SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

How to Study for AP Exams: 5-Step Plan

Preparing for AP exams can feel like a Sisyphean task. On top of keeping up with the demanding coursework and all your other obligations, you have to prepare for a three-hour, multi-part exam?

Yes, you do—but more importantly, you can! If you don't know how to study for AP exams, this is the guide for you. I'll cover all the major steps to AP success, including content review, exam skill-building, and prepping for triumph on test day.

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157 Fun Trivia Questions for Kids and Adults

Looking for fun and challenging trivia questions and answers? We've got them! Use our list of over 150 questions to change up your game nights. We've organized the trivia questions into eight categories, including movies, science, history, random trivia questions, and trivia questions for kids.

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Expert Guide: Should I Go to Community College First?

Community college can be a great option for many students who are ready to step into higher education but aren’t ready to go to a four-year university for financial, academic, or a host of other reasons. 

But how do you know if going to a community college first is right for you? In this article, we’re going to give you an honest assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of going to community college before pursuing a four-year degree. So if you’re asking yourself, “Should I go to community college first? Is it bad to go to community college then transfer?” this article will help you out! We’ll cover the following in this article: 

  • What a community college is
  • Reasons for going to community college first, then university
  • Reasons to go to vocational school first
  • Reasons to start at a four-year college
  • A visual comparison of community college vs vocational school vs 4-year college

Let’s get started!


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Is It Gray or Grey? How to Spell the Color

If you want to spell that color between white and black, how do you spell it? Is it grey or gray? Why are there even two spellings to begin with? And how can you be sure you're using the correct one? Read on to learn the answers to each of these questions!

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The 85 Most Common Last Names in the World

Last names, also known as surnames, can tell us a lot about our family history and cultural identity. Our surnames can help us trace our family trees, but they can also tell us about the history of how people traveled across the world, built their communities, and contributed to society. 

It turns out that there’s actually a lot to know about last names...including why some last names are more popular than others. (There’s more to it than you might think!) We’ll go over: 

  • The history of how last names came to be
  • Why some last names are more common than others 
  • The most common last names in the U.S. 
  • The most common names in the world 

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started!


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How to Write a Perfect Synthesis Essay for the AP Language Exam

If you're planning to take the AP Language (or AP Lang) exam, you might already know that 55% of your overall exam score will be based on three essays. The first of the three essays you'll have to write on the AP Language exam is called the "synthesis essay." If you want to earn full points on this portion of the AP Lang Exam, you need to know what a synthesis essay is and what skills are assessed by the AP Lang synthesis essay.

In this article, we'll explain the different aspects of the AP Lang synthesis essay, including what skills you need to demonstrate in your synthesis essay response in order to achieve a good score. We'll also give you a full breakdown of a real AP Lang Synthesis Essay prompt, provide an analysis of an AP Lang synthesis essay example, and give you four tips for how to write a synthesis essay.

Let's get started by taking a closer look at how the AP Lang synthesis essay works!

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Every Table on the AP Physics 1 Equation Sheet, Explained

One great thing about the AP Physics 1 exam is that exam takers have access to a table of equations and formulas to reference during the exam (which is often referred to as the "AP Physics 1 equation sheet").

But the AP Physics 1 reference tables include a lot of information! If you aren't already familiar with the formula sheet before you take the exam, you might end up wasting valuable time trying to navigate the different equations and remember when and how to use them.

To help you out, we've developed a PrepScholar Physics 1 equation sheet. This sheet contains all the equations you'll see on the actual AP Physics 1 equation sheet plus additional explanations to help you use it as a study tool.

In the rest of this article, we're going to give you a detailed explanation of each table of information supplied on the AP Physics 1 equation sheet and explain how it can be used on the exam. We'll also give you three tips for using the formula sheet on the exam, and three tips for using the formula sheet to study for the exam.

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How to Send AP Scores to Colleges

If you've taken AP exams, you might be wondering how to send AP scores to colleges. How do you ensure that colleges get your AP scores? Is it possible to send official AP score reports?

Here, we give you a complete guide that goes over how to send AP scores, which colleges want to see these scores with your applications, and how you can save money on sending scores.

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Who Is Medusa, the Snake-Haired Gorgon?

You've probably heard of Medusa and know that she's the woman with snakes for hair. But who is Medusa really? How did she come to be so terrifying, and who killed Medusa in the end? The Medusa story is one of the most popular and enduring of all ancient Greek myths, and here we explain Medusa's entire life (and after death) story.

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What Is Electrical Energy? Examples and Explanation

Electrical energy is an important concept that helps run the world as we know it. In the U.S. alone, the average family uses 10,649 kilowatthours (kWh) per year, which is enough electrical energy to brew over 120,000 pots of coffee!

But understanding what electrical energy is and how it works can be tricky. That’s why we’ve put together this article to help enlighten you! (Pardon our dad joke.)

Keep reading to learn all about electrical energy, including:

  • The definition of electrical energy
  • How electrical energy works
  • If electrical energy is potential or kinetic
  • Electrical energy examples

 By the time you’re finished with this article, you’ll know the essentials of electrical energy and be able to see its influence all around you.

We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s dive in!

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How to Transfer Colleges Successfully: Complete Guide

Transferring colleges can be a very difficult decision to make, but you need to find the college that is the right fit for you even if it means transferring. Whether you're trying to transfer from a 2-year school to a 4-year school or from one 4-year university to another, this article is to help you on your journey to transfer!

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What Are AP Classes? Why Should You Take Them?


If you have started high school recently or are due to start soon, you might be wondering, "What are AP classes?" You might have heard that they are extra-advanced or that you can earn college credit by passing AP exams. But how do these classes work exactly?

Read on for our guide to AP courses and learn how these special classes can get you ahead.

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How to Find the Best AP Practice Tests

As you begin to prepare for your AP exams, you’ll need to consider which kinds of study tools will help you make the most of your prep time and help you meet your target score.

One of the most important study tools in your arsenal is the AP practice test. This is true no matter which AP exam you’re taking. In this article, I’ll go over why you should use AP practice tests, what roles they can serve in your studying process, and how to find the best AP practice exams for any AP.

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Yin and Yang: What Does the Symbol Mean?

You've seen the symbol, but what does yin yang mean? Not to mention, which is yin and which is yang? Yin and yang principles have a long and fascinating history behind them, and we've compiled all the most interesting and important bits in this article. Read on to learn:

  • The different meanings of yin and yang
  • What the yin yang symbol means and why it looks the way it does
  • A brief history of yin and yang (this symbol has been around much longer than you think!)
  • How yin yang principles have been used by everybody from politicians to interior decorators to martial artists
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What Is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? The 5 Levels Explained

You've probably heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but what does it actually mean? Maslow's hierarchy is frequently mentioned, but what are its main points, why has it become so popular, and is it even accurate? In this article, we dive into Maslow's hierarchy of needs and answer the following questions:

  • What is Maslows hierarchy of needs?
  • What are the five levels of Maslow's hierarchy (and why do some sources mention eight levels?)
  • What are some Maslow's hierarchy of needs examples?
  • How is Maslow's hierarchy used in the real world?
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