SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Guaranteed Scholarships Based on SAT/ACT Scores

Maybe you've taken the SAT or ACT and got a really good score, but you aren't sure how to get the most money out of it. Or maybe you haven't taken the SAT or ACT yet but are wondering how important the tests really are. One way you can make the most of your score is by finding guaranteed SAT scholarships or guaranteed ACT scholarships.

In this post, we'll show you some of the scholarships for high SAT scores and scholarships for high ACT scores that you can get. You can earn thousands of dollars in scholarships based just on your test scores. Curious to see how? We'll show you where you can get scholarships based on ACT scores and scholarships based on SAT scores.

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Early Action Deadlines for Every College With EA

If you're in the midst of college application season, then you know it's time to take action. For some of you, that might be early action, which pushes your deadlines up a couple months.

This guide has the complete list of colleges that offer early action, along with advice on the best way to prepare for an early deadline. Before getting to the list, though, let's go over the ins and outs of the early action admission plan.

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Which Colleges Don't Require SAT/ACT Scores for 2024-2025 Admissions?

The coronavirus has had a massive impact on colleges, and that includes college admissions. The result? Hundreds of colleges have dropped their SAT and ACT test requirements, and many schools have kept those test-optional policies into 2024-2025. 

Which schools have cancelled exams? Will they reinstate these test requirements next year? If you're able to take a test, should you still submit your scores? This guide covers all those questions.

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How to Get Into MIT: 5 Expert Admissions Tips

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the best schools in the world. If you want to be one of the few students accepted into MIT every year, you'll need to make sure your application is up to snuff.

In this article, we'll break down exactly how to get into MIT, from the test scores you need to the tips and tricks that'll help your application stand out.

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Early Action Schools: Complete List of EA Colleges

Would you like to know where you'll be going to college as soon as possible? If you apply early action, then you might have your plans all set by winter break of your senior year. That's a big leap forward compared with waiting for regular notifications in March or April!

A large number of schools offer an early action deadline in addition to a regular decision deadline. This guide will go over what you need to know about applying early action and give you a comprehensive list of all the schools that offer it. To start, how does early action work?

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How to Win a Coca Cola Scholarship

If you're looking into scholarship programs to help pay for your college education, the famous Coca-Cola scholarships are a good place to start. Why are they famous? Well, the Coca-Cola foundation offers some of the most generous awards out there to graduating high school seniors. They tend to be very competitive, so if you want a shot at the scholarship, you should learn as much about them as you possibly can.

In this post, I'll talk about some of the logistical concerns you might have about the scholarship— things like deadlines and eligibility requirements. But more importantly, I'll also offer helpful tips and strategies to give your application the boost it needs. Read on to optimize your chances of winning one of these competitive scholarships!

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Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require?

College admissions can seem like a giant puzzle, especially if you're hoping to attend an Ivy League or other extremely selective school. Planning your high school schedule carefully is definitely important, but these schools' expectations aren't as inflexible as you might think they are.

In this article, I'll provide a concise overview of what Ivy League admission requirements are for high school transcripts and give you some tips on how to map out your classes so you have an excellent shot at being accepted.

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7 Steps to a Successful Georgetown Application

Georgetown University is one of the most selective universities in the country, but understanding the application and what Georgetown admissions officers are looking for when they review your application can give you a serious leg up over the rest of the competition.

In this guide, we go over everything you need to know about the Georgetown University application, including what you need to submit, every Georgetown application deadline, what admissions officers are looking for when they review applications, and how you can make each key part of your application stand out from the pack.

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Beware of These 16 Worst College Majors

One of the biggest decisions you'll have to make while you're in college (or even before you begin) is what to major in. When you choose a major, you might primarily think about your academic interests or long-term career goals. But perhaps you're concerned about more practical matters, such as employment and earnings opportunities.

If you want to scope out majors that'll make it more difficult for you to be professionally successful in the long run, you've come to the right place. Here, I'll lay out what makes a major "bad" before listing the worst college majors in a variety of categories (including worst-paying majors, majors with the highest unemployment rates, and lowest-value majors). Keep in mind, however, that these can still be great subjects to study.

Already majoring in one of the subjects on this list or planning to in the future? Don't worry—that doesn't mean you're doomed to professional failure. At the end, I'll list tips and strategies for success if you've decided to pursue one of the majors on these lists.

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What Is the SAT Waitlist? Should You Get on It?

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Did you miss the registration deadline for the SAT test date you wanted? Don't fear—you still might have a chance to take the test if you get on the waitlist.

In this article, we give you instructions on how to register for the SAT waitlist, followed by some advice on whether it's the right choice for you.

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12 Summer Writing Programs for High School Students (2022 -2023)

Love reading, writing, and being creative? Then consider checking out summer writing programs for high school students! 

Whether you want to become a journalist or the next Poet Laureate, there are tons of summer writing programs that will help you achieve your goals. Participating in these programs can look great on college applications too! 

In this article, we’ll give you all the info you need to decide if creative writing summer programs for high school students are right for you, including: 

  • A full description of 12 summer writing programs for high school students (including cost, eligibility, and what they cover!)
  • A quick, five question quiz to help you decide if a summer writing program is right for you
  • Three tips on how to impress colleges with your summer writing program

Let’s get started! 


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How Much Should You Pay for SAT/ACT Classes?

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Posted by Hannah Muniz


Studying on your own for the SAT/ACT can feel like trying to prepare for a marathon when you’ve never even run one before: it can be overwhelming and you have no idea what to do or where to start.

This is why a prep class is often an excellent idea. Classes teach you all the components of the exam, give you tips for test day, and ensure you get the score you want. But as you might’ve guessed, classes can be pretty expensive, making you wonder: are ACT prep classes worth it? Are SAT prep classes worth it?

We’ll go over the biggest benefits of SAT/ACT prep classes, how to figure out your own prep class budget, and how to ensure you get your money’s worth.

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What Are the Score Choice Policies at Ivy Leagues?

Many students assume colleges will see every score they've earned on the SAT and ACT when they apply.

However, while some top-tier schools do require your full testing histories, many don't. Some even allow score choice for the SAT, which allows you to send only the scores you want them to see, or they allow you to pick your best ACT test date.

If you're aiming for a top-tier school like an Ivy League, Stanford, or MIT, read this guide to learn how they evaluate standardized tests to help you best prepare.

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The 15 Best Music Schools in the US

Many students learn some kind of musical instrument in elementary school. Some continue through high school, and some even plan on continuing to do some kind of musical activity in college.

For a small fraction of students, though, music is not only something they want to continue studying, but it is the only thing they want to focus on studying in college.

If you're one of these students who wants to go to music school, then this article is for you. We'll go over what kind of experience you can expect to have at the best music schools and what you should look for in a top music school. We'll also introduce you to our ranking of the best music schools in the US (for undergraduates).

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The 26 Best US Colleges for International Students

Each year, nearly one million international students enroll in US undergraduate and graduate programs. There are so many colleges and universities in the US, though, that it can be tough to know where to start, especially if you're applying from out of the country.

In this post, I'll lay out some of the best universities for international students. Whether you're looking for generous financial aid, large international populations, or special international programs, we've got you covered.

Finally, I'll lay out the five most important steps you need to take if you want to go to school in the US, straight from the State Department.

Let's get started!

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