SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

What Is TTY Mode? How Does It Work on Cell Phones?

A TTY (teletypewriter) is a device that helps people who are deaf, speech-impaired, or hard-of-hearing use a phone to communicate. While TTY devices were initially designed for landline phones, they are used today with both landlines and cell phones.

In this article, I’ll be talking about TTY mode meaning on a cell phone and how to use it, as well as offering other, more modern options for people with hearing or speech impairments to communicate.

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How to Study for the New 2016 SAT



You might have heard that College Board released a new version of the SAT in 2016. So what should you do if you want to prepare for this version of the SAT but are mainly familiar with the old version? And do you really have to throw out all of your "old SAT" study materials?

We will go through the SAT section by section and note key differences between the old and new SAT. Next, we will explain how to prep for the new SAT based on those differences. We will point out places that you can still use old prep materials to prepare for the new SAT and also point you toward other free study resources online. We will also link extensively to our SAT study guides throughout this post to give you more targeted advice by section.

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Can Green Card Holders Get Financial Aid?

If you’re a high school student and a green card holder, you might be wondering if you’re eligible for any financial assistance for college.

The short answer to the question, “Can green card holders get financial aid?” is yes, but what’s the process for getting it? We’ll discuss the forms you have to fill out and how to determine your eligibility for financial aid as a green card holder in this article.

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How to Get 36 on ACT Reading: 11 Strategies from a Perfect Scorer

Are you scoring in the 26–34 range on ACT Critical Reading? Do you want to raise that score as high as possible—to a perfect 36?

Getting to a 36 ACT Reading score isn't easy. It'll require perfection. But with hard work and my strategies below, you'll be able to do it. I've consistently scored 36 on Reading on my real ACTs, and I know what it takes. Follow my advice, and you'll get a perfect score—or get very close.

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PSAT Test Dates 2018

Will you or your child be taking the PSAT in 2018? Are you wondering what day the exam will be held? The PSAT is different from other standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, because you cannot choose which day you’d like to take the exam.

When will this test date be? What if you can’t make it? This guide will answer both those questions, as well as explain the importance of PSAT scores, when you can expect to receive your scores, and how you can prepare for the exam.

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How to Build an ACT Study Plan: 4 Sample Schedules

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Posted by Hannah Muniz


The best way to attack the ACT is to use an ACT study plan. With a study plan, you can manage your prep time more easily, figure out your weaknesses, and hone the skills you need to get the score you want on test day.

We give you four top-notch ACT plans to choose from, based on your ACT score goals. Before we take a look at those, though, let’s go over the benefits of having an ACT schedule and the steps needed to find the right ACT study plan for you.


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100 Funny Charades Ideas for a Hilarious Game

Charades is the perfect party game. You can play it anytime, anywhere, with people of any age, and you don't need any extra materials or complicated rules to start the fun. All you need are a few friends and funny charades ideas for what words and phrases to act out.

If you need a refresher on how to play charades or are looking for some ideas for funny charade topics, you've come to the right place! In this article, I'll give you a basic run down of the rules for charades and then provide over 100 funny charades ideas that you can use in your next game.

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Do the Amish Have Dentists? Are Their Teeth Often Bad?

If you’ve ever seen the popular TLC show Breaking Amish, you might be wondering about Amish dental care. What do Amish teeth look like? Do Amish people go to dentists? And is it true that Amish people often get all of their teeth pulled, as Rebecca on Breaking Amish did? We answer all of these questions and more in this article.

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PSAT Test Dates 2015


The PSAT test dates of 2015 have come and gone, but they are not forgotten - especially for students aiming to become National Merit Finalists. This guide will go over the exact PSAT test dates in 2015, as well as discuss how test-takers can make the most of their PSAT score reports today.

If you’re looking for future PSAT test dates, then check out this guide instead. If you’re in the right spot, then read on to learn about how the PSAT testing schedule works for participating students.

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Are INFJs Funny? Understanding This Rare Personality Type

INFJs are the rarest of the Meyers-Briggs personality types, making up less than one percent of the population. Often known as "diplomats," INFJs are known as idealistic doers who will fight tirelessly for causes they believe in. But what does that mean for what INFJs are like day-to-day as friends, co-workers, family members, and romantic partners? Are they closed off? Are they helpful? Is an INFJ funny? Read on to find out more.

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How to Learn English Vocabulary: 5 Best Methods

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Posted by Hannah Muniz



Learning a foreign language isn't always easy, especially when it comes to vocabulary. (I've been studying Japanese for years and still have trouble remembering words!) Luckily, there are many ways you can learn English vocabulary—and some of them are even a little fun!

In this guide, we go over the top five methods you can use to learn English words and give you a few tips on how to find English words to study.

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The 7 Best Games to Learn English In Groups and Alone

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Posted by Hannah Muniz


Sometimes you need a break from traditional studying. But have you ever considered using games to learn English? Whether you're preparing for the TOEFL or simply want to improve your English abilities, there are many English-learning games out there that are high quality and effective—not to mention fun!

Read on to see our picks for the best games for learning English for both groups and solo learners. But first, what makes an English-learning game good?

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How to Learn English: 9 Steps to Fluency

Looking to improve your language skills but not sure how to learn English? Learning a foreign language is a long process, and along the way you'll need to make a lot of decisions. How often should you study? Should you get a tutor or study on your own? How can you make sure you practice English every day? What should you do if you find yourself getting bored?

In this guide, we'll walk you through each step you need to follow for how to learn English. We'll explain how to set up a study schedule, which tools you should use, how you can keep yourself motivated, and more. By the end of this guide, you'll have all the information you need to know for the best way to learn English.

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What's a Good PSAT Score for 2017? Expert Analysis

If you plan on taking the PSAT in October 2017, then you won’t have to wait too long for the results. You’ll get your scores back mid-December, just before winter break.

Your PSAT score report gives you a few different score types, including your total scores, section scores, and Selection Index. With all this data, how can you sort through the numbers to figure out what's a good PSAT score?

This guide goes over the full scoring system of the PSAT so you'll know exactly what makes a good score. We'll start with a quick glossary explaining the various types of PSAT scores you’ll find on your score report in December.

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Polygons on ACT Math: Geometry Formulas and Strategies

Questions about both circles and various types of polygons are some of the most prevalent types of geometry questions on the ACT. Polygons come in many shapes and sizes and you will have to know them inside and out in order to take on the many different types of polygon questions the ACT has to offer.

The good news is that, despite their variety, polygons are often less complex than they look; a few simple rules and strategies are all that you need when it comes to solving an ACT polygon question.

This will be your complete guide to ACT polygons—the rules and formulas for various polygons, the kinds of questions you’ll be asked about them, and the best approach for solving these types of questions.

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