SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Infographic: What's a Good SAT Score for College?

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The definition of a "good" SAT score is tough to pinpoint. It depends significantly on the types of colleges you're looking at and how much you've improved from your baseline scores.

The infographic in this article will go through statistics on the national level and at different colleges to give you a better sense of what a good score might mean for you. This data should help you to see your score from a more informed perspective and decide whether you need to keep working on it to make improvements.

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Already Have a High ACT Score? How to Improve Even More

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If you're doing well on the ACT but you still want to improve, it can be difficult to find the right prep strategies. High scorers who hope to become elite scorers will benefit from different study strategies than low scorers.

In this article, I'll go through what it means to be a high scorer on the ACT, why high scorers can benefit from their own set of preparation strategies, and which strategies will give you the best chance of improving already impressive test results.

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How to Guess Strategically on ACT Math

The ACT allows for guessing without penalty (no negative points here!), but how can you turn guessing into the best strategy to maximize your ACT math score? The more you can increase your guessing odds, the better off you’ll be. And we’re here to show you how.

We’ll go through when and how to guess strategically on the ACT math section as well as show you examples of how to guess most effectively in action.

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Are You Accused of Cheating on the SAT/ACT? What To Do

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Posted by Dora Seigel


Have you been falsely accused of cheating on the SAT or ACT? What can you do if you're accused of cheating at the test center? What can you do if you're accused of cheating after you get your score? How can you fight it if they have evidence against you? Will you not get into any colleges? What are the best and worst case scenarios? I'll answer all of these questions below.

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Guide to Using SAT Practice Tests: 20 Hour Prep

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It's important to learn how to use official SAT practice tests as study resources because they will give you the most accurate reading of what to expect on the real SAT. If you only have twenty hours to prepare, this guide will teach you how to use practice tests to your best advantage within that limited time. I'll walk you through why SAT practice tests are important and how you can use a step by step twenty hour plan to get the most out of them. 

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Guide to Using ACT Practice Tests: 20 Hour Prep

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If you only have a short time left to study for the ACT, using official practice tests can help you raise your scores quickly. In this article, I'll take you through a 20-hour ACT prep plan that uses official practice tests to hone your skills on the test. This approach will show you exactly what you can expect on test day and help you to identify and address the most pressing weaknesses in your test-taking strategy. Below, I've broken down the most effective way to get the swiftly get the greatest benefit from practicing with official ACTs, as well as explained the benefits and drawbacks of this type of prep program.

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What Should High School Students Do After School?

High school students have a lot of options for what they can do once the school day ends: they can study, do homework, participate in a sport, watch TV, work at a job, play video games, attend a club meeting and more. Some of these activities are more useful and productive than others, and spending your time after school wisely can help you become better prepared for college and the rest of your future.

Whether you're a student or a parent, read on to learn about the benefits afterschool activities can have and which are the best ones for high schools students to participate in.

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Are You Smart But Scoring Low on the SAT/ACT? What To Do

Are you a high achieving student who’s used to getting good grades in school? Were you expecting a similarly high standardized test score and were disappointed when you got your scores back?

I have two pieces of good news: 1. You are not alone; this problem is a lot more common than you probably think. 2. There are ways to improve your test taking skills and raise your score. This guide will go over the most common reasons smart students get low scores on standardized tests and give step-by-step guidelines for solving the problem.

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How You'll Get Stuck in SAT/ACT Math Questions, and What to Do About It

So you’ve been staring at one math problem for what feels like forever, or maybe you’ve gone through your solve and none of the answer choices match what you found. Or maybe you just feel like somewhere along the way you made a huge mistake….

Well, never fear! Right now you might be stuck on a math problem, but we’ve all been there and there is always a way to recover. We’ll walk you through both how to recognize when you’re stuck (it’s not always obvious until too late) and what to do about it when it happens.

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How to Use SAT Scores: Advice to Admissions and Employers

Standardized test scores have long had an important place in college admissions, as well as for some jobs. Schools and employers want to they accept the most talented people, so they often use SAT scores to judge intelligence and future success. However, some common beliefs about what SAT scores represent are actually false.

Read this guide to learn what information SAT scores can and cannot be used to determine and maximize the usefulness of standardized test scores for your school, business, or committee.

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How to Get the Most Out of SAT Math Practice Questions

You’ve lined up all your SAT math study material, but now how do you use these questions to their best effect? Getting the materials to study is only half the battle—making an effective study plan and knowing how to best execute it is the second, crucial step.

We’ve put together a comprehensive plan on how to make use of the study materials you have at hand. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to best use your math practice problems and how to make the best study plan possible to boost your SAT math score.

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26 Great Alternatives to ACT Practice Tests

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Posted by Dr. Anna Wulick


To completely prepare for the ACT, you must spend time taking official ACT tests in the same conditions that you’ll face on the day of the real thing.

But what if you’re stuck on a concept that you just can’t seem to quite wrap your head around? Or what if you gone through many of the available practice tests already, but still would like to keep working on your skills? The great news is that there are many other ways to effectively study the concepts being tested on the ACT!

In this article, I’ll talk about what alternative practice ACT resources are good for, and how to use them best when preparing for the test. Then, I’ll also go through the ACT section by section and lay out all the available alternative resources. By the end of this post, you'll have a huge stock of extra practice material to help you prep for the ACT.

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Already Have a High SAT Score? How to Improve Even More

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For students who are already scoring high on the SAT, improvement can be an uphill battle. High scorers may need to use different strategies to get the most out of their studying and push themselves into an elite score range.

In this article, I'll go over what it means to be a high scorer and how high scorers can take their prep techniques to the next level. 

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SAT vs ACT Math: Which Is Easier?

If you put to a vote whether the ACT Math test or the SAT Math test is easier, there's going to be heavy contention on both sides. Some will swear up and down (and sideways) that the SAT Math section is easier. Others will not be moved by any force in the world away from the position that the ACT Math section is the simpler one.

But which faction is right? And more importantly, which test should you take? We’ve broken down the ins and outs of each math test to tell you which is easier, depending on the type of test taker and math student you are.

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What's a Good New 2016 SAT Score for Your Target School?

You might have heard that a new SAT was released in March 2016! What's it out of? How do you know what a good score is? How do you determine what new SAT score you need to be accepted to your target school? I'll cover all of this information below.

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