SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

What's a Good SAT/ACT Score for the Ivy League? What's the Lowest Score I Can Get in With?

Are you aiming to attend an Ivy League school? What ACT/SAT scores do Ivy League universities—Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, Penn, and Yale—expect? Here, we look at what test scores these eight highly selective schools consider good, as well as what scores are considered borderline.

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Guaranteed Scholarships Based on SAT/ACT Scores

Maybe you've taken the SAT or ACT and got a really good score, but you aren't sure how to get the most money out of it. Or maybe you haven't taken the SAT or ACT yet but are wondering how important the tests really are. One way you can make the most of your score is by finding guaranteed SAT scholarships or guaranteed ACT scholarships.

In this post, we'll show you some of the scholarships for high SAT scores and scholarships for high ACT scores that you can get. You can earn thousands of dollars in scholarships based just on your test scores. Curious to see how? We'll show you where you can get scholarships based on ACT scores and scholarships based on SAT scores.

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Good SAT Scores: Ivy League Plus Edition

Setting a target SAT score to aim for is important, but what if you want to shoot for the moon and get an Ivy League-caliber SAT score? Read on to find out what SAT scores Ivy League Plus schools require.

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What's a Good ACT Score for 2022?

Have you taken the ACT recently or are registered to take it soon? If so, you probably want to know what a good ACT score for 2022 is. What ACT score should you be aiming for, and how can you know if it'll be enough to get you into your dream college?

In this guide, we go over three different ways you can define good ACT scores for 2022. We also take a look at how the definition of good ACT scores has changed in recent years.

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What's a Good SAT Score for 2022?

Have you recently taken the SAT or are planning to take it soon? If so, you're probably wondering, "What's a good SAT score for 2022?" This guide breaks down three different ways you can define good SAT scores for 2022 and explains why it's so important for you to set a goal score. We also go over SAT averages and percentiles and explain how you can use that data to define what a good SAT score is. 

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Can You Fail the SAT?

The SAT is a pretty high-stakes test - it’s an important part of your college applications, which could mean trouble if you get a low score. But can you fail the SAT altogether?

The good news is that officially, it’s impossible to fail the SAT - but that doesn’t mean that a low score doesn't mean bad news. Here, I’ll review everything you need to know about why you can’t really fail the SAT, but why poor marks may as well count as failing.

Worried about your score? At the end, I’ll go over the steps you should take to pull them up.  

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What Is the Average SAT Score for Colleges?

If you're preparing for the SAT or have received your SAT scores, you may be wondering what score you need to get into college. What's an average SAT score for colleges?

In this article, I'll explain average SAT scores and what they mean for you. Find out how to calculate the score you need to help reach your college goals.

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What Is a Good ACT Score for 2021?

Are you planning on taking the ACT soon? If so, you're probably wondering, "What's a good ACT score for 2021?" In this in-depth guide, we'll go over the three ways you can  know if an ACT score is good or not. We also explain why it's so important to set a goal score and how the coronavirus pandemic and new school score policies have affected 2021 ACT scores.

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What's a Good SAT Score for 2021?

Planning on taking the SAT soon? If so, you're probably wondering, "What's a good SAT score for 2021?" In this in-depth guide, we explain the three ways you can determine whether an SAT score is good or not. We also explain why it's so important to set a goal score and how the coronavirus pandemic and new school score policies have affected 2021 SAT scores.

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Average ACT Scores: What They Mean For You

The average ACT score for US students is a 20.6. The middle 50% of students score between a 16 and a 25. The following chart breaks down the nationwide average by section:










However, when you’re thinking about college admissions the nationwide average isn’t important: what really matters is the average score of the students you’re being compared with.

If you’re a high achieving student applying to very selective schools you’ll need a score much higher than the national average. If, on the other hand, you’re applying to certain state schools, a 20 is a totally acceptable score.

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NCAA SAT Scores: What You Need to Be Eligible

Calling all student athletes! Are you aiming to go to college as an NCAA athlete? Two important NCAA Clearinghouse requirements have to do with your high school grade point average (GPA) and SAT scores, which are compared on a sliding scale. Let's talk about the eligibility criteria for NCAA athletics, and how you can achieve the scores you need.

First, let's review GPA requirements and how your GPA is calculated.

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What's a Good ACT Score for 2020?

No matter what time of year it is, there's always an ACT test date right around the corner. What's a good ACT score for 2020? And how can you determine what score you should aim for on test day?

In this comprehensive guide, we introduce three possible ways you can define good ACT scores for 2020. We also take a look at how the definition of good ACT scores has changed in recent years.

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What's a Good SAT Score for 2020?

Planning to take the SAT soon? Then you're probably wondering, "What's a good SAT score for 2020?" In this comprehensive guide, we break down three different ways you can define good SAT scores for 2020 and explain why it's so important to set a goal score.

We also look at how SAT averages and percentiles have changed (or, rather, not changed) over the past few years and what this means for how we define what a good SAT score is.

Let's get started!

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How Many Questions Can You Skip for a Good SAT Score?

Every year students fight to get the SAT score they want. For many students, completing all the questions before running out of time is a serious challenge. If you're one of those who struggles to finish the test in time, skipping can be a real asset. But how many questions can you skip for a good score on the SAT?

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When Don't SAT/ACT Scores Matter for College Admissions?

Have you started researching how to apply to college? You may know that most college-bound students take the SAT and ACT. But just how important are they, and when can you get away without taking them?

Let's look at when SAT and ACT scores are important for college admissions, and when they're not.

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