SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

The 12 Best Universities in Canada

Thinking of attending college in our friendly neighbor to the north? Whether you're a US or other international student, if you're considering heading to Canada to continue your education, you'll definitely want to know what the best universities in Canada are.

We'll explain the biggest benefits of attending a Canadian school before introducing our picks for the 12 best universities in Canada. We'll then go over how these top schools differ from the top schools in the US and explain the six factors you need to consider before you apply to a university in Canada.

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The Hardest ACT Math Question Types

You’ve studied and now you’re geared up for the ACT math section (whoo!). But are you ready to take on the most challenging math questions the ACT has to offer?

If you're up for the challenge, preparation starts by understanding the toughest question types you'll face on the ACT. So if you’ve got your heart set on that perfect score (or you’re just really curious to see what the most difficult questions will be), then this is the guide for you.

We’ve put together what we believe to be the most most difficult math question types the ACT has given to students in the past 10 years, complete with strategies and answer explanations for each. These are all real ACT math questions, so understanding and studying them is one of the best ways to improve your current ACT score and knock it out of the park on test day.

Let's dive in!

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The Most Selective Colleges, Why, and How to Get In

It's tempting to judge the quality of a school based on its admissions rate. Although this is a reasonable way to assess schools in most cases, there are some special circumstances that might result in extremely low acceptance rates at less academically demanding colleges.

In this article, I'll list the most selective colleges in the United States, tell you why they accept so few applicants, and provide you with some advice on how to apply successfully.

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What to Do If You Get Rejected From Your Dream College

You've sent out your applications and can't stop envisioning yourself at your top-choice school. But then the unthinkable happens: you get a college rejection letter. You start to wonder: what went wrong? What do I do now? Is it still possible to attend my top-choice school?

The truth is that I've been in this exact same situation. In 2008, I got rejected from my top-choice school, Stanford. The rejection letter hurt, but on the plus side, it taught me a lot about what I did wrong, both in my application and my overall high school career.

In this article, I use my own rejection experience as a guide to explain how likely a college rejection is for you, how to avoid getting rejected from college, and the steps to take in case your top-choice school just isn't that into you.

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Ultimate Guide to the University of California Schools

The University of California schools are widely regarded as some of the best public universities in the nation. Because I have provided college counseling to hundreds of students in California and chaperoned college visits to UC campuses, I'm very familiar with these colleges and know people who have attended each of the nine UC schools that offer undergraduate education.

In this article, I will describe the UC system, profile each of the University of California colleges, and explain how to choose which UC school to attend.

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Colleges With Late Application Deadlines: Complete List

If you're wondering whether there are any colleges with late application deadlines, you're in luck! Lots of colleges have application deadlines in February or later, and many more keep rolling admissions open until all their spots have been filled.

Here, we give you a full list of colleges with late application deadlines. But before diving into this list, let's consider an important question: what exactly is considered a normal deadline?

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Is Stanford an Ivy League School? Is Duke? MIT?

Most people have at least heard of the Ivy League, but not everyone knows which schools belong to the venerable group. Is Stanford Ivy League? Is Duke Ivy League? Is MIT Ivy League?

In this article, we'll answer these questions and more as we take a look at which schools comprise the world-renowned Ivy League and which schools are most often mistaken for Ivy League institutions. We'll also explore what being in the Ivy League means for schools and how Ivy League schools compare with those not in the Ivy League in terms of national rankings and selectivity.

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The 25 Best Engineering Schools in the US (and How to Get In)

Do you dream of building driverless cars or a space elevator? You should check out the best engineering schools in the US!

But with so many different engineering schools out there and intense competition for the top programs, how can you figure out where you should apply? To help you decide, we've compiled a list of the best engineering schools in the US. We'll explain a little bit about each school on the list as well as provide rankings within specific subfields of engineering.

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Should You Attend Yale Young Global Scholars?

Have you heard of the Yale Young Global Scholars program but aren't sure if it's worth attending? YYGS is a summer program for high school students run by Yale University. Some attendees love their experience, while others don't feel the program is worth its high price tag. So, should you apply?

This article will explain exactly what the benefits and drawbacks of YYGS are, as well as the questions you need to ask yourself before you make a decision to attend.

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Should You Do the Columbia University Science Honors Program?

If you're a high school student who lives near Columbia University and wants to participate in an extracurricular honors program, you can't do much better than the Columbia University Science Honors Program (Columbia SHP).

This honors program experience can give students a big leg-up on college and scholarship applications...but unfortunately, it's really hard to get accepted to the Columbia SHP.

But don't worry: we're here to help. In this article, we'll walk you through the Columbia SHP application process, including:

  • Introducing you to the Columbia University Science Honors Program
  • Explaining what the honors program is like
  • Describing the application process for the program
  • Providing information about the honors program's entrance examination
  • Giving you three tips for succeeding on the entrance exam

Now, let's get started!

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How to Get Into Columbia: 3 Key Tips

Columbia University is a prestigious school, not just because of its low acceptance rate or high starting salary for graduates. It's one of the oldest colleges in the US, and has had huge numbers of well-known graduates, including Founding Fathers, famous directors, and politicians.

Like any Ivy League, Columbia is a place for both education and networking, creating a solid foundation and social circle for your future career. But first, you have to know how to get into Columbia. And with a school and selective as Columbia, that's going to be difficult—but not impossible.

Follow this guide to get your college application in shape for a Columbia acceptance!

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Why You Shouldn't Trust US News College Rankings

US News is probably the most popular source out there for college rankings. While US News rankings of colleges purport to be highly accurate, they can be misleading in certain important respects. If you make decisions based purely on the US News college rankings, you might end up being miserable.

In this article, I'll go over why you shouldn't make judgments about colleges solely based on their rankings in US News.

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15 Top NYC Colleges: How to Decide If They're Right for You

New York is the most populous US city, and there are dozens of colleges in New York City. Should you go to college in NYC? If you want to be close to Gray's Papaya, Madison Square Garden, Broadway, and Wall Street, then going to school in New York City might be a good option.

In this article, I'll provide you with a list of top-ranked colleges in NYC. Furthermore, I'll explain the benefits and disadvantages of attending college in New York City and offer some advice on deciding if you should attend college in NYC.

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Which States Require the SAT? Complete List

The College Board offers a program called SAT School Day, which, as the name suggests, allows schools to offer the SAT to students during the week, generally for free.

In some states, all high school juniors are required to take the SAT under this program, while in others only some are. Read on to learn more about this program and what it means for you.

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Should I Go to One of the Big 10 Schools?

The Big Ten is one of the most prestigious intercollegiate athletic conferences in the country. It has 14 member schools, most of which are located in the Midwest. While they're all unique, Big 10 schools have many commonalities and are known for emphasizing both athletics and academics.

In this article, I'll do the following:

  • Give you the names of all of the Big Ten universities and provide information about each school
  • Describe the attributes of Big Ten colleges
  • Detail possible advantages and disadvantages of attending a Big Ten school
  • Explain how to decide if you should attend one of the Big Ten schools
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