SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Kairos: The Modes of Persuasion and How to Use Them

Ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos all stem from rhetoric—that is, speaking and writing effectively. You might find the concepts in courses on rhetoric, psychology, English, or in just about any other field!

The concepts of ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos are also called the modes of persuasion, ethical strategies, or rhetorical appeals. They have a lot of different applications ranging from everyday interactions with others to big political speeches to effective advertising.

Read on to learn about what the modes of persuasion are, how they’re used, and how to identify them!

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100 Easy Drawing Ideas to Spark Your Inspiration

Whether you’re an experienced artist or a beginner, one thing’s for sure: drawing ideas are hard to come by. Though it might be tempting to wait for the inspiration to strike you, many people recommend spending some time drawing every day to build your skills! You don’t have to produce a masterpiece every day, but investing just a little time in honing your skills can make a big difference over time.

But that raises the obvious question of what you’re going to draw. Rather than letting yourself get frozen with indecision, let this list of cool drawing ideas be your guide!

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How Many Zeros in a Billion? A Million? A Trillion?

Wondering how many zeros are in a billion? A trillion? A nonillion?

Whether you’ve recently won the lottery and are trying to make sure your bank account has the correct number of zeros or you’re simply trying to find an easy way to understand how many zeros are in large numbers (over a million), this is the article for you.

We’ll break down an easy trick for figuring out how many zeros are in large numbers and provide a handy chart for easy reference.

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What Is NATO? A Short Introduction

If you’re thinking about taking the AP U.S. History or AP World History exams, it’s important that you have a good understanding of the major events and organizations that have shaped the nation—and the world.

One critical topic that you should know about is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. If you’ve watched the news (or listened in history class!), you’ve probably heard the term NATO mentioned quite a bit. But what is NATO, exactly? And why is NATO important?

In this short but sweet guide, we’ll give you all the need-to-know information about NATO, like NATO’s definition, an overview of NATO history, and a look into how NATO works today. We’ll also give you a short list of additional resources that you can check out for even more information.

So let’s get started!


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What Is a Rational Number? Definition and Examples

Have you heard the term “rational numbers?” Are you wondering, “What is a rational number?” If so, you’re in the right place!

In this article, we’ll discuss the rational number definition, give rational numbers examples, and offer some tips and tricks for understanding if a number is rational or irrational.

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I.e. vs E.g. vs Ex.: Which Is Which?

Struggling to figure out when you should use e.g. vs i.e.? What about i.e. vs ex.? E.g. vs e.x.?

Those are enough abbreviations to make your head spin! In this article, we'll break down what i.e., e.g., and ex. all stand for and explain how to use each properly in a sentence. We'll also give you some quick tips for remembering which is which.

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Composite Numbers: What Are They? How Can You Spot Them?

Do you know the difference between prime and composite numbers? If not, don’t worry! You’ve come to the right place.

In this post, we’ll talk about what prime and composite numbers are and give you a handy chart you can use to quickly see if something is a composite number.

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10 Fun 5th Grade Math Games to Help You Learn

Looking for a fun and effective way to reinforce the math skills learned in 5th grade? Try playing a game! Games are a great way to solidify the key lessons fifth graders learn in the classroom while also having fun.

In this article, we'll talk about the key skills students learn in fifth grade, why games are so important for mastering those skills, and give you a list of 10 games you can start playing right now.

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Should You Be a Communications Major?

Most colleges offer a communications major. In fact, you probably know at least a few people who plan to major or are currently majoring in the field. What exactly does a communications major entail in terms of coursework and skills? And what kinds of jobs and salaries can you expect with a communications degree?

Read on to learn what a communications major is, what the most popular jobs for communications majors are, and what the job outlook is for each major job option. We’ll also provide you with some tips on how to determine whether a communications major is the right path for you.

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3 Expert Tips for Using the Unit Circle

If you’re studying trig or calculus—or getting ready to—you’ll need to get familiar with the unit circle. The unit circle is an essential tool used to solve for the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle. But how does it work? And what information do you need to know in order to use it?

In this article, we explain what the unit circle is and why you should know it. We also give you three tips to help you remember how to use the unit circle.

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The 3 Steps to Convert Decimals to Fractions (and Back)

Wondering how to convert decimals to fractions? Or how to convert fractions to decimals? It’s easier than you think! Keep reading to see the steps for decimal to fraction conversions (including why you need to follow different steps if you have a repeating decimal), steps for fraction to decimal conversions, a handy chart with common decimal/fraction conversions, and tips for quickly estimating conversions.

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Understanding the 4 Writing Styles: How to Identify and Use Them

A piece’s writing style can help you figure out what kind of writing it is, what its purpose is, and how the author’s voice is unique. With so many different types of writing, you may think it’s difficult to figure out the specific writing style of a piece or you'll need to search through a long list of writing styles.

However, there are actually just four main types of writing styles, and together they cover practically all the writing you see, from textbooks to novels, to billboards and more.  Whether you’re studying writing styles for class or trying to develop your own writing style and looking for information, we’ve got you covered.

In this guide, we explain the four styles of writing, provide examples for each one, go over the one thing you need to know to identify writing style, and give tips to help you develop your own unique style of writing.

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What Is Dynamic Equilibrium? Definition and Examples

Dynamic equilibrium is an important concept in chemistry. But what is dynamic equilibrium exactly? How can something be dynamic but also at equilibrium? Keep reading to learn the best dynamic equilibrium definition, common dynamic equilibrium examples, and how dynamic and static equilibrium may look the same but are in fact very different.

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31 Fun Pipe Cleaner Crafts for Kids

Pipe cleaner crafts are one of the easiest and most fun types of crafts to do with children. In this guide, we’ve compiled 31 of the best pipe cleaner crafts for kids. They range from crafts that take only a few minutes and can be done by very young children, to crafts that are a little more involved but will produce toys that’ll last for many hours of play.

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71 Body Parts in Spanish and How to Talk About Them

Are you studying Spanish and want to know the Spanish names of different parts of the body? In this guide we’ve created three charts of human body parts in Spanish and English. The charts cover external body parts, like hair and toes, internal organs, and the skeleton.

Together, these charts contain more than 70 parts of the body, so you’re sure to find the Spanish vocab words you’re looking for. We also include a chart of common phrases you can use to talk about body parts in Spanish so that you can put your new vocab skills to use.

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