SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

AICE Diploma: What Is It? Should You Get One?

There are several options for students who wish to accelerate to college-level learning during their high school years. Besides AP classes and the IB program, there's the AICE Diploma.

If you're not very familiar with the AICE program, never fear—this article will bring you up to speed. Here, we'll cover what the diploma is and how you can get it as well as the benefits of pursuing this program (including scholarships and college credit).

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What Is a Good SAT Score? A Bad SAT Score? An Excellent SAT Score?

What is a good SAT score? You took the SAT, got your scores back, and now want to know how you did. Or maybe you want to know what score to aim for next time.

In this guide, we discuss how to figure out how your SAT scores stack up against those of all the other test takers. We'll then help you determine what a good SAT score for you is based on the colleges you are interested in. Finally, we provide the SAT score ranges of more than 50 popular schools and discuss what to do if your score turns out to be lower than you expected.

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Complete Guide: Which Schools Use the Common Application?

Are you applying to college soon? If so, you've probably heard of the Common Application—an online application you can use for more than 900 colleges. Since you only have to fill out one application, it saves you time when applying to college.

But which colleges use the Common Application? And which Common Application schools are in your state? We have a complete list here, broken down by state and updated for the 2023-24 academic year.

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How to Get a College Application Fee Waiver: 3 Approaches

Most college application fees fall in the $40 to $50 range, with some costing as much as $90 (ahem, Stanford). For many students and their families, these fees present a serious obstacle along the already pricey path to college. If application fees are burdensome to you, you might qualify for college application fee waivers.

Just like SAT and ACT fee waivers, these college fee waivers allow you to send off your applications for free. This guide will go over how you can qualify for and use college application fee waivers; it'll also review how much college apps usually cost and how much you can save with fee waivers.

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The Best UC Schools, Ranked By Experts

Choosing a college in California can be tough, especially since there are so many great options available. One of the best school systems to choose from is the University of California.

In this article, we’ll provide a complete, ranked list of the best UC schools, give you information about each. We’ll list the campuses, give you important stats like how much each costs…and so much more!

That way, you can pick the UC school that’s best for you. Let’s get started!

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Complete Official SAT Practice Tests, Free Links

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Posted by Allen Cheng


Official SAT tests released by the College Board are the absolute gold standard for SAT practice questions. Each official practice test contains real questions given to actual students at previous administrations of the SAT.

In this article, I'll show you where to find all official SAT practice tests online. This comprehensive guide gives you access to more practice tests than any other guide out there. Most of these tests are free and are great practice to get started with your SAT prep. We'll also discuss how to use these practice tests to help you get the most improvement possible out of them.

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Average ACT Score for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, and Earlier Years

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Posted by Anna Aldric


In recent years, more and more students have been taking the ACT than ever before. But what does this change in participation rate mean for the average ACT score?

As you'll learn in this article, while ACT scores have been fairly stable in the last few years, there have been some dips and peaks in scores in the last 30 years. Let's take a look at what's happening.

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Digital SAT Tools: What You'll Have and What You'll Need

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The new digital SAT debuts in spring of 2024 with a set of useful tools for students. Some help you prepare for the test and practice in the new format ahead of time. Some tools help you with the required pre-registration for the exam. And some will be available on test day to help you work through the exam. These built-in, online tools have been added for this new digital format.

You can learn about all of these tools for the new digital SAT by reading through this article. These tools will help quell your anxiety, ensure you are prepared, and help you feel confident walking into the test.

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Complete Strategies: Common App Essay Prompts (2024-25)

If you're applying to more than one or two colleges, there's a good chance you'll have to use the Common Application, and that means you'll probably have to write a Common App essay.

In this guide, I'll cover everything you need to know about the essay. I'll break down every single Common App essay prompt by going over the following:

  • What is the question asking?
  • What do college admissions officers want to hear from you?
  • What topics can you write about effectively?
  • What should you avoid at all costs?

This will be your complete starting guide for Common App essays. After reading this, you should have a lot of ideas for your own essays and directions to write a really strong personal statement.

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The Ultimate Digital SAT Math Prep Guide: Tips, Formulas, and Practice

It's entirely possible to train for the digital SAT's Math section. The more you understand how it works, the better you'll perform on test day. Here, we'll give you absolutely everything you'll need to know to master SAT Math.

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Start Preparing for the Digital SAT Now with PrepScholar

In spring 2023, College Board rolled out its new digital SAT format for international students, and in March 2024, all U.S. students will begin taking the SAT on a computer. The switch from a pencil-and-paper exam to a digital format is one of the most significant changes the company has made to the standardized test in its nearly 100-year history.

Our guide to the new digital SAT provides a handy breakdown of all the changes you can expect to see. But if you’re looking to get an insider look at the test and want to boost your performance, PrepScholar now offers a Digital SAT Test Prep program. Read on to learn more about what you can expect from our new course and how you can maximize your scores.

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How to Win a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award

If you’re a high school senior of Hispanic or Latinx heritage, you'll definitely want to learn more about the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF). With more than 150 types of scholarships available through this program, there’s a lot to learn—and a lot to win!

When you submit an HSF award scholarship, you’re actually submitting yourself for consideration for many different awards (much like when you submit a FAFSA). I’ll talk about all the details you’ll need to take into consideration before submitting your own application for Hispanic scholarships. Then, we'll take a look at application strategies for current high school seniors.

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SAT and ACT Test Dates: Find Your Best 2024-2025 Testing Schedule

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Posted by Hannah Muniz


You know that you'll have to take the SAT or ACT and do well on it—but figuring out exactly when to take your exam can sometimes feel like the hardest part of the whole testing process. In this guide, we introduce all upcoming SAT and ACT dates for the 2024-2025 testing year and explain what factors you must consider before committing to a test date.

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How To Find a College That Fits You Perfectly

With nearly 4,000 colleges and universities in the United States, the choices can be overwhelming, to say the least. There’s so much to think about when deciding where you will spend the next four years of your life, and it’s sometimes difficult to narrow down the choices.

In choosing your best fit college, it’s best to consider as many variables as possible. If you’ve thought through various possibilities and reflected on what you’re looking for in a school, you'll know you’ve chosen the best fit when it’s time to sign your letter of acceptance.

The best fit school is one that suits your personality, matches the goals you have for yourself, will help you reach those goals, and will meet your other needs and wants when it comes to social atmosphere, extracurricular opportunities, and academic opportunities. Fortunately, you have tools and resources at your disposal that will help you figure all of this out. So let’s dive in and discover how to find the right school for you!

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How Many Colleges Should You Apply To? Expert Guide

Many students stress over the same question: "How many colleges should I apply to?" How many is too many? How few is too few? There is so much disagreement on this topic, even among experts, that many students are left confused and unsure.

In this article, I’ll clear up this confusion. I’ll give you an idea of how many schools you should apply to and explain the factors to consider when deciding how many colleges to apply to. After reading this guide, you'll feel confident about crafting your own college list and how long it will be.

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