SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

ACT Rules and Regulations: What You HAVE to Know

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Posted by Justin Berkman


Because the ACT is such a high-stakes test, the folks at ACT, Inc. have implemented a series of rules to ensure that there is no cheating and that all students have as close to the same test-taking experience as possible.

Before you take the ACT, you should familiarize yourself with these important rules. You don’t want to start using some scratch paper that you brought and then be dismissed from the test and have your score canceled. Know the rules so you don’t find yourself in such a situation.

In this article, I’ll explain the rules for the ACT and the consequences for breaking them.

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What You Must Bring to the ACT on Test Day

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Posted by Rebecca Safier


Picture this: you’ve studied for months, you confidently sit down to your ACT test booklet, and on the first question your pencil breaks! You can’t ask anyone around you for a pencil since the test has already started. What do you do?

Luckily, this disastrous scenario won’t happen to you. In this guide, we'll look at what you need to bring to the ACT, some extra materials that could be helpful, and what you should leave behind when you head out the door. After reading this, you'll know all the things you need to bring on test day so your ACT testing experience can run as smoothly as possible.

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What's Actually Tested on the ACT Science Section? Skills and Topics

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Posted by Halle Edwards


Are you studying for the ACT? Not sure what to expect from the science section? You might be surprised to know that the science section one of the most commonly misunderstood parts of the ACT.

So what exactly is tested on the ACT science section? And how much science do you need to know to do well? We'll break down this section for you with example questions so you know exactly what to expect.

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ACT Aspire Practice Tests: Where to Find Free Tests

Has your school district started using ACT Aspire? Because Aspire only rolled out a few years ago (2014), it's possible you have a lot of questions about what the test will be like.

Want to get some practice before you take it for real? We'll give you links to free practice tests for each section of Aspire and explain how to best prepare for the test.

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The Ultimate Study Guide for ACT Science: Tips, Practice, and Strategies

We've written the best ACT Science guide available anywhere. This is not an exaggeration—we've studied dozens of ACT prep books and online resources, both paid and free, and we believe this is the best resource available right now, by far.

In this guide, we cover every question type on the ACT Science section and give you strategies to attack them. In addition, we provide you with our best ACT Science tips and teach you how to get the most out of your ACT Science practice and ACT prep.

If you're serious about raising your ACT Science score, read through every link. By mastering all the key concepts, engaging with realistic practice questions, and reviewing your mistakes, you'll dramatically improve your ACT Science score.

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Complete Plan: When Should I Start Studying for the ACT?

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Posted by Halle Edwards


If you’re a high school student, you’re probably already feeling the pressure to take the ACT and do well on it – even if you’re just a freshman or sophomore.

So when exactly should you start studying for the ACT? If you wait too long to study, you won’t get the highest score you’re capable of. But if you start too early, you might struggle because you don’t know all the content on the ACT yet. Or you might just forget things if you study over too long a period.

So what’s the perfect balance? We will introduce you to the content you have to know to do well on the ACT and then give you a study plan based on your college goals.

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What Exactly Is the ACT Aspire? Why Should You Care?

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Posted by Halle Edwards


In 2014, ACT Inc. replaced the ACT Plan – a pre-test very similar to the ACT – with the ACT Aspire. Aspire has a very different format, age range, and goals than either the ACT Plan or the regular ACT.

So why did the ACT release a new test, and how can it help you prepare for the ACT? We will explore what makes Aspire unique and what you can expect from it.

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What's Tested on the ACT Math Section? Topics and Practice

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Posted by Halle Edwards


Are you preparing for the ACT? You’re probably wondering what you need to know to be ready for the math section. For many students, the math section can be the most stressful part of the ACT because of its breadth and time difficulty.

In this post, we'll break down exactly what will appear on the ACT math test, with sample questions. We'll also give you the resources you need to start studying so you can get the best score possible.

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The Best Way to Study for the ACT: 4 Expert Tips

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Posted by Justin Berkman


Are you just starting your ACT prep and wondering how to tackle the daunting task of readying yourself for the ACT? Have you been studying for the ACT but not getting your desired results? Do you just want to confirm that you're on the right track?

In this article, I'll help you find the best way to study for the ACT by explaining all of your study options and letting you know how to figure out which ones to use. I'll also give you essential ACT study tips that are guaranteed to help you reach your target score.

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The Best Way to Study and Practice for ACT Science

The ACT Science is like a double rainbow: unique, complicated to understand, and people freak out when they see it. Unlike a double rainbow, which tends to freak people out because of its awesomeness, the ACT Science section tends to freak people out because of the crazy time crunch with only 35 minutes to answer 40 questions.

Even so, if you want to do well on the ACT Science, you can't avoid it. You have to buckle down and create a great study plan. The good news is there are several easy steps to take to make sure you are studying for the ACT Science section in the right way.

Here is an overview of what this guide covers:

  • Which study materials to use
  • The importance of using realistic timing
  • How you should be reviewing your practice tests
  • Memorizing what the ACT Science expects you to know
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How to Use Khan Academy for ACT Prep: Complete Guide

Khan Academy has recently partnered with the College Board, the makers of the SAT, to produce free and official SAT prep materials. Unfortunately, there's currently no official Khan Academy ACT prep; however, students can still use Khan Academy’s resources to help them prepare for the ACT.

This guide will go over what materials Khan Academy offers, why you should consider using them, and exactly which resources will be most helpful and which topics you will need to use additional review materials for so that you can be as well-prepared for the ACT as possible.

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How Many Times Can You Take the ACT?

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Posted by Rebecca Safier


If you keep improving every time you take the ACT, should you take it as many times as you can to get the highest score? Even though you can take the ACT up to 12 times, that doesn't necessarily mean that you should. Let's look at when you should retake the test, and when it's time to pack up and call it a day.

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How Science/Math People Can Do Well on SAT/ACT Reading

The reading sections of the SAT and ACT can be intimidating at first glance if you’re more inclined towards math and science than the humanities. All those passages! The horror!

Fear not, my number-loving friend. The reading sections of these tests are actually more logic and evidence-based than you might expect. In some cases, your science and math skills can even help you find the correct answers.

This article details three strategies for approaching SAT and ACT Reading if you consider yourself a more math and science-oriented student.

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How to Study for the ACT: 10-Step Plan

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Posted by Vero Lecocq


The ACT is quite possibly one of the most important tests you'll take in high school; it's vital to go in prepared. With so many sources offering the solution to your test preparation needs, how are you supposed to know which path to take?

What follows is a summary of the best advice I have to offer on how to study for the ACT, based on my extensive experience as a tutor. I'll cover when to start studying, where to find practice materials, and how to approach the process itself. This guide will give you a complete plan for studying for the ACT.

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ACT Vocabulary | Words You Must Know

Many students are confused about ACT vocabulary and what types of words they need to know. Is ACT vocab similar to SAT vocab? What's the best way to study ACT vocabulary?

In this article, we break down exactly how the ACT tests vocabulary, go over the words it tests most often, and give you tips on how to approach vocabulary on the Reading and English sections. As a bonus, we also offer a list of our top 15 ACT words and a free study sheet of our top 150 ACT words!

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