SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

The 13 Original Colonies: A Complete History

You’ve likely heard of the 13 original colonies, but how much do you know about them? When were they created, why were they created, how did they gain their independence, and which states did they become? In this guide, we cover all the important and interesting facts about the 13 colonies, including the official name of each colony, when it was founded, and the role it played up to and during the Revolutionary War. We also give background on the colonies and explain how they eventually became independent states.

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What Is ROTC? Understanding the 3 ROTC Programs

JROTC and ROTC programs designed to train future U.S. Military officers at middle schools, high schools, and universities across the United States. Some students join JROTC or ROTC because they want a career in the military, while others are more curious about how the program can help them pay for college.

It turns out that there’s a lot to learn about the benefits and requirements of ROTC programs! That’s why we’ve put together a complete guide to JROTC and ROTC.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a great understanding of JROTC and ROTC programs and whether they’re a good option for you. We’ll also answer frequently asked questions, like:

  • What is ROTC?
  • How are JROTC and ROTC different?
  • Who is a good fit for JROTC and ROTC?
  • Are there different types of JROTC and ROTC programs?
  • What are the pros and cons of joining JROTC and ROTC?

Now let’s get started!

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Flashcards: The Ultimate Guide to Making and Using Them

Flashcards are an extremely common study tool and, if used correctly, can be one of the most effective ways to learn new information. However, you may not be using them the best way which can reduce how much and how quickly you learn. Want to be an expert flashcard studier? This is your guide! We’ll cover exactly what makes flashcards such a good study tool, where you can make your flashcards, the absolute best method for studying them, and tips to avoid common flashcard pitfalls.

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How to Find the Best Online College Courses for You

In the digital age, people are always searching for new ways to use online resources to their advantage. One increasingly popular resource is online education. Now you can take college classes online, which can help you save time and money.

But in the grand scheme of educational opportunities, online college classes are still relatively new, so you might not know what they are or how they work. In this article, we’re going to dig into the important info about online college courses to help you navigate the various opportunities for online education that are out there. We’ll talk about:

  • What online college courses are
  • What online courses are like for students, how they work, and how they compare to in-person college courses
  • The pros and cons of taking online courses, and
  • 4 free online college courses you can take right now

By the end of the article, you’ll know everything you need to know about taking college classes online, so let’s get started!

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Who Was Queen Victoria? What Was She Famous For?

Queen Victoria of England is one of the most iconic figures of the British monarchy. Plenty of other kings and queens have captivated attention throughout history, but few have done so with the fervor of Queen Victoria, in part because her reign was one of the longest in British history.

Queen Victoria kept diaries from the age of 13. Because of this, we have detailed records of her thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout her reign in a way that we don’t for many other famous leaders. 

The length of her reign was just one piece of why Victoria is still so famous today. In this article, we’ll cover Queen Victoria facts, including her life story, important events in her reign, the Queen Victoria family tree, and why she remains such a popular figure today.


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Who Is Zeus? 6 Key Myths About the King of the Greek Gods

Zeus: Greek god of thunder, king of all men, hurler of lightning bolts. You know this guy, right? Kind of? Or maybe not?

Zeus is the king of the Greek gods, which makes him one of the most important members of the Greek Pantheon. Not only is he the god of thunder and the sky, he’s also the subject of many famous Greek myths. So if you want to understand Greek mythology, you should start by getting to know Zeus.

So let’s dive in and learn all that there is to know about Zeus, Greek god of all Greek gods.

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How to Use the Midpoint Formula

The midpoint formula lets you find the exact center between two defined points. You might encounter this formula in your economics or geometry class or while prepping for a college entrance exam like the SAT or ACT.

In this article, we’ll answer the questions what is the midpoint formula and when do you use the midpoint formula, as well as provide example problems you can try.


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The Complete Guide to Animal Cells

If you’re studying biology, you’ll likely learn about animal cells. Cells are the basic building blocks of all life. Animal cells are types of cells that are specifically found in animals.

In this guide, we’ll explain what animal cells are, the difference between plant and animal cells, and other important information. By reading this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about animal cells.

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17 Great Teaching Tools for Organization, Assessment and More

If you’re a teacher, you’re already doing a lot, but luckily there are many tools available to make your job a little bit easier. Teaching tools can help with everything from creating quizzes to promoting good behavior, and many educators find them incredibly useful.

Practically anything can be a teaching tool; a handful of Post-It notes can be a tool if they help you with tasks like figuring out seating arrangements or keeping track of your calendar. However, for the purposes of this guide, we define teaching tools as an online resource that helps teachers with any aspect of their job. Read on to learn what tools for teachers can do and to read descriptions of 17 of the best teaching aids out there.

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How to Read a Ruler in Inches and Centimeters

Rulers are an essential tool to have, but if you’re struggling with how to read a ruler, you're not alone. There are so many lines on a ruler, it can get confusing to figure out what they all mean.

In this guide, we’ll explain why you should know how to read a ruler and give you step-by-step instructions on how to read a ruler in inches and cm. We’ll also provide you with some helpful resources you can use to keep honing your ruler-reading skills.

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How to Convert Roman Numerals: 3 Easy Methods

You’ve likely come across Roman numerals in your everyday life and wondered why we still feel the need to use them today. After all, isn't there a much easier way to write out numbers?

In this article, we’ll explain how Roman numerals work and provide you with several Roman numerals converter charts, which you can use to learn and review this ancient numerical system. We’ll also give you three methods you can use for remembering Roman numerals.

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How to Find and Win Study Abroad Scholarships

Studying abroad is one of the most exciting activities you can do as a college student, especially if you’ve never been abroad before or are trying to learn a foreign language. But like college, study abroad programs can cost a pretty penny, which is why you should definitely apply for study abroad scholarships.

In this guide, we'll go over how much study abroad programs typically cost, what kinds of study abroad scholarships are available and what these scholarships usually cover, how to find study abroad scholarships, and finally how to make your scholarship application stand out.

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The 8 Types of Sonnets and How to Tell Them Apart

You’ve probably heard of the Shakespearean sonnet, or maybe even the Petrarchan sonnet. But those are just two types of sonnets. There are actually many other forms! 

As new poets have tinkered with more traditional approaches to the sonnet over time, they’ve come up with their own approaches to writing sonnets, too. In this article, we’re going to help you learn about all of the major types of sonnets by:

  • Briefly introducing you to the sonnet
  • Breaking down different types of sonnets, including an example and analysis of each type
  • Explaining nine poetic terms you need to know in order to successfully analyze the different types of sonnets

Are you ready? Let’s check out some sonnets!

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How to Improve Your Memory: 9 Simple Tips

Forgetfulness happens to all of us. But if you’re struggling to remember things on a regular basis, you may be wondering how to improve your memory in a way that lasts.

In this article, we’ll be covering some memory improvement tips and tricks, including how to manage some common causes of forgetfulness, how to improve your health for better memory, and what behavioral tricks will help you remember things better.

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12 Awesome Learning Games for Kids

Learning games, or educational games, are all about making learning, well, fun! They’re also about getting kids to see the practical nature of the skills they’re acquiring, whether that’s how to identify shapes in the world or how to spell difficult words.

In this article, we explain what kinds of skills children can learn through games and give you 12 examples of learning games for kids in preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school.

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