SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

What Is an Epilogue? Definition and Examples

Ever read the final chapter of a book only to turn the page and be met with something called an "epilogue"? (I'm guessing yes since you're reading this!) An epilogue is a useful literary device that many authors and playwrights like to use in their works.

In this guide, we'll give you the epilogue definition, explain the various purposes of epilogues in literature, provide you with real epilogue examples, and go over four useful tips for writing your very own epilogue.

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What Is edTPA?

Are you pursuing a career as a classroom teacher? Then you might be wondering about the edTPA: what it is, whether you have to complete it, and how to pass.

In this article, we’ll explain what the edTPA is and how to pass it.

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How to Find the Area of a Triangle: Formula and Examples

Geometry can be fun, but it can also give you a massive headache if you’re not sure what formulas to use or how to approach a problem.

Triangles especially have a lot of unique qualities and formulas you need to know, including the area of triangle formula. How can you figure out the area of a triangle? It’s not as simple as it is for rectanglesbut it’s also not as difficult as you might think.

In this guide, we'll go over how to find the area of a triangle and give you sample problems and tips you can use to further sharpen your skills.

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The PEMDAS Rule: Understanding Order of Operations

Everyone who's taken a math class in the US has heard the acronym "PEMDAS" before. But what does it mean exactly? Here, we will explain in detail the PEMDAS meaning and how it's used before giving you some sample PEMDAS problems so you can practice what you've learned.

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250+ Words to Describe Yourself in Any Situation

One skill everyone should have, whether you’re applying to college or for a job, is how to describe yourself in a way that's both accurate and unique. In other words, what are some interesting, eye-catching words to describe yourself with?

We list more than 250 describing words and give you tips for figuring out how to pick words that best suit you and your personality. But first, what are some situations in which you’d need to know describing words?

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The Best MTEL Practice Tests You Can Take

If you live in Massachusetts and have decided to pursue a career in public education, your first step will be to take the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL). 

But why do you have to take the MTEL exam? Well, the MTEL is necessary to achieve teaching licensure in Massachusetts. It is a fairly difficult and expensive exam, so you will definitely want to study for it!

Luckily, there are a number of practice tests online, of varying quality--so many, in fact, that it can be overwhelming just deciding where to begin. 

Never fear: here is everything you need to know about MTEL practice tests! We’re going to talk about: 

  • What the MTEL test is
  • Who should take the MTEL test 
  • An overview of the MTEL test 
  • A discussion of the available MTEL practice tests you can take 

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started.

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53 Metaphor Examples in Literature, Music, and Everyday Life

If you’re a writer or poet, you’ve likely heard of metaphorsand might even be a fan of using them in your own writing. Metaphors bring power, persuasiveness, and beauty to the written word.

Here, we explain what a metaphor is and list 50+ metaphor examples in literature, popular songs, famous quotations, and more. We also provide you with some tips on how to come up with unique metaphors of your own.

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The 24 Greek Alphabet Letters and What They Mean

The Ancient Greeks are known for their contributions to modern society. The Greeks are often thought of as the founders of philosophy, as well as early pioneers in literature, government, and more. The Greeks were also one of the first to develop a comprehensive, written language that surfaced around the 8th century B.C, and was used widely across the region.

Though the ancient Greek alphabet originally had multiple variants, The Euclidean Alphabet, which is still used today, has been used since the 4th century B.C. In addition to being used in the Greek language, Greek letters are also used as symbols in math and science, as well as in other fields. Below, we will go over the Greek letters as they’re used today, modern pronunciation, and their approximate English equivalents.

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The 12 Best ASVAB Practice Tests to Study With

If you’re thinking about enlisting in the US military, you’ll need to take the ASVAB. However, the exam is tougher than many people expect, and you’ll likely have to do some studying for it. Practice ASVABs are the best way to learn how well you’re currently doing and where you need to improve. Read this guide to learn where you can find the absolute best ASVAB practice tests, which practice tests you should avoid, and how you can get the most out of your studying.

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How Many Sides Does a Pentagon Have?

Wondering, “How many sides does a pentagon have?” Look no further! This article will tell you everything you need to know about pentagons.

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What Are Lightning Bugs? Are They Different From Fireflies?

If you're lucky, you've had the experience of sitting outside on a warm, summer night and watching lightning bugs blink all around you. It's a pretty magical feeling, and it's all thanks to little glowing bugs!

But what are lightning bugs, exactly? What makes them glow? And why do they only come out during the summer? This article will teach you everything you need to know about lightning bugs, and we'll answer the questions like:

  • What is a lightning bug?
  • What do lightning bugs eat?
  • Where do lightning bugs live?
  • Why do lightning bugs light up?
  • Which term is correct (firefly vs lightning bug)?

So let's go ahead and meet our glowy friends!


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What Is the ASVAB Test?

Thinking of joining the United States military? Then you’ll need to take something called the ASVAB to enlist in your desired branch. This exam requirement applies to all branches and most reserves, with some exceptions. So what is the ASVAB test exactly? What does it test you on and how is it scored? These are the main questions we answer in this comprehensive guide to the ASVAB test.

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Does Georgetown Superscore ACT Scores?

Does Georgetown superscore the ACT? Let’s cut to the chase: Georgetown University does not superscore the ACT, despite what you might read from online chat forums. But don’t despair! Even if you had your hopes set on a Georgetown superscore, you can still get into the school of your dreams.

As it turns out, there’s a lot to know about Georgetown’s admissions process. Once you understand what it takes to get into Georgetown, you can maximize your chances of receiving an acceptance letter!

In this crash course of all things Georgetown ACT, we’ll talk about:

  • What is superscoring?
  • Georgetown superscore policy & overall admissions requirements
  • General ACT standards
  • Plus, some tips on improving your overall ACT score!

Let’s jump in! 


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How Long Are Elephants Pregnant?

Elephants are the largest land mammals in the world. There are two species of elephant: the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). While the two species live in different places, they have many characteristics in common, including the duration of their pregnancies. But how long are elephants pregnant for? Read this guide to find out!

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The Number 0: What It Is and How to Use It

The number 0 has long stumped people who are learning math concepts. Is zero a number? How do we use it? Though we all know on some level that zero means none or nothing, that doesn’t always help us incorporate it into math problems. Below we will go over a few basic functions of zero and how to solve equations containing zero using those functions.

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