SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Mary Ann Barge

Mary Ann holds a BA in Classics and Russian from the University of Notre Dame, and an MA from University College London. She has years of tutoring experience and is also passionate about travel and learning languages.

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Complete List: Which Colleges Require ACT Writing?

You've just signed up for the ACT. But did you know that there is an optional Writing test for the ACT? More importantly, do you know if your dream schools require or recommend this ACT section?

Check out our regularly updated list of schools to find out if the Writing ACT is worth your time and money. We'll then give you our top tips for acing the ACT Writing section.

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How to Write About Extracurriculars on College Applications

One of the trickiest parts of the Common App is understanding how to make the most of the extracurricular activity section. You might have a ton of activities—or not very many—and be wondering how you should write about your activities to impress college admissions readers.

If you’ve felt stumped by what you’re supposed to do in this section and how to make the most of your very limited space, read on.

In this guide we'll talk about:  

But before we get into that, you may be wondering...

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Complete List: Weird Scholarships You Can Win (Updated)

You may have thought that scholarships were only for those who had great grades or were top athletes. Well, think again! There are a lot of organizations willing to give you some college cash in recognition of your interesting habits, unusual attributes, or willingness to do something a little bit quirky!

Here's a complete collection of the best weird, unusual scholarships we could find. The good news is they're often a lot easier to apply to than other scholarships.

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The Complete List of Community Service Scholarships

Did you know that your extracurricular activities can earn you money for college?

In particular, there are a lot of scholarships available to students who have chosen to spend their free time helping out others in their communities through volunteer work.

Read on for the most complete lists of volunteer scholarships available. We've divided the scholarships by type so you can tell easily if you qualify.

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The 50 Best Engineering Scholarships

Do you have the brains and passion to become an engineer but worry about the cost of the education? You're not alone. Fortunately, you can offset some of these costs by applying for scholarships that can help you pay for college.

The following list of scholarships will show you that you have nothing to fear. Students of all backgrounds will find that there's an engineering scholarship out there that can help make their education more affordable.

In this article, we'll cover many of the prominent engineering scholarships, as well as others that you might not have heard of before. Read on to see what engineering scholarships you might be eligible for!

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The 51 Art Scholarships You Need to Know About

People are always saying that art doesn’t pay. Fortunately, they aren’t always right! Prospective art students will be happy to know that there are a multitude of art scholarships out there that will help pay for their education.

We have all the details on the best art scholarships below, so read on to see which scholarships are the best fit for you!

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Here's Every College That Offers 100% Financial Aid

One of the most important questions you'll have to ask yourself during the college selection process is whether or not your top-choice school is affordable for your family.

Affordability has a huge impact on college decisions. Some students will luck out and be offered a nice scholarship by their school that will make things affordable; others will win independent scholarships. Usually, though, both of these options for financing your education are based on merit, and there is a lot of competition.

But did you know that some schools are committed to making sure all admitted students can afford to attend, regardless of whether they are scholarship recipients? Read on to see a list of colleges that meet full need, or provide for 100% of their students' demonstrated financial need.

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31 Top Scholarships for High School Sophomores and Freshmen

It's never too early to start saving up money for your college education. Even if you are only in your first or second year of high school, there are plenty of opportunities to start bringing in money that will pay for your tuition, books, fees, and living expenses a couple of years down the line.

You might be surprised to learn that there are actually hundreds of scholarships available to underclassmen. If you're just starting your hunt, use this list of the best scholarships for high school freshmen and sophomores to get started.

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80 Colleges With Full-Ride Scholarships

You've worked hard all throughout high school and are an academic and extracurricular superstar. You're looking forward to the challenges that college will bring. But are you ready for the challenge of paying for college?

There are a lot of ways students come up with the money to fund their higher educations. Did you know, though, that it can be as easy as getting one award? In this article, we give you a list of 80 colleges that offer at least one full-ride scholarship to cover all of your tuition costs.

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11 Amazing Full-Ride Scholarships You Can Win

The full-ride scholarship: the most mythical of scholarships that all students secretly (or not-so-secretly) dream of. Unfortunately, these scholarships are hard to come by, and they're even more difficult to win.

Though many schools offer full-ride or full-tuition scholarships, there are also a handful of scholarships out there—run by independent organizations and even the government—that you can use at almost any school. Read on to learn about some of the most highly sought-after scholarships in the country.

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17 Amazing Scholarships for Moms and Single Mothers

Mothers and single mothers have it harder than others when trying to get a college education.

In addition to balancing a full academic course load, they are also responsible for feeding, clothing, and financially supporting their children.

Plus, data shows that between 30% and 40% of families headed by single mothers are living in poverty—which makes the idea of spending money on education even more difficult to fathom.

Fortunately, there are multiple companies who want to help moms and single moms improve their situations through education. Read on to see a list of scholarships directly aimed at mothers who are pursuing higher education.

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The Best Prep Books for SAT Writing

Are you planning on buying a book to help you prep for SAT Writing?

In this article I will discuss the top prep books for SAT Writing on the market today, and why you should or should not buy them.

These books can be found at bookstores, the library, or online. If you make use of all these books and practice effectively, you'll be sure to improve your SAT writing score.

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Complete List of Extracurricular Activities: 100s of Examples

How do you like to spend your time after school? Did you know that how you choose to spend this time could be one of the most important ways you shape your future?

Extracurricular activities are a critical component of your college application, and you need to impress colleges with your interests. But you might not know what good extracurricular activities look like or what you should be spending your time on.

We've got you covered here in our guide of hundreds of examples of extracurricular activities. Read on to get some inspiration for how to spend your valuable free time during high school!

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What Are Extracurricular Activities and Why Do You Need Them?

You may have heard that extracurriculars are an important part of your high school life. You've probably been bombarded with stories about how everyone who is successful in getting into college played a varsity sport and was student body president and built homes for the poor in Costa Rica.

But do extracurriculars have to be so overwhelming? What are extracurricular activities, exactly? And just how important are they when it comes time to apply to college?

Read on for a better understanding of this important topic.

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Benefits of Community Service For You

Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, high school is a great time to try things that you haven’t done before – including volunteering.

Students may think it’s not worth their time to get involved in the community because it doesn’t pay like a normal job would. However, there are several benefits that volunteering can give you that no other job can.

Read on to find out about all the benefits of community service for you, your personal fulfillment, and practical purposes like college applications!

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