SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Is an Economics Major Right for You?

If you listen to the news, you’ve probably heard people talk quite a bit about “the economy,” which is the major focus of economics. While many people think of money, calculators, business people in suits when they hear the term, economics is actually a complex field of study...and it’s also something you can major in when you go to college! 

But what is economics, exactly? Everyone’s definition of economics varies, depending on their area of interest. It’s focused on money, yes, but its primary focus is how money is used and how it can change the world, for better or for worse. If you’re interested in commerce, financial systems, or even the history of Wall Street, economics might be a good major for you. 

In this article, we’re going to give you a general overview of majoring in economics. We’ll answer many common questions, including: 

  • What is the study of economics?
  • What is being an economics major like?
  • Which schools have the best economics programs?
  • What can you do with an economics degree?

Let’s dive in! 


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Is a BSN Degree Right for You? 6 Great Careers for Nursing Majors

Nursing is one of the fastest growing professions, and there is a consistent demand for nurses and other medical employees all over the country. So chances are, you’ll be able to get a nursing job anywhere you live or want to live. There are also a lot of great career options and chances for advancement as a nurse, and you’ll be in a rewarding career in which you get to see the results of your work and care every day. We’ll go over how to get a BSN nursing degree and what that looks like for your future career.

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The 13 Steps to Becoming a Dentist

Fascinated by teeth? Love helping people? Then a career in dentistry might be a good fit for you.
What does the process of becoming a dentist entail? How long does it take to become a dentist?

In this guide, we go over how to become a dentist in 13 steps, starting in high school and going all the way through dental school. Before that, though, let's look at the job outlook of dentists and the basic requirements you must have to become one.

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Is Forensic Psychology the Right Career for You?

Maybe you've been watching a lot of true crime shows or maybe you've always been interested in psychology, law, or both. In either case, forensic psychology could be a great career path for you. Interest in forensic psychology has exploded in the past few years, but there are many misconceptions surrounding this career. For example, it's not all spouting expert analysis from the witness stand or convincing criminals to admit their guilt.

But how do forensic psychologists spend their days? Read this article to learn the forensic psychology definition, what forensic psychologists actually do, what steps you must take to get a forensic psychology degree, and the four questions you need to ask yourself before seriously pursuing this career.

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Where Is Harvard University Located?

Many students have their sights set on attending Harvard for college. Most know it’s somewhere on the East Coast with those other Ivy League schools, but where is Harvard exactly? Read on to learn Harvard’s exact location, how it came to be the prestigious institution it is now, and what other Harvards you definitely don’t want to get it confused with.

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How to Become a Librarian: 3 Simple Steps

Do you love learning, organizing knowledge, and helping other people get access to the information they need? Then a career as a librarian might be for you!

While we traditionally think of librarians as working in libraries full of books, there are a number of different career options for librarians.

In this article, we’ll outline what career paths are open to librarians and how to become a librarian.


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How to Become a Veterinarian: Key Steps and Qualities

It’s quite likely that your first encounter with a veterinarian happened when your pet was sick and needed a little extra care. That’s because a veterinarian’s primary job is to care for animals! Working with cute, cuddly critters is part of the appeal of the job--in fact, “veterinarian” is one of the most common responses from kids when they’re asked what they want to do when they grow up!

If you’re interested in becoming a vet, it’s a good idea to know quite a bit about the profession. In this article, we’ll talk about what vets do, what kinds of degrees and licenses they hold, how long it takes to become a vet, and what kinds of personal qualities it takes to succeed in the profession. We’ll also walk you through the process of becoming a vet step by step to help you prepare for your dream career. We’ll cover everything you need to know, including:

  • How long does it take to become a vet
  • How to decide whether becoming a veterinarian is right for you
  • What classes you should take in high school and college
  • How to pick a good undergraduate university and vet school
  • What vet school is like

So let’s get started!


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Is Dental Assistant the Right Job for You?

Passionate about health care? Or maybe you're just super fascinated by teeth (weird flex but OK). Whatever the case, it sounds as though a career in dental assisting might be a viable path for you.

In this article, we go over what a dental assistant does and take a look at the basic dental assistant requirements you must meet to become one. We also give you key information about salaries and employment of dental assistants in the US.

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What Does the Dragonfly Symbolize? Unpacking Dragonfly Meaning

Dragonflies are brightly colored insects known for their vibrant colors and flying abilities. They've often been the subject of myths and legends, and have been a part of our stories and art for as long as humans have been around. Even though they are an insect, dragonflies are often revered in some legends, and feared in others; regardless, they are a well-known symbol in many cultures.

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Kinesiology Degree: Is It Right for You?

If you’ve never heard of it before, the word “kinesiology” can sound like another language. Kinesiology is simply the study of something we all encounter every day: movement. It’s also a college major that can lead to a successful career after you graduate.

There’s a lot to know about majoring in kinesiology, though. Sure, you now know what it is, but do you know the kind of pay you can expect from kinesiology jobs? Or about how long a kinesiology degree takes? It can be a little overwhelming, so we’re here to walk you through:

  • What kinesiology is
  • What being a kinesiology major is like
  • Which schools have the best kinesiology programs
  • The types of jobs you can get with a kinesiology degree

So, what is kinesiology, exactly?


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The 3 Steps to Become a Fashion Designer

Do you dream of creating clothes, accessories, or shoes? Then you might want to consider a career in fashion design!

There’s no formal path to becoming a fashion designer: some designers become well-known and successful without any formal education or training. Others, however, take a more traditional route into the industry. In this article, we’ll explain how to become a fashion designer, the average fashion designer salary, and the skills you’ll need to be successful.

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RN vs BSN vs LPN: What Program Is Right for You?

Becoming a nurse is a great career goal—nurses are always needed, and the career can be a rewarding, fulfilling experience! But when you start looking into nursing programs, things can get a little complicated. What’s the benefit to being an RN vs a BSN? How about an LPN vs RN?

In this article, we’ll be talking about all these different programs, abbreviations, and careers, including what each one is, how to find a good program, and even an LPN vs ADN RN vs BSN RN salary comparison.


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Is a Criminal Justice Degree Right for You?

A criminal justice degree is available as an Associates, Bachelors, or Masters degree, with many online degree possibilities, which makes it a great option for many students. Many criminal justice majors go onto work in law enforcement or enter law school, and a criminal justice degree can be a great first step for those who are passionate about understanding and preventing crime.

If your ultimate goal is to be a police officer, and you want to complete a bachelors before applying to the police department, it’s just as acceptable to major in something else. Other major may help you get a better job while you’re trying to get into police departments, which rely on testing, background investigations, physical fitness tests, and lengthy hiring processes. In this guide, we'll explain what a criminal justice degree is and give an overview of the best criminal justice schools.

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Who Are the Blue People of Kentucky? Why Are They Blue?

For a hundred and fifty years, locals in the area of Hazard, Kentucky were stumped by a group of people whose skin was the color blue . The ailment, which was later revealed to be a symptom of methemoglobinemia, was contained mostly to descendants of the Fugate family of Troublesome Creek, and a related family in nearby Ball Creek. The Blue Fugates, sometimes known as the Huntsville subgroup,  were well known in the area, and their genetic disorder went unidentified until the mid twentieth century, when the amount of affected people had greatly decreased.
The Blue People of Kentucky are still discussed, but less is known about methemoglobinemia, an extremely rare genetic trait that caused the blue color of their skin. The Fugates and the met-H gene they passed for generations can teach us a valuable lesson about genetics and understanding disease.
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The 10 Best Graphing Calculators (Physical and Online)



A graphing calculator is a unique tool in math and science. Graphing calculators perform the same functions as a regular calculator, and have more complex functions, like being able to calculate fractions, logarithms, and square roots. There are some big names in graphing calculators that are trusted and have been around for a long time—you may recognize the classic TI-84 from one of your math classes. Online graphing calculators are fairly new, and often free. We’ll go over the best physical and online graphing calculators to help you decide which one is right for you.

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