may not apply to you and know how to move forward to guide your own SAT prep. Read on for our detailed guide to the Xiggi Method and how to use it.
SAT / ACT Test Day Tips - What to Do to Prep the Night Before the SAT / ACT?
It's finally here! Your SAT / ACT is this Saturday!
We at PrepScholar want to make sure your test day goes well, so here are some tips. Feel free to forward this to your friends if you think it's helpful!
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