SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

How to Win the Gates Scholarship


The Gates Scholarship is a program with a huge impact. Launched in 2017, the program's mission is to give opportunities to outstanding minority students to reach their highest potential.

In this guide, I'll go through all the details of the scholarship and the application protocols. After that, I'll give you expert tips and strategies for putting together the strongest Gates Scholarship application possible. Read on to learn more!

Note: The Gates Scholarship was established in 2017 as a replacement for the Gates Millennium Scholars Program, which reached its goal of 20,000 scholars in 2016.

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Should You Go to a Public Ivy? 5 Factors to Consider

Most people have heard of the illustrious eight private schools that make up the Ivy League. But what about high-quality public universities, or "Public Ivy League" schools? Are there any public schools out there that can match the caliber of top private schools?

Find out what the Public Ivies are and why you should consider applying to them.

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The 21 Best Colleges for Students With Learning Disabilities

Figuring out which colleges you're interested in is arguably the most difficult part of the college application process. There's so much information to sift through—how could brief campus visits and informational brochures really tell you where you'll be most successful?

This process is even harder for students with learning disabilities. You want to make sure there are programs in place to help you be the best you can be no matter where you go to school.

If you want to apply to colleges for students with learning disabilities, this article is a great place to start your college search. We'll start off by talking about what these specialty programs have to offer before getting to the rankings. Afterward, we'll discuss the next steps to take if you decide a learning disability program is right for you.

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The 9 Best Film Schools in the US

In the past few years, applying to film school has gotten extremely competitive: top schools like USC's School of Cinematic Arts now boast lower admission rates than the Ivies. Simultaneously, the number of film programs has grown—rising from about 300 in 2006 to almost 400 today.

With so many programs available and so much competition for the top spots, where should you apply? In order to help you find the right school for you, I've compiled a list of the best film schools in the US, based on my experience as a film student and actress in LA.

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The Expert's Guide to the AP Microeconomics Exam

Are you taking AP Microeconomics? If so, you'll likely be taking the AP exam this spring? In 2022, the AP Micro exam will be held on Friday, May 6, at 12 pm. Knowing what to expect from the Microeconomics exam will help you feel calm and confident on exam day.

Read this guide to learn everything you need to know about the AP Microeconomics exam, including what its format is, what questions will look like, and the steps you need to take in order to get your best score on the exam.

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PreACT Practice Tests: Where to Find Them and How to Prep

Getting ready to take the PreACT? Then you might be wondering whether you should prep for it—and what resources you can use. Is there a PreACT practice test you can take? What kinds of PreACT resources does ACT, Inc. offer?

Keep reading to learn why it's a good idea to lightly prep for the PreACT, and get a comprehensive list of the best PreACT practice tests and materials you can use in your studying.

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What Is the PARCC Test? Do You Have to Take It?

Finding reliable information on what PARCC tests are and what they involve can be tough. In this guide, I'll go over everything you need to know about PARCC exams, including where they're administered, what they test, and how to prepare.

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The 11 Best Pharmacy Schools

Is your career goal to become a pharmacist? If so, you're probably wondering where the best place to get a pharmacy degree is. Figuring out which pharmacy schools are best can be difficult, but we've done the hard work and compiled a list of the 11 best pharmacy schools in the United States.

Each of these best schools for pharmacy has a description that explains what makes it an excellent program, and we also include a list of questions to ask yourself to help you decide which is the best pharmacy program for you.

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10 Best Interior Design Schools in the US

An education in interior design is getting more and more important for aspiring professionals in the field. In many states, you can't call yourself an interior designer unless you have a license or a certain level of education.

If you're thinking about becoming an interior designer, you'll want to know about the best interior design schools you can attend in the US. Whether you want to work on residential or commercial design, the following programs will prepare you well for your future career as an interior designer. But before we get to the rankings list, let's briefly go over what makes interior design programs unique.

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The 5 Best AP World History Books for Practice and Review


It's hard to know where to begin when studying for AP World History. Though the exam mainly covers broad themes and trends, there's so much information to sift through that it can be easy to get lost in the weeds. Review books can help guide your study plan, ensure that you revisit the most important concepts, and teach you critical test-taking strategies.

In this article, we'll go through the best books to use for studying AP World History and how you can choose one that will give you the tools you need to ace this test.

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The Best AP Chemistry Notes to Study With

It can be difficult to keep your notes organized throughout the school year, especially in a class that covers so much content. This article will give you links to notes on every topic included in the AP Chemistry curriculum. If you're missing some of your notes, or if you just want a more structured overview of what you need to know for the exam, you've come to the right place! We'll also give you some study tips so that you can use both these notes and the notes you took throughout the year to your best advantage.

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The Best AP US History Notes to Study With

Want some notes to help break down your AP US History class? Or are you looking to brush up on a historical period you're having a hard time remembering?

We have detailed notes organized by US History units, which work with the most recent AP US History guidelines. Read on to get help with AP US History and learn how to prepare for the test.

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The Best AP US History Quizzes You Should Be Taking

Looking for some AP US History quizzes to use in your study sessions? You're in luck. We've got a long list of quizzes you can use throughout the year and in the spring as you're studying for the AP exam. Read on to get an AP US History workout!

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The 4 Best AP US History Textbooks, Reviewed

What are the best AP US History textbooks you can buy? Which books should you use in your course and AP exam prep? In this article, we'll go over the most popular APUSH textbooks as well as some books to consider if you're self-studying or on a budget. Read on if you're looking to get your own AP US History textbook!

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Every IB Business and Management Past Paper Available: FREE and Official

If you want to do well on your IB exams (which you should since acing them will get you college credits!), you need to prepare as you would for any other standardized test: with practice tests.

But preparing for an IB exam doesn't simply mean reviewing your class notes. You should use IB Business Management past papers as practice tests so that you feel prepared for the length, format, and types of questions asked.

In this article, we'll provide you with links to IB Business Management past papers, free and official. Additionally, we'll give you advice on how to use them to ace the real IB Business Management test.

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