SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

The Best SAT and ACT Test Dates for Senior Fall

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Senior year is coming up, and you're ready to take a last shot at the SAT or ACT before applying to college. But when should you take the test? And how can you ensure that your scores make it to colleges on time?

Read on to see a list of the fall and winter test dates as well as a detailed guide on how to choose the best date for your situation.

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Penn State vs UPenn: Which Is Ivy League?

The University of Pennsylvania vs Penn State University: you've likely heard of these schools (and maybe even thought they were the same thing!). But do you know the basic differences between them? In addition, many people are aware that one of these schools is part of the Ivy League, but which one is it? Is Penn State Ivy League? Or is Penn Ivy League?

We answer all these questions here in our complete UPenn vs Penn State guide. We'll then go over the pros and cons of attending each university and provide you with key tips for figuring out which school is a better match for you.

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The 10 Best Computer Science Competitions for Teens

Are you a coder or computer science lover and want to show off your skills? Computer science competitions are a great way to do that! We've gathered information on 10 of the best computer science and coding competitions high school students can participate in. Look over the descriptions that seem most interesting to you, then keep reading to learn everything you need to do to make participating in these competitions stand out on your college applications.

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Does Your PSAT Score Qualify for National Merit?

Are you gearing up to rock the PSAT this fall and wondering what score you need to qualify for National Merit? This guide will give you 51 different answers to that question.

Don't worry, it's not a complicated response. It's just that the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) compares test takers on a state-by-state basis. To become a National Merit Semifinalist, you have to score in the top 1% of students in your state.

This guide will fill you in on all qualifying cutoff scores from coast to coast (plus Alaska and Hawaii) for the PSAT. But first, let's review exactly who qualifies for National Merit.

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The Expert's Guide to the AP Psychology Exam

Taking AP Exams can be stressful, but if you know what to expect on test day, you can eliminate a lot of that anxiety. The AP Psychology exam is one of the more popular AP tests, and it has a pretty straightforward format and scoring system. In this article, I'll tell you what's on the AP Psychology test, how it's graded, and which prep methods you should use to get a great score.

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What Is an AP Test Perfect Score? Do You Need One?

If you read your local newspaper, you might have seen an article about someone from your area getting a perfect score on an AP exam. But what is an AP test perfect score, and how is it different from a 5?

Keep reading to find out what an AP exam perfect score is, what it means, how many students get one, and if it's a goal you should be aiming for.

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Exactly How Hard Are AP Tests and Classes?

Sure, they can help you get college credit and make your transcript more impressive. But are AP tests hard?

The answer isn't an easy yes or no. You need to consider many factors, including your own academic strengths, your school, and national score statistics. We'll guide you through these different factors and help you decide for yourself how hard AP tests will be!

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All 115 Need-Blind Colleges in the US: A Complete Guide

When universities go through admissions applications, they take many factors into consideration, like your grades, your extracurriculars, and even your personality!

But many college applicants don't realize that some universities also consider you—and your family's—ability to pay tuition as well. The hard truth is that some universities use an applicant's ability to pay tuition without financial aid as a factor in the admissions process. Many universities consider how students can contribute to their institution financially when they make admissions decisions.

This sounds like scary news. But don't worry! Many schools are addressing the issue by transitioning to need-blind admissions policies, which remove economic status as an admissions criteria.

In this guide, we'll give you a complete list of need-blind colleges in the United States and answer all of your burning questions, including:

  • What is need-blind admission?
  • How do need-blind policies affect tuition costs?
  • What should you look for in a need-blind school?

So let's get started!

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The Ultimate Guide to the AP Statistics Exam

Are you taking AP Statistics? If so, you're likely wondering what to expect from the AP Statistics exam. Before you sit down to take the final test, it's important to understand how the AP Stats test is formatted, what topics it will cover, and how it'll be scored.

This guide will explain all of that information, show you official sample problems and give you tips on the best way to prepare for the AP Statistics test.

In 2025, the AP Statistics exam will take place on Thursday, May 8th at 8:00am.

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These Are the Easiest AP Classes for You

What are the easiest AP classes and/or the easiest AP tests? Answering this question isn't so simple as just giving you a list, since there are a lot of factors that could make an AP class easy.

The easiest AP tests could have hard classes to go with them, or vice versa. You also have to think about your school, the national average scores, and your own personal strengths when figuring out which AP courses are relatively easy. But don't worry—we'll help you break down these factors and decide which AP tests will be easiest for you!

In this article, we'll first discuss your particular situation—your skills and your school. Then, we'll look at national data on passing rates and reputation for easiness.

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The Expert's Guide to the AP Human Geography Exam

AP Human Geography is an investigation of how the human species has populated the earth and developed different cultures, political systems, and means of production. This is a subject that can be a little hard to pin down because it represents an intersection of lots of different information.

How does the College Board test such a wide range of topics? Continue reading to gain a better understanding of the lay of the land (so to speak) on the AP Human Geography exam!

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The Expert's Guide to the AP European History Exam

The AP European History course and exam cover the history of Europe from 1450 to the present. That means you'll be asked about everything from the Renaissance to the European Union—it's a lot! In addition, the course has had recent updates, making everything a bit more complicated.

If you need guidance for the AP European History exam, read on. In this article, we'll give you an overview of the exam, take a close look at each of its sections, offer some key preparation tips, and explain some important things to keep in mind on test day.

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The Ultimate Guide to the AP US History Exam

The AP US History exam involves critical reading, writing, and in-depth analysis. It's not just about memorizing names and dates, but rather interpreting historical evidence quickly and accurately, recalling outside information on a topic, and synthesizing your ideas into a coherent argument.

In this guide, we'll give you a rundown of the format and structure of the AP US History test along with a brief content outline, sample questions, and some tips for a great score.

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The Expert's Guide to the AP Chemistry Exam

AP Chemistry is a challenging subject, and many students feel nervous about taking on the exam at the end of the school year. But if you have a sense of what to expect on the AP Chemistry test well in advance, you'll be able to prepare appropriately for it.

In this guide, I'll lay out the structure and content of the AP Chemistry exam, give you examples of different types of questions you'll see on it, and tell you how to study effectively for it!

In 2025, the AP Chemistry exam is on Tuesday, May 6 at 8:00am.

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These Are the Hardest AP Classes and Tests for You

Thinking of signing up for AP classes? Want the greatest possible challenge? Or are you trying to avoid biting off more than you can chew?

In this post, we'll explain what makes an AP class hard, list the hardest AP classes, and help you prepare for them.

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