SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Exactly What to Expect From AP Language Multiple Choice

Perhaps because the free-response section of the AP Language and Composition exam is worth more than the multiple-choice section, some teachers spend much more time preparing you for free-response than multiple-choice. While it's great to be prepared for the essays, this might leave you feeling like a lost and confused lamb when it comes to the AP English Language and Composition multiple choice section.

But never fear, the guide is here! This guide will give a brief overview of the AP Language and Composition multiple-choice section, the eight question types you can expect to see on the test, three preparation strategies, a slate of AP practice question resources, and finally some tips for success on test day.

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The Best AP Psychology Study Guide

AP courses cover a lot of complex information, and it's not always easy to find great study materials and strategies. I've written this AP Psychology study guide as a way to make the process of studying for the AP test and other in-class assessments a little less overwhelming. It will help you figure out how to structure your studying, give you strategies to better understand the material, and provide links to notes and practice resources. If you follow the advice in this guide, you'll be on your way to a high AP Psych score!

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The Ultimate AP Chemistry Study Guide

Studying for the AP Chemistry exam is a challenging undertaking. There are so many different topics and types of problems that you're expected to master, some of which you might not have fully understood in your class.

This AP Chemistry study guide is written to help you effectively navigate the road towards the AP exam. I'll give you all the information and resources you need to create a study plan, review the content, and practice your skills.

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The Ultimate AP Psychology Review Guide: 5-Step Prep Plan

Preparing for the AP Psychology exam shouldn't make you lose your sanity (as it were). Some of the material is challenging, but overall it's not that scary compared to other AP tests. As long as you stay focused during your prep and are familiar with the format of the test, you'll have a good chance of acing it!

In this article, we'll go over the structure and content of the AP Psychology exam and explain how you can make the best use of your AP Psychology review time to end up with a great score.

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The Ultimate AP Human Geography Study Guide

In your AP Human Geography class, you'll learn about the dynamics of societies around the world in economic, social, political, and environmental contexts. This course focuses a lot on ideas and models, along with terminology that defines the ways in which we've chosen to inhabit and change our surroundings.

This AP Human Geography study guide is designed to guide you through all the big concepts covered in the course, with an emphasis on cumulative preparation for the AP exam.

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The Best AP Human Geography Review Plan

Half the battle in reviewing for AP tests is knowing where to begin and how to structure your time. When it comes to the Human Geography class, how do you successfully switch from preparing for in-class tests to gearing up for the infamously difficult AP Human Geography exam?

In this complete AP Human Geography review, we give you a list of all the topics you'll see on test day, go through a step-by-step prep plan, and provide some helpful tips for acing this tricky exam.

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AP English Literature Multiple Choice: Complete Expert Guide

Does the thought of spending an hour answering multiple-choice questions on complex prose and poetry passages strike fear into your heart? The challenge of the AP Literature multiple-choice is enough to give even the most adept reader hives, but don't stress! This fully-updated guide will serve as your complete roadmap to success on the AP English Literature and Composition multiple-choice section.

First, we'll go over what the multiple-choice section looks like—the nuts and bolts. Then, I'll reveal the eight types of multiple-choice questions you can expect to encounter, and how to succeed on them. Next will come study tips, multiple-choice practice resources, and finally things to remember for test-day success!

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Ultimate Study Guide: SAT World History Subject Test

Subject Tests are required or recommended at the most competitive colleges because they provide a standardized measurement of your expertise in academic areas that interest you. If you're a history buff applying to very selective colleges, you might be considering the SAT Subject Test World History (aka the SAT 2 World History) as one of your options. This guide will help you figure out when to take the test, how the questions are formatted, and how you can study effectively.

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The Ultimate SAT Study Guide for SAT Prep

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Posted by Allen Cheng


At PrepScholar, we've written the largest set of high-quality SAT guides available, covering pretty much everything you need to know to improve your score on the digital SAT. They're all free and online, right here on our blog, and we think they beat any book you can purchase.

This guide, our Ultimate SAT Prep Study Guide, combines our most important SAT guides on one page. If you master all of the concepts linked to on this page, use them in your own practice and studying, and stay motivated to work hard, you'll have an amazing shot at improving your SAT score. Essentially, you'll have a huge advantage over students who don't know this information and lack the motivation to employ it in their own studying.

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Upcoming ACT Test Dates 2022-2023

Future ACT dates are only officially confirmed about a year or year and a half in advance. However, here at PrepScholar we've researched patterns from previous testing years to predict future ACT test dates and help you plan your exam schedule. Having an idea of when future ACT test dates will be can help you organize your schedule and know when to register and begin studying for the test.

In this article, we discuss the anticipated ACT test dates for 2022-2023 and explain how you can use them to be well-prepared for the date you decide is best for you.

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Is the ACT Hard? 9 Key Factors, Considered

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The ACT is a nerve-wracking test considering the impact scores can have on college admissions prospects. But how hard is the ACT, really? It's intimidating, sure, but it's not as difficult as it seems. The material on the ACT becomes much less challenging if you're familiar with the structure of the test and the way questions are asked.

In this article, I'll go over a few aspects of the ACT that tend to make it more or less difficult and provide essential tips on how to get past some of these obstacles and end up with a great score!

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SAT Test Dates 2022-2023

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Posted by Ashley Robinson


Preparing to take the SAT is often a crucial part of the college admissions process. To ensure your college application plans go off without a hitch, it’s important to have a clear strategy for taking the SAT on time. In order to do that, it’s helpful to have the most up-to-date info about future SAT test dates 2022-2023. 

This article is here to help you plan out your SAT test dates. We’ll walk you through the following: 

  • A full list of 2022-2023 SAT test dates (table included)
  • Information about SAT registration deadlines and score release dates 
  • Four top tips for how to choose your SAT testing dates 

Let’s get started!


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Expert Guide: Which SAT Subject Tests Should You Take?

Feeling lost and confused about which SAT Subject Test to choose? There are a lot of options - 20 to be exact - so it can be bewildering to know which ones will be best for your college applications.

Not to worry! We've gathered the most important considerations in selecting an SAT Subject Test. As long as you approach your decisions with these ideas in mind, you'll be sure to choose the best SAT Subject Tests to take for you.

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September SAT 2020: Everything You Need to Know

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Posted by Ashley Robinson


COVID-19 led to the cancellations of SAT dates in March, May, and June 2020. Unfortunately, this throws a wrench in many high school students' plans, especially if they're applying for college in the near future!

As affected students work to reschedule their tests, the College Board expects there to be a much higher demand for fall testing opportunities. That's why the College Board added a September SAT date in the fall 2020.

In this article, we'll tell you everything we know about the September 26, 2020 SAT date as of right now. Keep in mind that information about the exam is still being released, so be sure to check back for updates.


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What Is EOP? Your Guide to Educational Opportunity Programs

Traditionally, low-income students have been excluded from higher education, or they have faced obstacles that make graduating from college extremely difficult. Programs like the Educational Opportunity Program are designed to provide the necessary support to disadvantaged students to enable their success in college and beyond.

In this article, I'll describe EOP, detail the advantages of participating in an Educational Opportunity Program, and let you know how to enroll.

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