SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

The Easiest SAT Subject Tests to Take

There are lots of SAT Subject Tests to choose from—in fact, there are 21 options that cover 13 different subjects and languages. It can be overwhelming!

To keep things simple, you want to take the Subject Tests that will strengthen your college applications with excellent scores. So, which Subject Tests are easier than others?

While there isn't a cut and dry answer to this question, we can approach an answer from a few different angles. First, let's take a look at how students score on average on each Subject Test.

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What Subjects Are on the Digital SAT?

Are you taking the digital SAT soon or beginning your preparations but aren't sure what's on the test? You may know that there's math calculations and some passages to read, but what subjects are on the SAT, exactly?

In this guide, we'll break down the subjects you need to know to do well on each section of the digital SAT. We'll end with tips you should follow when studying for the SAT.

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SAT II Biology E/M Study Guide: Best Books and Schedule

The SAT II Biology E/M Subject Test is a good choice for students looking at medicine or who want to show off their hard science skills. But what's the best way to study for the Biology E/M Subject Tests? What are good books and study schedules? Read this guide to find out!

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AP Exams vs SAT Subject Tests: What's More Important?

Many high-achieving students end up taking both SAT Subject Tests and AP Tests during their time in high school. SAT Subject Tests are required for admission to most competitive colleges, and AP Tests and coursework are encouraged. Is one more important than the other? In this article, I'll give details on how these two types of tests compare to each another and whether it's a good idea to take AP Tests and SAT Subject Tests in the same topic areas.

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What Are SAT Subject Tests? Why Should You Take Them?

Between the SAT, teacher recommendations, and your personal essay, there are lots of ingredients that go into crafting your applications. The SAT Subject Tests add one more layer to the complex recipe of applying to college.


This article is meant to clear up any confusion you have about the Subject Tests. By understanding exactly what these tests are testing, you'll be able to approach them with ease and confidence - because only the cake should end up in tiers.

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When Should I Take the SAT Math Level 2 Subject Test?

Are you planning to take the Math II SAT Subject Test for your college applications? As you know, the Math 2 subject test covers more advanced math concepts than the Math I. Because of this, you want to make sure you're taking it at the right time to achieve a high score.

This article will help you figure out exactly when is the best time for you take this test. First, let's quickly review what's on the Math 2 SAT Subject Test.

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Are the SAT Subject Tests Changing?

The SAT was redesigned in 2016—a huge revamp that has been linked to the Common Core and attempts to re-secure market share lost to the ACT. This may leave you wondering: what about SAT Subject Tests? Are they changing? Will there be new SAT Subject Tests modeled after the main SAT redesign?

In a word, no. At least, not now.

So what does this mean? Well, for starters, it means that SAT Subject Tests will now be even more different from the regular SAT than they were before the SAT redesign.

In this article, I'll go over the implications of the "mismatch" between the redesigned SAT and the SAT Subject Tests. How are the formats different, and how should you approach these differences? I'll also go over how the SAT redesign has changed how Subject Test content overlaps (or doesn't) with the regular SAT. Finally, I will engage in some wild speculation (okay, fine, evidence-based speculation) about where the SAT Subject Tests may be going in the future.

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The Ultimate SAT Biology Subject Test Study Guide

If you're applying to selective schools, you might have to submit SAT Subject Test scores along with your regular SAT (or ACT) scores. The Biology Subject Test (also called Biology SAT II) is a popular one because a vast majority of students take biology in high school, and most students find it less intimidating than chemistry or physics. This test can be a great way to fulfill your Subject Test requirements, especially if you plan on studying biology in college and want to show off your skills.

In this study guide, I'll give you all the background information you need to start studying for the Biology Subject Test as well as example questions, practice materials, and study tips to use along the way.

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Sagittarius Moon Sign: What Does It Mean?

Are you doing a deep dive into astrology and begun studying moon signs? Have you learned that you're a moon in Sagittarius woman or moon in Sagittarius man? Sun signs usually get all the attention, but moon signs can help you learn about the more hidden, private sides of your personality. 

Read this guide to learn all about what moon signs are in astrology and how you can find your own moon sign. We'll then focus specifically on Sagittarius moon traits and explain how your moon sign affects everything from how you feel about yourself to what you're most afraid of. We end with an overview of the personality traits of a Sagittarius moon with each of the 12 sun astrology signs.

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How to Send SAT Subject Test Scores: 7-Step Guide

While you are studying diligently for all of your SAT Subject tests, you probably aren't thinking too hard about how and when you are going to send out all those scores to your dream schools. I get it—taking the test is the hard part, and you want to focus your energy on that.

To help you out, I'll lay out everything you need to consider in terms of score-sending logistics and strategy: how to send SAT Subject test scores (with or without Score Choice), sending the four free reports you get with registration, special ordering circumstances, and how to cancel scores. It's all in here!

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Your Complete Guide to the Leo Moon Sign

If you’re at all interested in the Zodiac, you’re probably familiar with your sun sign: the sign of the Zodiac that determines your personality. This is typically the sign that correlates with your birthdate. But did you know that there’s much more to your personality than that? 

Enter your moon sign, the sign of the Zodiac that explains your emotional side. If you already know that you’re a Leo moon sign, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll explain the following about the Leo moon sign: 

  • What moon signs are and how to find out if you’re a Leo moon sign
  • Top five traits of a Leo moon sign
  • Sun pairings with the Leo moon sign

Are you ready to learn about the moon in Leo? Then let’s get started!


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How to Study for SAT Subject Tests: 5 Expert Tips

Are you taking an SAT Subject Test soon and want to know how to be well prepared on exam day? You've come to the right place! In this guide, I explain everything you need to know about how to study for SAT Subject Tests, including which exam(s) you should take, the five most important steps for preparing for a Subject Test, and additional tips to help you maximize your score.

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SAT Subject Test Dates 2018-2019

At PrepScholar, we pride ourselves on using the best data to keep you posted about upcoming test schedules and registration deadlines. It's essential to plan ahead and choose wisely when selecting Subject Tests and test dates.

You can see the SAT test dates for previous years. Refer to this information to get a general idea of when College Board has its test dates for the SAT and how long after the test you can view your scores. In this article, I’ll give you the SAT Subject Test dates for 2018-2019 and explain what you should consider when choosing your test date and Subject Tests.

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The 4 SAT Sections: What They Test and How to Do Well

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Posted by Hannah Muniz


Whether you're actively preparing for the SAT or simply want to learn more about the ubiquitous college entrance exam, it’s important you start with the basics: how many sections are on the SAT? What are the names of the SAT sections? And what kinds of skills does each section measure?

In this article, we answer all of your burning questions about the SAT sections. We'll begin by discussing how many sections are on the SAT as well as how these sections differ from one another. Then, we’ll go over the different skills on which you'll be tested, giving you our expert tips for combating each of the SAT test sections with confidence. Finally, we'll take a look at whether certain sections of the SAT are more important than others and what this means for you and your college applications.

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How Long Are the SAT Subject Tests?

The SAT subject tests are all one hour in length and are all multiple choice. However, they differ in features, format, and the time pressure you will feel depending on where your academic strengths and weaknesses lie.

Let's discuss the differences among the subject tests and how you can beat the time pressure. First, let's consider the unique features of the test.

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