SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Expert Guide: Should I Go to Community College First?

Community college can be a great option for many students who are ready to step into higher education but aren’t ready to go to a four-year university for financial, academic, or a host of other reasons. 

But how do you know if going to a community college first is right for you? In this article, we’re going to give you an honest assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of going to community college before pursuing a four-year degree. So if you’re asking yourself, “Should I go to community college first? Is it bad to go to community college then transfer?” this article will help you out! We’ll cover the following in this article: 

  • What a community college is
  • Reasons for going to community college first, then university
  • Reasons to go to vocational school first
  • Reasons to start at a four-year college
  • A visual comparison of community college vs vocational school vs 4-year college

Let’s get started!


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Is It Gray or Grey? How to Spell the Color

If you want to spell that color between white and black, how do you spell it? Is it grey or gray? Why are there even two spellings to begin with? And how can you be sure you're using the correct one? Read on to learn the answers to each of these questions!

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The 85 Most Common Last Names in the World

Last names, also known as surnames, can tell us a lot about our family history and cultural identity. Our surnames can help us trace our family trees, but they can also tell us about the history of how people traveled across the world, built their communities, and contributed to society. 

It turns out that there’s actually a lot to know about last names...including why some last names are more popular than others. (There’s more to it than you might think!) We’ll go over: 

  • The history of how last names came to be
  • Why some last names are more common than others 
  • The most common last names in the U.S. 
  • The most common names in the world 

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started!


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Who Is Medusa, the Snake-Haired Gorgon?

You've probably heard of Medusa and know that she's the woman with snakes for hair. But who is Medusa really? How did she come to be so terrifying, and who killed Medusa in the end? The Medusa story is one of the most popular and enduring of all ancient Greek myths, and here we explain Medusa's entire life (and after death) story.

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What Is Electrical Energy? Examples and Explanation

Electrical energy is an important concept that helps run the world as we know it. In the U.S. alone, the average family uses 10,649 kilowatthours (kWh) per year, which is enough electrical energy to brew over 120,000 pots of coffee!

But understanding what electrical energy is and how it works can be tricky. That’s why we’ve put together this article to help enlighten you! (Pardon our dad joke.)

Keep reading to learn all about electrical energy, including:

  • The definition of electrical energy
  • How electrical energy works
  • If electrical energy is potential or kinetic
  • Electrical energy examples

 By the time you’re finished with this article, you’ll know the essentials of electrical energy and be able to see its influence all around you.

We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s dive in!

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Yin and Yang: What Does the Symbol Mean?

You've seen the symbol, but what does yin yang mean? Not to mention, which is yin and which is yang? Yin and yang principles have a long and fascinating history behind them, and we've compiled all the most interesting and important bits in this article. Read on to learn:

  • The different meanings of yin and yang
  • What the yin yang symbol means and why it looks the way it does
  • A brief history of yin and yang (this symbol has been around much longer than you think!)
  • How yin yang principles have been used by everybody from politicians to interior decorators to martial artists
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What Is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? The 5 Levels Explained

You've probably heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but what does it actually mean? Maslow's hierarchy is frequently mentioned, but what are its main points, why has it become so popular, and is it even accurate? In this article, we dive into Maslow's hierarchy of needs and answer the following questions:

  • What is Maslows hierarchy of needs?
  • What are the five levels of Maslow's hierarchy (and why do some sources mention eight levels?)
  • What are some Maslow's hierarchy of needs examples?
  • How is Maslow's hierarchy used in the real world?
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The Complete History of Hip Hop

Although widely synonymous with rap music today, hip-hop actually got its start as a full-on cultural movement in the 1970s. For the first few decades that the term was around, hip-hop wasn’t just about music: it also referred to art, style, dance, and philosophy.

In this article, we cover the full history of hip hop dance and music and include a helpful hip hop history timeline for reference.

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What Is the Specific Heat of Water? How Is It Special?

If you’ve ever walked along a beach on a sunny day and dipped your toes in the water to cool them off after the hot sand, you’ve taken advantage of the specific heat of water.

Despite how it may sound, specific heat doesn’t refer to the exact temperature of something. It’s a larger scientific concept that has to do with the energy it takes to heat a substance up. As you might have noticed from the example, not all substances warm up at the same rate—hence the different temperatures of the sand and water.

Water’s specific heat is one of its most interesting characteristics. In this article, we’ll be covering what specific heat is, what equation you use to find specific heat, and why water’s specific heat is so high.

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Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken: Meaning and Analysis

Robert Frost is arguably one of the most well-known American poets of all time, so it’s not surprising that his work is taught in high schools and colleges across the nation. Because he’s so famous, chances are you’ve encountered “The Road Not Taken” before.

We’re here to help you build a deeper understanding of “The Road Not Taken.” To help you learn what Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” poem is all about, we’ll cover the following in this article:

  • A brief intro to the poet, Robert Frost
  • Information about the poem’s background
  • “The Road Not Taken” meaning
  • “The Road Not Taken” analysis, including the top two themes in the poem
  • The poetic devices in “The Road Not Taken” that you need to know

There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get going!


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The 11 Solubility Rules and How to Use Them

One of the first science experiments I remember was adding salt to a cup of water and waiting eagerly for it to dissolve. Though I was excited to watch the salt seem to “disappear” I definitely didn’t understand the intricacies of solubility. Luckily, solubility follows a list of rules that helps us determine how soluble a substance is, like how likely that salt is to dissolve into that water (sneak peek- it’s very likely). We’re going to go over what solubility is, how it works, and the complete list of solubility rules to help you determine the solubility of substances.

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Maya Angelou's Still I Rise: Poem Analysis

Maya Angelou is one of the most important literary figures in twentieth century American history. Her poetry is often included on reading lists for high school English courses, and it may even make an appearance on the AP Literature exam.

In this article, we’ll give you a full introduction to Angelou and her engaging poetry so that you’ll be equipped to analyze it all on your own. To do this, we’re going to guide you through a close analysis of one of Angelou’s most famous poems, “Still I Rise.”

To help you learn what Angelou’s “Still I Rise” poem is all about, we’ll cover the following in this article: 

  • A brief intro to the poet, Maya Angelou
  • “Still I Rise” poem background
  • The overarching meaning of “Still I Rise”
  • The top three themes in the poem
  • The top two poetic devices in the poem

Are you ready to dive in? Then let’s go!


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Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

Driven, excelling, adaptable. If these words describe you, then there’s a chance you might be an Enneagram Type 3. 

Enneagram Type 3s are known as achievers. They’re the success-oriented trailblazers of the Enneagram—the folks you’ll find out there getting things done (and doing them well). 

If you want to learn more about what makes Threes tick, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll go over:

  • How to tell if you’re an Enneagram 3 (plus a quick quiz!) 
  • The top five things to know about being an Enneagram 3
  • What Enneagram Type 3 relationships are like  
  • The best Enneagram Type 3 careers 
  • The Enneagram Type 3 wings (Enneagram Type 3 wing 2 and Enneagram Type 3 wing 4)

Are you ready to learn about Enneagram 3? Then let’s begin!

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The 13 Hardest College Majors to Challenge Yourself

What are the hardest college majors? You might assume it's all those complicated STEM majors—and you wouldn't necessarily be wrong.

In this article, we look at the various factors normally used to determine whether a major is hard before going over the 13 most difficult majors based on how many hours students typically spend each week preparing for classes. We also give you a few tips for finding the right college major for you.

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The 7 Best GED Prep Books for 2021: Which Should You Use?

If you don't have a high school diploma, you can still earn an equivalent credential by getting your General Education Diploma, or GED. Having a GED can open up many more opportunities for you, especially since most U.S. employers require employees to have a high school diploma or an equivalency.

If you don't have a high school diploma, you're a great candidate for taking the GED test and earning your GED. The exam is designed to determine whether you have the academic skills equivalent to those of a high school senior, so you'll be tested in four subject areas: math, language arts, social studies, and science.

That's a lot of information to know, which is why one of the best ways to study for the GED is by using a GED book. GED study books are designed to help you learn all the material you'll be tested on when you actually take the test.

In this article, we'll walk you through the best GED books on the market so you can choose the one that's right for you. Then we'll give you our top six study tips to help you ace your exam.

Let's get started!


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