SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

The Best Algebra 2 Regents Review Guide 2020

If you're currently attending a public high school in New York State, then you'll have to pass one of three math Regents exams to earn your diploma. The Algebra 2 Regents exam, also called the Trig Regents exam due to its emphasis on trigonometry, tests you on numerous high-level math topics, from exponential functions and polynomials to conditional probability and complex numbers.

The next Algebra 2 Regents exam will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2020, at 1:15 pm.

This guide covers everything there is to know about Algebra 2 Regents, including the format of the exam, what its questions look like, the main topics it tests, and key tips for passing it.

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TEAS Study Guide: Everything You Need to Know About the Test

Do you want to be a nurse? Then you’ll need to take the TEAS test. In this article, we’ll cover what the TEAS exam is, who takes the TEAS test, and give you a mini TEAS study guide so you’re ready to pass your test.

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What Is the FTCE General Knowledge Test?

The FTCE is a group of tests that are used to certify teachers of all levels in Florida according to the state standards. The FTCE is a major step in becoming certified to teach at public schools, and there are specific requirements depending on what kind of teacher you intend to be, and at what level.

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What Was the Proclamation of 1763?

Hear ye, hear ye! We know you’ve heard of the American Revolution, but do you know what led Britain’s colonies to break away from the empire? Before the Stamp Act and the Boston Tea Party, one royal proclamation watered the seeds of resentment that would lead to all out war between the colonies and Britain. That little decree was the Royal Proclamation of 1763.

What is the Proclamation of 1763 and why should you know about it? Well, given that interactions between Britain, its colonies and Native Americans played such an important role in early American history, laws created during that time are important to know for AP exams and history classes. But don’t worry! By the end of this article, not only will you know what the Royal Proclamation of 1763 was, you’ll also know the causes that led to it, the response that resulted and the proclamation’s impact.

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What Is the CPA Exam? A Complete Guide to the Test

Are you interested in becoming a certified public accountant? If so, you probably already know that there are several qualifications you need to have met before you can become licensed. Some of those—such as work experience—come with time and patience, but the biggest step towards licensure is to pass the CPA Exam. 

But what is the CPA Exam, exactly? And how do you pass it? Well, no worries because this is your complete guide to everything you need to know about taking (and passing) the CPA Exam. In this article, we’ll cover: 

  • What the CPA Exam is
  • Who should take the CPA Exam
  • The CPA Exam score release dates 
  • How to register for the CPA exam
  • Data on the CPA exam pass rate
  • An overview of the exam itself, including its format and question types

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started!


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How to Register for and Pass the MPRE

Trying to become a lawyer in the United States? Then you’ll most likely need to take the MPRE. The MPRE is an important, usually mandatory test you must pass before you can be admitted to your state’s bar.

In this guide, we explain what kind of content the MPRE tests and give you all the info you need on the upcoming MPRE dates and deadlines. We will also discuss the MPRE registration process, what MPRE scores you need to pass the test, and what to do once you get your MPRE results.

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How to Pass the Air Force PT Test

Considering joining the Air Force or the Air Force ROTC? Then you’ll need to take the Air Force PT Test, a unique test designed to measure your overall fitness level. This test is used as an entry test for new recruits and as a routine fitness check-up for active Airmen and ROTC cadets. But how hard is it, really?

Read on to learn what the Air Force Fitness Test entails and what score you must get to pass it.

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What Is the CSET? Registration, Practice, and Results

The CSET is a group of tests administered by the state of California to provide teacher credentialing. The CSET offers many single subject test options, which makes it a key credentialing system for teachers at all levels. CSETs can be taken to show proficiency in knowledge and teaching multiple subjects, or for showing expertise in one area of education.

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Understanding Ozymandias: Expert Poem Analysis

With its heavy irony and iconic line, "Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!" "Ozymandias" is one of the most famous poems of the Romantic era. It was written by Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1817 and eventually became his most famous work. The poem describes the half-buried remnants of a statue of Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II and contrasts the pharaoh's proud words with his ruined likeness.

In this guide, we give the background on how "Ozymandias" was created, explain the key Ozymandias meaning, and discuss the poetic devices used in this poem. By the end of this article, you'll have a complete understanding of "Ozymandias."

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Vertex Form: What Is It? How Do You Calculate It?

Once you have the quadratic formula and the basics of quadratic equations down cold, it's time for the next level of your relationship with parabolas: learning about their vertex form.

Read on to learn more about the parabola vertex form and how to convert a quadratic equation from standard form to vertex form.

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Understanding The Raven: Expert Poem Analysis

"The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most well-known poems ever written. It brought its author worldwide fame and has frequently been analyzed, performed, and parodied. But what about this poem makes it so special?

In this guide, we give you a complete overview of "The Raven," discussing everything from the sad stories behind its creation and what is actually going on between the narrator and the raven, to its themes and the poetic devices it uses so effectively.

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The Story of an Hour: Summary and Analysis

Imagine a world where women are fighting for unprecedented rights, the economic climate is unpredictable, and new developments in technology are made every year. While this world might sound like the present day, it also describes America in the 1890s

It was in this world that author Kate Chopin wrote and lived, and many of the issues of the period are reflected in her short story, “The Story of an Hour.” Now, over a century later, the story remains one of Kate Chopin’s most well-known works and continues to shed light on the internal struggle of women who have been denied autonomy.

In this guide to Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour,” we’ll discuss:

  • A brief history of Kate Chopin and America the 1890s
  • “The Story of an Hour” summary
  • Analysis of the key story elements in “The Story of an Hour,” including themes, characters, and symbols

By the end of this article, you’ll have an expert grasp on Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour.” So let’s get started!

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To Be or Not to Be: Analyzing Hamlet's Soliloquy

"To be, or not to be, that is the question."

It’s a line we’ve all heard at some point (and very likely quoted as a joke), but do you know where it comes from and the meaning behind the words? "To be or not to be" is actually the first line of a famous soliloquy from William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet.

In this comprehensive guide, we give you the full text of the Hamlet "To be or not to be" soliloquy and discuss everything there is to know about it, from what kinds of themes and literary devices it has to its cultural impact on society today.

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Understanding The Yellow Wallpaper: Summary and Analysis

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s classic short story, "The Yellow Wallpaper" tells the story of a young woman’s gradual descent into psychosis. "The Yellow Wallpaper" is often cited as an early feminist work that predates a woman’s right to vote in the United States. The author was involved in first-wave feminism, and her other works questioned the origins of the subjugation of women, particularly in marriage. "

The Yellow Wallpaper" is a widely read work that asks difficult questions about the role of women, particularly regarding their mental health and right to autonomy and self-identity. We’ll go over The Yellow Wallpaper summary, themes and symbols, The Yellow Wallpaper analysis, and some important information about the author.

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11 Top Resources for NCLEX Questions and Practice Tests

To become a licensed nurse, you'll need to pass the NCLEX exam. One of the best ways to prepare for this is to practice with sample NCLEX questions and full-length tests. These questions help you get a better feel for what you can expect on exam day and what your biggest weaknesses are. But where can you find high-quality NCLEX practice questions and an official NCLEX practice test?

Here, we introduce our picks for the 11 best resources you can use for NCLEX questions and practice tests, from official materials to prep books and free NCLEX questions. We also give you a handful of essential tips to know for using these resources wisely.

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