SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Complete List: Weird Scholarships You Can Win (Updated)

You may have thought that scholarships were only for those who had great grades or were top athletes. Well, think again! There are a lot of organizations willing to give you some college cash in recognition of your interesting habits, unusual attributes, or willingness to do something a little bit quirky!

Here's a complete collection of the best weird, unusual scholarships we could find. The good news is they're often a lot easier to apply to than other scholarships.

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How Can You Build the Most Versatile College Application?

Looking at college admissions websites and requirements can be overwhelming. Many colleges have slightly different standardized test and letter of recommendation requirements. Furthermore, some colleges require just one personal statement, while others require multiple essays and short answer responses. It can be a lot to keep track of!

So how do you go about preparing your college applications, when colleges seem like they all want slightly different application materials? And how do you make sure you are competitive everywhere you apply? We will explain how to make the most versatile college application.

By versatile we mean an application that will allow you to apply competitively to the broadest range of colleges.

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What Colleges Are Need Aware? How Does It Affect Admissions?

What is a need-aware college? Does a college being need aware mean they won't accept students who need financial aid? What colleges are need aware? 

There are a lot of misconceptions about need-aware colleges and how they handle applicants who need financial aid. Having the wrong information can lead students to skip applying to schools that could still very well accept them and offer generous aid packages. Read this guide to be fully informed on need-aware colleges.

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Does Your Major Affect Your Acceptance Into College?

Does your major affect your acceptance into colleges? Can choosing a less popular major give you a better shot at getting into your dream school? If so, what major is easiest to get into college with? 

There are a lot of misconceptions about the role your intended major plays in college admissions and which majors are "best" for people hoping for a higher admission chance. This guide will explain everything you need to know on how your major affects your admission, which majors are typically the most competitive and least competitive, and if it's a good idea to choose a major based on acceptance rates.

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NCAA ACT Scores: What You Need to Qualify

If you're a student athlete who wants to play in NCAA Division I or Division II sports in college, then this article is for you! We'll review NCAA's eligibility criteria for your GPA and ACT score, which NCAA compares using a sliding scale. More importantly, we'll give you the tips and strategies you need to achieve the NCAA ACT scores required for passing the clearinghouse.

First, let's quickly review how your grade point average, or GPA, is determined.

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Should You Use a Priority Application for College?

Did you receive a priority application from a college but aren't sure what exactly it is? Is it a scam? Does it mean you'll automatically be admitted? Should you apply to schools that offer you priority applications or do you have better options? This guide on priority applications will answer all your questions!

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Simple Guide: How to Apply for Financial Aid

You've taken the SAT or ACT (or both). You've researched a list of safety, target, and reach schools. You've written what seems like 100 college essays, and nailed down several letters of recommendation. You think you finally have a minute to take a breather, and then you remember: you have to figure out how to pay for all of this!

Most students know that financial aid is an option, but the whole financial aid application process can be confusing. What counts as financial aid? Where do you get it? What's the typical application process like? How much can you get? It's enough to make your head spin, especially if you don't have much guidance on the subject.

In this post, I'll answer all those questions (and more) to start you off on the right foot. Heading off to college should be an exciting new adventure, not a stressful financial burden—this guide will help you get all the financial aid you need to make this upcoming college transition a pleasant one.

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What Are HBCU Colleges? Is One Right for You?

HBCUs, meaning historically black colleges and universities, have existed since Cheyney University in Pennsylvania was founded in 1837. Many well-known scholars, entrepreneurs, and entertainers have graduated from HBCUs, including Toni Morrison, Sean Combs, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King, Jr., Taraji P. Henson, and Oprah Winfrey.

Are you considering attending an HBCU? We'll go over what HBCUs are, pros and cons of attending, and list some important facts about the schools.

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3 Tips for Writing Your Williams College Supplement

Williams is among the most selective colleges in the country. In 2022, its acceptance rate was only 8.5%. As part of your Williams application, you’ll need to respond to the Williams writing supplement.

In this article, we’ll cover the question that makes up the Williams writing supplement, offer suggestions for what to write about in your essay, and give you tips for crafting the best essay possible.

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Will an Associate’s Degree Transfer to Any College? Even an Ivy?

Did you earn an Associate's degree or attend a community college and now want to transfer to a four-year school? Will an associate's degree transfer to any college? What about ultra-competitive colleges like the Ivy League? Transferring to a new school can come with a lot of complications, not least because many schools aren't especially clear about their transfer policies on their websites.

In this article, we explain the process of transferring from a community college to a four-year college, which classes you're most likely to get transfer credit for, the transfer policies of Ivy League and other top-tier schools, and how you can learn the transfer policy of any four-year college in the US.

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Caltech vs MIT: Which Is Better?

If you want to major in science, technology, or a related field, then you've likely heard of Caltech and MIT, two of the most prestigious technological institutes in the US. But is Caltech or MIT the better university? More importantly, which school will be a better fit for you?

In this complete Caltech vs MIT guide, we go over the main differences between Caltech and MIT, and introduce the critical factors you must consider when deciding whether Caltech or MIT is the right choice for you. But first, let's look at what types of schools Caltech and MIT actually are.

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The 7 Things That Really Look Good on a College Application

What looks good on a college application? It's the question nearly every high school student will ask at some point while applying to college. But is there a clear answer?

Fortunately, the answer is yes! Read on to learn what colleges look for in applicants, what looks really good on a college application, and what kinds of myths there are about good things to put on a college application.

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20 Top Party Colleges: Can You Still Get a Good Education?

In popular culture, college life is often portrayed as a nonstop party full of fun, bacchanalian times. While these portrayals are a bit exaggerated, some colleges have garnered reputations as being particularly festive. This raises the following questions: should you go to a party school? And can you get a good education at a party school?

In this article, I'll define what a party school is, provide party school rankings, and explain how you can still get a quality education from a college known for its epic parties.

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When Is the August SAT? Should You Take It?

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Posted by Melissa Brinks


As the year begins to transition into fall, you likely have going back to school on the brain. But August is also a great time to take your SAT—you can get it done before application deadlines, it'll give you lots of time to study, and even time to take it again if your score isn't where you'd like it to be.

In this article, we'll give you all the information you need to figure out if the August SAT date is right for you. We'll tell you when it is, when scores are released, and even how to prepare for this test so you can do your best.

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The 13 Best Universities in the UK

What are the best universities in the UK? If you're a US or other international student thinking of attending college in the UK, then it'll help you immensely in your search to have an idea of what the best universities in the UK are based on reputation, selectivity, and student satisfaction.

We'll go over the six biggest potential benefits for US students studying in the UK and then provide you with a list of the 13 best universities in the UK. After that, we'll look at a quick comparison of the best colleges in the UK and the best US schools before giving you some critical tips for finding the best UK institution for you.

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