SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken: Meaning and Analysis

Robert Frost is arguably one of the most well-known American poets of all time, so it’s not surprising that his work is taught in high schools and colleges across the nation. Because he’s so famous, chances are you’ve encountered “The Road Not Taken” before.

We’re here to help you build a deeper understanding of “The Road Not Taken.” To help you learn what Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” poem is all about, we’ll cover the following in this article:

  • A brief intro to the poet, Robert Frost
  • Information about the poem’s background
  • “The Road Not Taken” meaning
  • “The Road Not Taken” analysis, including the top two themes in the poem
  • The poetic devices in “The Road Not Taken” that you need to know

There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get going!


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The 11 Solubility Rules and How to Use Them

One of the first science experiments I remember was adding salt to a cup of water and waiting eagerly for it to dissolve. Though I was excited to watch the salt seem to “disappear” I definitely didn’t understand the intricacies of solubility. Luckily, solubility follows a list of rules that helps us determine how soluble a substance is, like how likely that salt is to dissolve into that water (sneak peek- it’s very likely). We’re going to go over what solubility is, how it works, and the complete list of solubility rules to help you determine the solubility of substances.

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Maya Angelou's Still I Rise: Poem Analysis

Maya Angelou is one of the most important literary figures in twentieth century American history. Her poetry is often included on reading lists for high school English courses, and it may even make an appearance on the AP Literature exam.

In this article, we’ll give you a full introduction to Angelou and her engaging poetry so that you’ll be equipped to analyze it all on your own. To do this, we’re going to guide you through a close analysis of one of Angelou’s most famous poems, “Still I Rise.”

To help you learn what Angelou’s “Still I Rise” poem is all about, we’ll cover the following in this article: 

  • A brief intro to the poet, Maya Angelou
  • “Still I Rise” poem background
  • The overarching meaning of “Still I Rise”
  • The top three themes in the poem
  • The top two poetic devices in the poem

Are you ready to dive in? Then let’s go!


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Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

Driven, excelling, adaptable. If these words describe you, then there’s a chance you might be an Enneagram Type 3. 

Enneagram Type 3s are known as achievers. They’re the success-oriented trailblazers of the Enneagram—the folks you’ll find out there getting things done (and doing them well). 

If you want to learn more about what makes Threes tick, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll go over:

  • How to tell if you’re an Enneagram 3 (plus a quick quiz!) 
  • The top five things to know about being an Enneagram 3
  • What Enneagram Type 3 relationships are like  
  • The best Enneagram Type 3 careers 
  • The Enneagram Type 3 wings (Enneagram Type 3 wing 2 and Enneagram Type 3 wing 4)

Are you ready to learn about Enneagram 3? Then let’s begin!

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The 13 Hardest College Majors to Challenge Yourself

What are the hardest college majors? You might assume it's all those complicated STEM majors—and you wouldn't necessarily be wrong.

In this article, we look at the various factors normally used to determine whether a major is hard before going over the 13 most difficult majors based on how many hours students typically spend each week preparing for classes. We also give you a few tips for finding the right college major for you.

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What Is GPA? What Does GPA Mean?

Many students get very hung up on GPA in high school - is it high enough? Will it pass muster in college admissions? What does your GPA even mean?

In this article, I’ll go through what GPA is, what GPA means, and how it can help or hurt you in the college admissions process.

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How Long Are AP Exams? AP Test Experts

Are you taking AP classes this year and wondering how long AP tests are? Or maybe you are thinking about taking AP classes in the future, and you're curious about how long AP exams are and what they're like.

In this post, we break down the typical length and structure of AP tests and give you tips on dealing with fatigue during the test. We'll use some of the most popular tests as examples, including the AP English tests, Biology, AB Calculus, and US History. But we'll also give tips and advice that will help you for any AP test.

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The 7 Best GED Prep Books for 2021: Which Should You Use?

If you don't have a high school diploma, you can still earn an equivalent credential by getting your General Education Diploma, or GED. Having a GED can open up many more opportunities for you, especially since most U.S. employers require employees to have a high school diploma or an equivalency.

If you don't have a high school diploma, you're a great candidate for taking the GED test and earning your GED. The exam is designed to determine whether you have the academic skills equivalent to those of a high school senior, so you'll be tested in four subject areas: math, language arts, social studies, and science.

That's a lot of information to know, which is why one of the best ways to study for the GED is by using a GED book. GED study books are designed to help you learn all the material you'll be tested on when you actually take the test.

In this article, we'll walk you through the best GED books on the market so you can choose the one that's right for you. Then we'll give you our top six study tips to help you ace your exam.

Let's get started!


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Ksp Chemistry: Complete Guide to the Solubility Constant

Are you learning chemistry but don’t quite understand the solubility product constant or want to learn more about it? Not sure how to calculate molar solubility from $K_s_p$? The solubility constant, or $K_s_p$, is an important part of chemistry, particularly when you’re working with solubility equations or analyzing the solubility of different solutes. When you have a solid grasp of $K_s_p$, those questions become much easier to answer!

In this $K_s_p$ chemistry guide, we’ll explain the $K_s_p$ chemistry definition, how to solve for it (with examples), which factors affect it, and why it’s important. At the bottom of this guide, we also have a table with the $K_s_p$ values for a long list of substances to make it easy for you to find solubility constant values.

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10 Key Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis

Getting mitosis and meiosis confused on a biology exam can cost you a lot of points, so it's important to keep these two cellular processes straight. In this guide, we break down mitosis vs meiosis, explain each of the processes, and lay out their similarities and differences so that you’ll be able to easily explain what each process does and how the two differ.

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9 Things You Didn’t Know About Für Elise

From its first repeating notes, Für Elise is instantly recognizable. It may even be the most famous melody ever written! But did you know that when Beethoven first drafted this short piano piece, he stuffed it in a drawer, never to be seen in his lifetime?

Curious how it went from forgotten trifle to universally known? Wondering what exactly makes it such an unforgettable earworm? Need some tips on learning to play this piece? Then keep reading for everything you've ever wanted to know about one of Beethoven's best-known masterpieces.

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What Are Hydrates? Definition, Naming, and Examples

What are hydrates? If you're studying chemistry, you probably need to know what a hydrate is and the role it serves.

In this guide, we give a complete explanation of hydrates, including the hydrate definition, the three different types of hydrates, the rules you need to know to name hydrates and write out their formulas, and common hydrate examples you may have heard of.

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The Expert's Guide to the AP Calculus BC Exam

Taking the AP Calc BC exam can feel like a lot of pressure: you want to earn college credit for your AP class, but the test is pretty tough! 

But there are a few things you can do to make the AP Calculus BC exam a little easier, like understanding the exam's format, the topics it covers, and how it's scored. Knowing what to expect before you take the AP Calc BC exam can help you earn a higher score!

To give you all the inside information you need about the AP Calculus BC Exam, we’ll explain the following in this article:

  • What the AP Calculus BC Exam is, including who should take it
  • The AP Calculus BC Exam format and topics
  • How the exam is scored
  • 5 tips for scoring well on the exam

The regularly scheduled date for the AP Calc BC exam is May 5th at 8:00 a.m., so you'll want to start preparing as early as possible. (Good thing this article has you covered, huh?) 

So let’s get started!


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3 Key Tips to Ace the AP Calculus BC Free Response

The AP Calculus BC Free Response section can be intimidating if you aren't prepared. You'll need to answer six multi-part questions to show your skills in numerous calculus topics. However, when you know what to expect from this section, you'll save yourself a lot of anxiety and can create a study plan to help you get a top AP score. In this guide, we explain everything you need to know about the AP Calc BC free response section, including what the format is, when you can and can't use a calculator, what sample questions look like and how to get a top score on them, and what study tips you need to keep in mind.

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What Is AP Environmental Science? Expert Guide

Are you thinking about taking AP Environmental Science but want more information on the course before you decide to enroll? Well, you've come to the right place! AP Environmental Science (also called AP Enviro or APES) is one of the most popular AP classes—but sometimes students don't know much about it before they enroll, which can make the class difficult and not very enjoyable.

So what is AP Environmental Science? In this guide, I'll explain what topics the course covers, show you some sample test problems, and discuss who should take the class (it might not be who you're expecting). After, I'll end with some tips for success should you decide to take AP Enviro. Let's get started!

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